Chapter 15: Dragonix

“…You guys must catch that b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

“Don’t worry, he’s just an insignificant worm, J is the weakest among us, his defeat means nothing. We’ll be sure to catch him.”

In Shang An Guo’s study, the yellow skin man lying on the sofa chuckled: “But you’re so afraid that Tian Jing might send people to come over here? Even if they come and catch that criminal, we can still s.n.a.t.c.h him back from them.”

“Wester, don’t attempt the method the Federation uses over here in Great Xia. At first, I thought that the incidents these few days was someone in the government trying to attack me. Thus, I kept you guys as my hidden trump card. But now it seems, even Zheng Bang is dead, someone is here for revenge. My government rivals wouldn’t do this.”

Shang An Guo continued: “Thus I called you guys over here to catch that b.a.s.t.a.r.d in the shortest time possible. Because Great Xia’s higher ups in charge, especially the Royal Family, are very tolerant towards crimes committed by ability users, in fact, as long as they find that the ability user has sufficient potential, all their crimes can be forgiven. Especially now that international tensions are high, the Northern borders are facing increasing pressure, the demand for ability users is getting greater as well……”

“So you’re afraid he might get recruited?” The yellow skin man called Wester laughed, shrugging his shoulders, he said: “Shang, in your opinion, if they get the news, who would they send over? Ability users as well?”

“There’s only one possibility, the Country’s Secret Service department.” Shang An Guo said solemnly: “Or more commonly known among you people as Great Xia’s Dragonix.”

With a ‘pew’ sound, a rock had shot at J’s knees, causing his kneecap to be broken to smithereens. The intense pain caused J to howl out.

“Charlie, you’ve disappointed me, you shouldn’t have lied.”

Feeling his right kneecap had been crushed to bits, J gritted his teeth and thought: ‘How did he know I was lying? My ability is very concealed when activated, without proper examination tools, he shouldn’t be able to understand the physics behind it. Did he find out something from the masked man’s corpse? But he should have died of gunshot.’

“Controlling the oxygen’s distribution in the air, that’s your ability right?” The next moment, the voice said something that stunned J.

‘How did he know my ability? I was betrayed? No, that’s not it, a mind-reader? Just what is going on?’

The voice did not give J any more time to think and continued: “Charlie, your heart rate earlier was around 80/min, next up I will continue asking my questions, if your heart rate exceeds this number, I will throw a rock at you. If you hesitate for more than 2 seconds, I will also throw the rock. Understand?”

J blanked out for a second and the next moment, another rock hit his left knee, causing it to be destroyed as well.

Ignoring J’s cries, the voice slowly asked: “Understood?”

“I understand!!!” J endured the pain and answer in a hurry.

“Your name.”




…After a few questions.

“Your ability?”

“Controlling the oxygen flow in the surrounding 10 metres.”

“Your relationship with Shang Zheng Bang.”


“Who sent you here?”

“Shang Zheng Hai. Shang Zheng Bang’s elder brother.”

Hearing this, Li Anping frowned: “Is Shang Zheng Hai another ability user? Where is he?”

“At the Federation of Amester, he’s known as Great Xia’s genius, during his overseas studies he gained the favour of the Star Alliance’s person in charge. You better not make enemies with the Shang family, or if Shang Zheng Hai uses the power of the Star Alliance, it is not something you can survive.” Unfortunately, J did not know that Shang Zheng Bang was already killed, if not even if he was threatened he would not answer so obediently.

Hearing “Star Alliance” an organisation he had never heard of before, Li Anping paused for a moment, thinking that this organisation sounded very powerful and was probably made up of many strong ability users, but it is situated in the Federation of Amester, were they the government organisation in the Western Continents?

He thought and tried to probe: “This is Great Xia, the government wouldn’t let them do as they please.”

“Haha.” J gasped and laughed: “Great Xia… 10 years ago Great Xia violated the Non-Aggression Treaty and started a war on the continent’s Northern border, trying to invade Ice Fort. The result was that half of the entire Dragonix’s high end fighting force was wiped out by the Star Alliance. After 10 years, do you think they would dare to oppose the Star Alliance?”

Great Xia and Ice Fort, each being on the South and North respectively, has conflict over the borders all the time. Li Anping knew this. But he did not know that 10 years ago Great Xia had initiated a war against Ice Fort. He was certain that there was no news on this in the newspapers or internet.

‘Thanks for saying so much.’ Li Anping thought in his head. He continued probing, and soon he understood the Shang Family’s situation, their remaining ability users. He wanted to continue asking about the ability users in the world but J was just a small character anyway, there was not much that he knew.

According to him, Star Alliance’s influence spanned several large countries, and is the strongest ability user organisation on the world. Below it was the 6 strongest countries’ respective ability user military force. For example, Great Xia’s Dragonix, or Amester Federation’s Imaginary Mechanism.

And he along with 3 others, were solo ability users that Shang Zheng Hai contacted, using a promise of getting a position in the Star Gate after they succeed, they accepted his request.

“2 last questions, J, what ability user level are you, and what is the ability of the 3 others ability users that came with you?”

“Hehe, I’m at best a Level 0.” The black man laughed self depreciatingly: “Among the 4, I am the weakest, thus I had no freedom and had to follow Shang Zheng Bang all day. The other three, each of them have better abilities than me, and are more suited for combat. I would advise you to give up, you aren’t their match.”

‘Bam!’, a rock pierced J’s shoulder causing a splatter of blood.

“You just need to answer my question.”

After groaning a little, J shouted: “After saying these, even if you let me out I wouldn’t be able to survive, you must promise me, after I tell you, let me go immediately.”

“Okay I promise you.”

Seeing the other party so willingly agreeing, J became uncertain again, worried that he might go back on his words.

“Do you think you have a choice?”

Hearing this, J struggled a little, but finally convinced himself and spilled everything he knew.

“The strongest one is Wester, a yellow skin, but born in Amester. His ability is to metallize his skin, he’s able to coat his skin with the metal that he eats. Normal shotguns don’t work on him.

There are two white people left, the one with white hair and many braids is called Brian, his ability is to emit ultrasound, for detection and to cause interference to normal people.

The last one has gold hair, we call him Quick Gun, his hair is combed neat and tidy, wears and is around 1.7m tall. We do not know his ability, but we know that his accuracy with the gun is 100%. He once used a handgun to snipe a target 200m away. I’ve never seen him miss.” After that, he explained all the minor details regarding them.

“Where are they staying?”

Seeing J had hesitated again, Li Anping took another rock and threw it near to his face.

“Rose Hotel at the city center.”

Li Anping lips curled as he forced himself not to laugh out loud. He slowly creeped from the darkness to behind J, putting his right hand on J’s neck.

J felt it and struggled, screaming: “You said you’ll let me go, I said everything, you said you’ll let me go after that……”

Before he finished screaming, Li Anping with a slick of his wrist, the black man stopped breathing, with his twisted neck, died.

“You yourself knows that’s impossible.”

Soon after, a large amount of energy flowed into Li Anping’s right arm, into his body. After 5 seconds, the feeling vanished.

Li Anping raised his hand, clenching it tight, feeling a strong energy flowing in his body. The intense pleasure rose from within his body, it was something he did not feel before, devouring human’s souls was so pleasurable.

“Hahaha.” Black laughed hysterically: “As expected ability users are the most delicious, such a low-cla.s.s ability user gave you around 30 portions worth of soul.”

Black’s words pulled Li Anping’s consciousness back from the pleasure, he looked at the corpse and asked: “What’s my stats now?”

“Strength 2.6, Agility 2.5, Stamina 3.6”

“What a great present, but the efficiency, my stats are rising slower than before?” Li Anping asked.

“Of course, as your body improves, every single additional stat point will require much more souls.”

It was not something unexpected, Li Anping nodded: “Black, are you sure I am level 0? Why do I feel that this J was extremely weak, ability users aren’t that hard to deal with.”

“If not for your regeneration, you’d have been killed by him already”. Black said: “From my viewpoint, you’re still a mere Level 0, still far too weak. But if you’re able to devour the other 3 ability users, there should not be anyone capable to stopped you from exacting your revenge in Zhongdu city.”

What Li Anping did not know was, Black did not really understand ability users, and his cla.s.sification of them was very general. Putting Li Anping as a Level 0 was too hasty. In actuality, Li Anping had already far exceeded a Level 0, it was just that he did not know.

Next, Black asked excitedly: “Now that you know the other three ability users’ abilities and location, what are you going to do?”

“Hehe.” Li Anping laughed: “Of course it’s to go and kill them before they relocate, since I already know their ability and location. They don’t possess any body-strengthening ability, if they are a.s.saulted by surprise, they are just around the same level as a normal human. After devouring them, I’d have no worries about killing Shang An Guo.”

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