Chapter 11: Hunt

At the door of the hotel, Shang Zheng Bang walked towards the carpark with a cigarette in his mouth, his mind was still thinking about the few models who were in bed with him moments ago. Behind him, a black man wearing a black suit followed him religiously. Shang Zheng Bang had a hearty conversation with him and went into his Pagani Zonda sports car.

This supercar has the highest efficiency of 800 horsepower, its entire frame is made with carbon fibre, taking 3.2 seconds to get from 0 to 100km/h. Priced at twenty million dollars, there is less than 10 of it in the world, and the car plate is an absurd A00000. It is Shang Zheng Bang’s 20th birthday present.

No matter which police officer in Zhongdu City saw this sports car, whether it was speeding or beating the red light, they will pretend to not see it.

The bodyguard sat in the pa.s.senger seat, Shang Zheng Bang ignited started the engine, stepped on the pedal and the car rushed out, disappearing into the public road in an instant.

Shang Zheng Bang sped along the way, the Pagani Zonda was indeed a supercar, so fast that others could not even see the tail light.

Seeing that the speed had exceed 200km/h, the bodyguard could not stand it any longer and asked Shang Zheng Bang: “Shang, we’re not in a rush for time, there’s no need to go so fast right?” He was sent here to protect Shang Zheng Bang, not die in a car accident.

Shang Zheng Bang misunderstood that he was worried about the traffic police and said smugly: “Haha, J, this is Great Xia’s Zhongdu City, it doesn’t matter how fast I drive. Watch.” Saying so, he sped up once more reaching 250km/h.

However, there are still a lot of cars in Zhongdu, after a while, Shang Zheng Bang was forced to decelerate as the traffic grew. Seeing this, J wiped the imaginary sweat off his forehead, finally able to relax.

At this time, a traffic police on a motorbike chased up to them and blocked in front of Shang Zheng Bang’s car, forcing him to stop.

The traffic police officer’s name is Ruan Hong, it was his first day of work and he did not recognise Shang Zheng Bang’s car. Seeing that someone ahead had sped to 250km/h, he immediately gave chase.

“Please produce your driving license.”

Shang Zheng Bang had said earlier in front of J that everything was fine but at the next moment he was stopped by the traffic police. Feeling that he had lost all his face, he spat his phlegm on Yuan Hong’s uniform and scolded: “Motherf.u.c.king r.e.t.a.r.d, do you know who I am?”

Having his shirt dirtied by the phlegm, Yuan Hong was also angry, but as a policeman he could not retaliate the same way or the matter would get big. He forced himself to calm down and said: “The driving speed limit is 80, you were driving at 250. Do you know how much you had sped? I am going to confiscate your license.”

“Confiscate your mother!” Shang Zheng Bang got off the car and gave Yuan Hong a slap, but he evaded it.

“Stop it! Try again and I’ll arrest you for a.s.saulting a police officer.” While he was saying that, Shang Zheng Bang hurled a few more punches and kicks at him but as his body was extremely weak due to his unhealthy habits, he could not even land a single hit on Yuan Hong who had graduated from the police academy.

Shang Zheng Bang got angrier as he attacked, suddenly he turned around and said to J: “Get him!”

Yuan Hong looked towards J, only to see him shrugging his shoulders, and suddenly smiled, revealing a set of white teeth. All of a sudden, Yuan Hong felt that he was out of breath as he started getting dizzy.

“What…. what have you… done?”

Shang Zheng Bang seeing Yuan Hong swaying around in dizziness, laughed loudly and rushed up, kicking him to the ground. Next, he a.s.saulted with both his fists and legs, continuously attacking Yuan Hong, paying no attention to his policeman ident.i.ty.

“f.u.c.ker, you dare to confiscate my license?”

“Police? I grew up loving to hit the police.”

“Ruining my mood, even if you were the emperor I’d hit you.”

Ending off with a few kicks, seeing Yuan Hong sprawled on the ground, his head bleeding profusely, Shang Zheng Bang breathed out in satisfaction as he left in the dark with J. He still had a party to go to and did not have any time to bother with such a small ranking policeman.

The result was that he got dead drunk at night, and only in the afternoon of the second day did he walk up on the bed of a luxurious five star hotel.

Turning his head to look at the sun shining into the room and two women still sound asleep, Shang Zheng Bang could not resist in touching their b.r.e.a.s.t.s again, causing a chain of moans.

‘Calling yourself a first year university student and pretending to be pure with me? After a few tens of thousands of dollars aren’t you lying down on my bed like a b.i.t.c.h anyway?’ Thinking of this, Shang Zheng Bang smiled smugly again.

After washing up, Shang Zheng Bang took a look at his phone and saw over 10 missed calls, thus he called Wei Shi Shi first. He was still infatuated with this woman, and furthermore she was pregnant with his baby, he did not want to make her angry. Thus, he explained that he was working overtime last night.

The next few missed calls were from his father, as well as some people from the police station. He called them back one by one, and found out that the case with the traffic police yesterday had blown up.

Firstly, the policeman that he beat up was sent into the hospital as a vegetable. The family wants the culprit to take responsibility, but it had been temporarily kept under wraps by the colleagues in the traffic police department.

When he was beating up that policeman yesterday, a couple had used their phones to secretly record it down and uploaded it on the web. Fortunately, his father and the media department immediately suppressed the video and deleted it on all related threads and forums on the internet.

Shang Zheng Bang felt very repressed. First was Li Anping, then some small fry dares to provoke him as well, they really were all courting death. Thus, he called Xu Li Chuan: “Uncle Xu, I was bullied, what do you think I should do?”

Hearing this, Xu Li Chuan immediately screamed: “Who dares to? Tell me, I’ll stand up for you.”

“Just because I drove a little fast yesterday, some stupid traffic policeman came and blocked me and ended up getting beaten up. Now that he got ill, they want to pin it on me. There’s also another f.u.c.king couple who took down a video of me and uploaded it on the internet.”

“Understood, I’ll get to it.”

“Also, Uncle Xu, don’t let my dad know I called you.”

“I know.”

Next, Xu Li Chuan immediately called the superintendent of the traffic police: “You traffic police really aren’t giving face huh? How can you let Young Master Shang be so upset?”

The superintendent kept on apologising, saying he wants to invite Young Master Shang to dinner, and toast him wine in apology.

After calling the traffic police, Xu Li Chuan thought for a while, and remembered that Huo Qing had wanted to prove his loyalty these few days, thus he gave him a call.

An hour later, as Yuan Hong had partic.i.p.ated in a gang fight, he was dishonourable discharged from the police force, all the living expenses and medical fees have to be handled by him, the police would not take responsibility. Upon hearing this news, Yuan Hong’s 60-year-old mother fainted on the spot.

On the same day, a bulky man wearing black T-shirt and jeans barged into a district and smashed a couple’s car and poured oil on their doorsteps. The male came out to argue with them and ended up with a broken leg.

The ambulance arrived shortly and sent the man to the hospital. After clarifying the situation, no one dares to investigate, and the case was swept under the carpet.

Late night, Volcano Bar. Shang Zheng Bang held a blonde hair girl in his hands and walked towards the bar counter with J behind him.

On the way, both male and female ruffians greeted him. Some females even have yellow dyed hair, wearing thick make up and wearing revealing clothes, all swarming towards Shang Zheng Bang and started kissing him, rubbing their b.r.e.a.s.t.s on his arm.

Shang Zheng Bang touched their b.r.e.a.s.t.s conveniently and even put his hand into their shirt to squeeze, laughing: “Haha, push-up bra? I like.”

Bring a group of girls into a small private room, although it was called a small private room the place was actually just separated from the main hall by a curtain, and the people inside could see what was going on outside. Shang Zheng Bang turned to J and asked: “How is it? Does this compare to your night clubs overseas? This is my old gathering spot, just tell me if you need anything.”

“Amazing, Shang, you sure know how to enjoy yourself.” J laughed and said. But what no one noticed was, even when hugging a white girl, when talking, his eyes was still cold on the inside.

“Of course, some of friends are coming later, they’re all famous people in Zhongdu’s underground society, with good fighting skills. I’ll need you to reveal a hand or two to them later so that I can compete with them.”

At the same time, on the roof of Volcano Bar, a dark shadow jumped from the opposite building, and like a phantom in the night, looked at the bar’s entrance, observing the people coming in and out.

Luxury cars, branded items, all sorts of luxurious, rotten nightlife were on full display.

Li Anping’s eyes had a flash of red as he muttered: “Volcano Bar huh…”

This was his hunting ground for tonight.

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