Chapter 3: Ambush

“Want to save your uncle? Then devour these two guys. Hehe, it’s not like they are decent people anyway. Eating them can increase your strength, which will increase the chances of success for what you are about to do.”

“Don’t bother me.”

The alluring voice sounded again in Li Anping’s head but he paid it no heed. Seeing the two strong ruffians, and thinking about his encounters, Li Anping’s fist clenched tight and his gaze burnt with fury.

‘Then, we’ll start from you.’

Li Anping pushed open the door and approached the two men. His appearance had changed greatly and no one recognised him.

“Lad, who are you?”

“You know who Li Anping is?”

Li Anping did not answer them. He silently walked up to them, and punched one of the men in the chest. Bam! The tall and muscular man flew more than two metres away, crashing into a wall, his chest concaved and he fainted almost immediately.

The other man only felt a quick shadow flash by, and in an instant his companion had already fallen. When he was about to react, Li Anping had already thrown another punch.

Their physique was too inferior compared to Li Anping. Be it strength, agility or reaction speed none were even close to Li Anping, thus they were completely suppressed.

Thus, without even reacting, Li Anping landed a punch on the man’s face and his head jerked back. However, Li Anping grabbed him by the neck and pulled him back, this time landing the punch on the back of his head.

After two consecutive strikes, the man was already seeing stars circling above him. If Li Anping had not intentionally held back to keep him conscious for interrogation, he’d have already fainted like the first man.

“Where did you bring Li Liping to? Who sent you here?”

The man hearing Li Anping’s words, did not give a respond but instead attacked with his knee. However, it was easily blocked by Li Anping’s other arm as he held the leg with his palm and gradually squeezed, causing him great pain.

“Let me go, lad do you know who we are?” The man could only feel like his leg was wrapped by an iron cage, and it was contracting fast but he still clamoured: “Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, kill me if you have the guts, otherwise I will kill your whole family.”

“Hmph!” Li Anping snorted, but still let go of his hand, letting the man fall to the ground.

Thinking that Li Anping had succ.u.mbed to his threat, the man started scolding: “F*cker, boy who do you work under? You dare to touch Brother Chang’s men? Let me tell you are dead meat. Kneel down now and we can still talk about it.”

Li Anping after hearing his words threw a kick at the man’s leg, and with a cracking sound, his leg bone broke.

“Ah!!!” The man’s screeching turned m.u.f.fled halfway as Li Anping covered his mouth.

“Where has Li Liping been taken? Tell me or your other leg is following suit.”

The man was only a low-ranking ruffian, his arrogant demeanour earlier was only a habit. Under such painful and intense interrogation, he merely glared at Li Anping before spilling the beans.

At the suburbs of Zhongdu, Chang Zheng has a hidden location where he would interrogate people who he caught when collecting debt. He originally brought a dozen or so men with him to stay there. As for the person who sent Chang Zheng, his name is Huo Qing, a mafia boss in Zhongdu City.

“Chang Zheng… Huo Qing…” Li Anping muttered their names.

From the conversation the two men had earlier and the interrogation later, Li Anping could tell that Huo Qing was the boss of Chang Zheng and the two men at the hospital. Shang Zhen Bang forked out the money to Huo Qing who in turn sent people to kill Li Anping’s grandmother, and sent Wolf and Ruo to the hospital to kill Li Anping.

Thus if Li Anping wants revenge, he’d have a few targets. First is the people who killed grandma, next is Huo Qing, Shang Zhen Bang. Finally, it’ll be the people who framed him, Shang An Guo and Wei Shi Shi.

After asking for a few times again, Li Anping knocked the man out and walked him. He still had to get some money and a change of clothes.

“You’re not getting rid of them? Just leaving them here like this?”

Li Anping said: “None of your business, I have my principles.”

“Hehe, you are merely less experienced. Mercy is like poison, if you don’t get rid of it, it’ll eventually kill you.”

The door had been forced open long ago, the drawers and cupboards inside had been rummaged and were all in a mess.

Li Anping could not be bothered to tidy up the place, he walked into the room and searched under the bed. The few thousand dollars he normally kept hidden there had already gone missing.

Helplessly, Li Anping could only take out some spare change of less than a hundred dollars from the drawer. He then took a shower and changed into his sportswear. But now that his body build had changed, it felt slightly tight wearing this.

Pondering for a bit more, Li Anping walked into the kitchen and took out a fruit knife and stuffed it into his jacket. After searching through the house, Li Anping could only smile bitterly as other than the fruit knife there was nothing else that could be used as a weapon.

Although he was confident in his body, when thinking that he had to face more than 10 ruthless ruffians, he still did not have absolute confidence.

But no matter how hard he thought, there was n.o.body to help him.

“Hehe, are you afraid? Then stop hesitating and devour the two people outside. Once you increase your strength, the so-called Triads will be powerless before you.”

Li Anping breathed out: “Then how different would I be compared to them? No, if I did that, I’d be even worse than them.”

“Tsk, childish sense of justice.” The voice spoke nonchalantly: “After experiencing so many things, you still don’t get it? This world is filthy and disgusting, the ‘Justice’ that you believe wholeheartedly in does not exist.”

Li Anping shook his head: “No, I have changed. The current me will not seek help from anyone. I will not wait for others to bring fairness to me. I will use my own power to pursue justice!”

“You will die!”

“Even then I cannot eat people.” Li Anping continued shaking his head adamantly, and ignored the voice in his head, walking out of the estate.

Thinking about on Ruo’s b.l.o.o.d.y corpse, Li Anping shivered: “I want to never experience that feeling again.”

Ever since his body was strengthened, Li Anping’s memory and thinking ability were greatly enhanced. Now, the entire map of Zhongdu was in his head.

When it was night time, Li Anping hurried to the location he had heard from the man, and found that it was an abandoned factory, being able to hear the cry of wolves and dogs far away.

The door was shut tight, outside the building were two minibuses. The three metre wall still had some barbed wire and gla.s.s fragments on it. Li Anping encircled the factory and walked once around, uncertain if this was their gathering spot.

At this moment, a large group of strong men suddenly appeared from the surroundings, their hands armed with a cleaver, and surrounded Li Anping. The two people leading the gang even flipped a part of their shirt up, revealing the gun on their waist.

Seeing that there were only a few people, Li Anping wanted to resist but when he saw the gun, his nerves tightened. The deterrence force of firearms, to a person that grew up in modern world, was huge. Especially when Li Anping had no prior experience in fighting against them.

One of them rubbed their gun handle and walked up to Li Anping, and tapped on his face: “So you are the one who beat up our people? At Brother Chang’s location?”

‘I was careless, not expecting them to have guns, at this range being surrounded by a few guns, I don’t have the confidence to retreat fully.’ Li Anping did not notice that even in such an adverse situation, he was still able to think up a strategy calmly, without feeling any fear like normal people. It is unknown if this is a result of his transformation, or the ‘instinct’ that the voice had mentioned.

“Hehehehe, I told you to get rid of them. See? Now those rats have given your precious information away.” The voice said gleefully.

Li Anping did not pay attention to the voice, instead he only looked at the surrounding people coldly.

However, for a normal person, getting surrounded like this will evidently cause them to be stunned. The man a.s.sumed that Li Anping was no threat, and slapped his head while laughing: “I heard from Song that you are good at fighting, even breaking his leg huh? Our boss wants to question you personally. Come with us.”

Li Anping was pushed and dragged by the men into the factory. The two holding guns were walking behind him, observing his every action. Li Anping did not resist as he followed them into the factory.

‘The distance is too close, I have wait for a chance.’

Walking into the factory, he saw that there were a few round tables and over a dozen men were eat barbeque food and drinking beer. Seeing Li Anping walk in, they all had an evil look on their faces.

Two wolfdogs were barking incessantly since Li Anping walked in.

“Noisy! What are they barking for? Drag those dogs away!”

The person behind Li Anping pushed his shoulder: “Move, aren’t you very good at fighting, there are more than 30 people here today, let’s see how many you can beat down.” While speaking, another man searched Li Anping’s body and took out the fruit knife he hid in his jacket.

“Hoho, you even brought a knife?” The surrounding men began to laugh, and poked Li Anping with the knife handle.

Li Anping’s expression was grim, and faced them with silence. No one thought that he would resist. After all, they had seen many similar situations far too many times, no matter how courageous one said they were, once they were surrounded like this, they would give up resisting. It is just human nature. if they resist, they would get killed. After numerous years of evolution, this was the instinct left in humans.

Thus, on the way there, there were even a few people who used their hands to slap the back of Li Anping’s head, and laughed fearlessly. The person talking to Li Anping earlier had already gone into the warehouse in the factory, to report to Chang Zheng.

“Wait here.”

Another man, who had just eaten, his mouth full of oil, saw Li Anping walk past him and uses his shirt to wipe his mouth. The surrounding men seeing no reaction from Li Anping, laughed even more intensely.

“As long as you use your hand to grab a few of these men and devour their souls, you will be able to resist them. You don’t have to eat their flesh, you just need to kill them.” The voice tempted once again: “They’re all hooligans, sc.u.m of society. Eating them will only save the countless people they may harm in the future.”

Li Anping did not answer, he frowned, not expecting the place to be so dangerous. Not to think that Chang Zheng’s men were so arrogant, daringly using guns in broad daylight.

The group walked into the warehouse, and at a glance, inside the warehouse there were only some leftover goods, racks, and a large open s.p.a.ce. Chang Zheng sat down imposingly in a wooden arm chair, with a beer bottle in hand, and standing before him was two rows of henchmen.

Once Li Anping had entered, the remaining men who were previously outside began to stroll him, sitting at a corner of the warehouse, leaving Li Anping to stand in the middle facing their hostility.

However, Li Anping did not pay them any attention. His sight was attracted to another corner of the warehouse.

That was a steel cage resembling those that kept animals in the zoo, inside was a bed and strapped on the bed was a b.l.o.o.d.y man. What was most terrifying is that the man only had one leg left, below the knee it was cleanly chopped off and still wrapped in bandages. He stared blankly at the ceiling, as if he had lost the will to live.

He is Li Liping, Li Anping’s Uncle in name.

“He kept lying and tried to escape, left with no choice I could only leave him with one leg to make sure he behaves.” Chang Zheng pointed at the bed: “You know how many people have lay down on this bed? No matter how heroic or brave he is, he would break down in 3 days.”

Although Li Liping and Li Anping, due to their age difference, had barely any close relationship, but he was still his Uncle, and at this point Li Anping felt a lump of fire burning within his heart. He coldly stared at Chang Zheng: “Did he have any grudges with you people? Against someone who you don’t know, how can you so cruel towards him?”

Once he said that, someone behind him threw a kick at his leg, wanting to make him kneel down. But who knew that when the kick landed, Li Anping was unfazed, instead the man who attacked almost fell on the ground. Li Anping turned back to look at him, and feeling the stares around him, the man could not afford to lose face thus after slightly blanking out, he wanted to pull out his knife.

However, Chang Zheng waved his hand, and snidely said: “Quite daring, my name is Chang Zheng, tell me, what business do you have with me?”

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