Chapter 3: Despair

“He tried to rape me, but Shang Zhen Bang later saved me. After that he tried to murder us so Zhen Bang had no choice but to hit him with the car.” Wei Shi Shi pointed at Li Anping and coldly said: “He is the actual rapist.”

The progression of the issue took a 360 degree turn all of a sudden. Li Anping would never in his dreams think of such a development.

Li Anping’s mind was blank as he left the courtroom, with only the savage laughter of Shang Zhen Bang stabbing into his heart like a knife, suffocating him.

……As reported by our studio, the currently infamous rape and car accident crime has had new progression.

……Rapist, impersonating a hero? Is this the misconduct of the police in their investigations? Or is there a problem with our inst.i.tution?

……According to some sources among the people, Li Anping is a thug in society, he used to beat his adoptive grandma, and tried to take her retirement funds for himself. This time, he saw a beautiful woman and could not resist himself, just as expected.

……Sources say that after the case, Li Anping threatened the victim, claiming that if she did not do as he said, he would kill her entire family

…Accordingly to Shang Zhen Bang, Li Anping tried to call him after the case, and said that if he does not hand over 5 million dollars, he would sue Shang until he went to jail.

……Tian Cheng University upon learning that Li Anping was the rapist in the incident, expelled him on the spot, claiming that the school still has to enforce the student’s moral education.

……Shang Zhen Bang’s courageous act this time instead caused him to get maligned, this problem requires our attention. This shows that our country’s laws still have great loopholes.

The news spread like wildfire over the internet and television, turning Li Anping’s heart colder each time. Every time the doctors and nurses in the hospital with weird glances, his body can’t help but tremble.

“I did not lie!!! I did not lie to anyone!!! Shang Zhen Bang and the others are wrongfully accusing me, Wei Shi Shi this b.i.t.c.h, she is bribed by them!!!”

But n.o.body believed him. Only his grandma continued to take care of him as usual, without a hint of frustration or annoyance.

Grandma sat at the bed, and consoled: “Little An, its fine, the kind will be rewarded. I believe that you are innocent, let’s just visit her once more. I’m sure the truth will come out soon.”

However, the issue aggravated. The court’s decision came out swiftly. Shang Zhen Bang was released without crime, but Li Anping, if he does not choose to appeal, will have to face more than 10 years of Jail time. Although considering his current handicap, he will not go into jail directly, but instead supervised 24 hours a day.

In addition, his hospital bills have become a huge burden.

“Doctor Song, please give us a few days grace, I will immediately go borrow money and pay you the moment I get it!!!” Grandma’s hands gripped the doctor’s as she bitterly begged. The amount of wrinkles that showed up on her face during this period exceeded the last 30 years combined. Her arms were thin like bamboo poles, this is due to long term malnutrition.

Doctor Song said helplessly: “Granny, I can’t help you even if you beg me, the hospital rules dictates that you have to pay to stay here. I can’t do anything, but truthfully, just leave that sc.u.mbag to die on his own.”

Grandma only continued to beg, and seeing that he was unmoved, she kneeled down on the ground and kowtowed: “I’m begging you Doctor Song, I raised Anping from young, I can’t just leave him like this!!”

Doctor Song was shocked and quickly helped her up: “Sigh, quickly get up, this reflects badly on us… Sigh, alright, one month. The hospital can only grant another month’s grace. In a month, if you are unable to pay the remaining sum, I will have to ask him to leave.”

“I’m sorry, all the evidences have been tampered by them.” The young policeman Lian Zhong came to the ward, his fist tightly clenched.

He can be considered Li Anping’s only friend left, and also the only policeman still investigating the case. Everyone else had quickly avoided this seeing the complications.

But as a newbie, there was nothing he could do to appeal for him.

Every time he came to see Li Anping, he could only scold Shang Zhen Bang, Wei Shi Shi: “That b.i.t.c.h!!! After she left the court she got into Shang Zhen Bang’s car and left! That sl*t!”

Other than Lian Zhong, although Anping was stuck in bed everyday, there were still strangers coming to visit him.

“You sc.u.m!!!”

A bowl of water was poured over his head, but he did not respond.

“You degenerate, why don’t you just die?” A man rushed past the policeman’s barricade and gave Li Anping a punch. Li Anping endured silently.

“Excuse us, we will be collecting back the school donations, this is your expulsion letter.” The school representative came to his bed and mockingly told him. Li Anping had no response.

He was akin to a corpse lying on the bed. Only the tears that fell from his eyes proved he was still alive.

“Li Anping is innocent, it is obvious Shang Zhen Bang and Wei Shi Shi’s are in cahoots and accusing him, his father is the Mayor of Zhongdu, Li Anping is accused!”

“^Is r.e.t.a.r.ded, not going to explain.” (TL: These few lines are online forum comments thus the language)

“Li Anping is sc.u.m, can’t believe there’s anyone standing up for him, I’m impressed.”

“The truth is before us, Li Anping is the rapist/attempted murderer. The evidence is solid as steel. OP’s way of trying to get upvotes is indeed disgusting.”

“Stop replying guys, he’s just trying to get attention.”

Li Anping went into all sorts of forums, trying to find the last remaining consolation he could get but all the replies he got was negative.

The other party had done this impeccably. Not only did they have connections with the government, they also did their part online, with lots of flaming posts to accuse Li Anping. Even if people with logical thinking suspect Li Anping of being innocent, they would just be flamed out of existence.

Li Anping was bitterly holding on alone, posting on many different websites, forums, and finally all his accounts got banned.

He had almost no more social connections, from first grade to university, n.o.body wanted to have anything to do with this ‘sc.u.m’.

The only person left was the police Lian Zhong who often came to visit, and after scolding Shang Zhen Bang and Wei Shi Shi, promised him: “Don’t worry, never give up. I will conduct private investigation, one day we will definitely reveal the truth.”

This was perhaps, Li Anping’s final hope.

Few weeks later, on a stormy night, the raindrops splattered on the window panes, causing a “pak pak” sound.

Lian Zhong once again, stepped into Li Anping’s ward, his face looking glum.

“What is it?” Li Anping looked at him but had no worry. Things were already like this, how could it get any worse?

“Let me finish my sentence later, you must keep calm, do not get agitated.”

“What is it? Did my sentence get heavier?”

“Your grandma, something happened to her.”

After hearing this, Li Anping head swirled and he almost faint. He desperately held on, and stared at Lian Zhong: “What exactly happened?”

“Although you gave up treatment, you grandma did not. Behind your back she was trying to gather the funds for your treatment by selling rice boxes on the streets. Yesterday when she was cooking at home, she got poisoned by the coal gas…”

“Good job Brother Huo.” Shang Zhen Bang nodded, satisfied. Looking at the tall bald man in front of him, he said: “A toast to you!!!”

“Small issue, Young Master Shang, if it wasn’t for you taking care of us normally, there wouldn’t be us here today.”

In the luxurious hotel’s VIP room, Shang Zhen Bang and 3 youngsters who looked like they were from triads sat together, chatting and drinking.

“My dad is keeping a close eye on me right now, I may have to leave the country soon. If it wasn’t for Brother Huo, I might not be able to vent my anger this time.” Shang Zhen Bang drank till his face was red, and talked with slurred speech.

The Brother Huo who sat opposite laughingly said: “As long as it is Young Master Shang’s instructions, we will execute it swiftly! Come, Wolf and Ruo, a toast to Young Master Shang!”

The two youngsters at the side also toasted to Shang Zhen Bang. At a glance, one could see that these two were strong muscular teens, resembling bodybuilders. Now they were also pouring wine for Shang Zhen Bang, with endless words for praise towards him.

After eating and drinking, Shang Zhen Bang suddenly sighed. Seeing this, Brother Huo said: “What is it Young Master Shang? Is there something on your mind?”

“After getting rid of the old one, the young one still remains.” Shang Zhen Bang sighed: “Its a pity that guy is being guarded by the police in the hospital, he got off lucky.”

Brother Huo upon hearing this, waved his hands and Wolf and Ruo both went out of the room to make sure no one is eavesdropping.

“Young Master Shang, actually there is a way even if there is police supervision.”

“Oh?” Shang Zhen Bang expressed joy on his face: “Brother Huo? You have a way?”

“What can I do? If your father would do something about it, that lad would be instantly crushed.” Brother Huo flattered.

“Hmph, forcing my dad to land that guy in jail already got me a scolding. There’s no way he would do it.” Halfway through his speech, Shang Zhen Bang’s phone rang.

“h.e.l.lo? ……Got it, got it.” Upon hearing the voice of the caller, Shang Zhen Bang’s smiled: “Baby, I’m having dinner with my friends. You want to buy an LV bag? No problem, just use the credit card I gave you, you can even buy the entire shop and there would be no problems” After a mushy conversation, Shang Zhen Bang reluctantly ended the call.

Brother Huo at the side curious asked: “Young Master Shang, is that your girlfriend? You’re so loving, I can’t believe you’re so nice to your girlfriend.”

Shang Zhen Bang laughed: “Heh, the two of us got closer due to conflict. I went to find her to change her testimony and after talking for a while, we became closer.”

‘More like she wants your money.’ Brother Huo thought internally, but did not express himself: “Young Master Shang, about that Li Anping…”

“Oh yes, you have an idea? As long as u can get rid of him, I’ll give you and the others 1 million as expense fees.” Shang Zhen Bang patted his chest in confidence.

“Alright young master, with this declaration from you, even if we have to risk our lives we will definitely carry out your wishes. The money is only secondary, the important thing is that we cannot take this lying down.” Brother Huo eyes shone as he proclaimed.

After that, the two continued to drink and talk amidst the rowdy atmosphere. The two walked side by side towards the nightclub, for another night of entertainment.

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