Chapter 13: Bleeding

(Purely fiction)

In the private room, the atmosphere got more heated as at some point in time, the females started undressing and allowed the males to roam free. On the table laid rows of white pills, being swallowed by the people like candies.

Li Qing lay on the ground, her head was spinning but the hatred in her heart only grew stronger.

She hated her own non-resistance, hated herself for being so weak, but she was so fearful of the other party, afraid that Shang Zheng Bang would remember that she was lying on the ground. Because of the previous rape case, Shang Zheng Bang was on the TV many times. Li Qing knew his background and was even more frightened. The slap earlier had already taken all her courage.

She was so scared that she laid motionless, like a corpse, on the floor.

But what no one noticed was, as Li Qing’s hatred grew, the bills, paper notes, receipts and other paper based objects around her vicinity of 5 metres started to distort bizarrely.

“Haha, enough, enough, don’t kill her. Bring that woman here, today is her first blood!!” Shang Zheng Bang’s voice was like a devil’s whisper to Li Qing.

But before anyone had moved, in Li Qing’s eyes, it was like a black lump had flown in.

Suddenly, a loud ‘boom’ was heard, and everyone in the room, including J who was the first, stood up. Unsure of what has happened, they saw a 3m long sofa flying towards them.

“F – U – C – K”

He was not a strength based ability user. Although the sofa was soft, at the rate it was flying over, it was not something he could catch. At first thought, he pushed Shang Zheng Bang on the ground and blocked the sofa’s a.s.sault.

“What the f.u.c.k, who dares to cause trouble here? Are you tired of living?”

In the confusion, Leopard was not hit by the sofa, he looked towards the direction where it was thrown and saw a man walking closer. He called a few men to rush towards him but in a second, they were all sent flying.

Screams, growling, all sorts of noises were heard. Before he understood the situation, he saw that all the man had been thrown back. Finally, he stopped, the back of his head fixed on the wall, continuously oozing blood. He gradually slid down onto the ground, his limbs twitching.

Unstoppable. n.o.body had expected that when Leopard and his men had gone up to deal with the man, the scene was like a group of kindergarteners going up against a grown adult.

Be it strength or speed, they were worlds apart. The result was that they were all broken, ripped apart and thrown away by the adult.

The ordinary people screamed and escaped, a portion of the security guards also hesitantly retreated. Li Qing on the floor looked at the huge shadow of the man, her eyes regaining light.


“Fei, bring Young Master Shang away!”

“I’ll block him…”

“Take out your guns.”


The bar was in utter chaos as Shang Zheng Bang escaped with Fatty Fei towards the door, until he had not understood what was going on.

Soon after, a heart wrenching scream was heard and a furious shout was heard behind him.

“Shang… Zheng… Bang!!!” In his tone, was endless grudge and hatred.

Curiosity got the better of him and Shang Zheng Bang turned back to see a lump of black matter, flying towards him with a loud ‘swoosh’.

That was… J’s arm?

The arm was irregular in shape thus it was not an accurate weapon. It deviated and slammed on Fatty Fei’s back, causing a series of bone breaking sounds as Fei fell to the ground, continuously vomiting blood.

“Shan…. Young Master Shang… save me!!”

The blood splattered on Shang Zheng Bang’s face.

“Go! Go!” J who had lost had am arm ripped off held Li Anping back as he screamed at Shang Zheng Bang.

Shang Zheng Bang recovered from his shock at this point and begin to run for his life towards the door.

“HOWL!!” Li Anping furiously growled, the soul energy oozing from within him, he had activated his strongest form before attacking. His body grew to a size exceeding 2 metres.

Burst mode had a greater effect on him when his body was still weak. Right now, his strength and agility reached 3.7 and 3.0 respectively, his muscles bulging, causing him to look like a human sized dinosaur.

He stretched a hand towards his back attempting to drag J away, but the next instant, he felt a sense of weakness as he suddenly felt dizzy. His nose and mouth could not draw in oxygen, causing him to feel weak all over.

“It’s the oxygen, there’s no more oxygen! Someone is drawing it away this guy is an ability user!” Black shouted.

Li Anping had not understood the situation yet while J had already taken out a handgun and fired non-stop at Li Anping’s waist area.

“Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!”

As the gun fired, a chain of shrieks were heard as the people escaped even more quickly. After expending 15 bullets, J could see that Li Anping’s body had relaxed and he threw him on the gun. J took out a new magazine and reloaded the gun, after that he fired at the corpse again until the bullets were all expended.

“f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k!” J looked sinister as he raised his foot to step on the corpse: “Trash, you f.u.c.king trash, get up you piece of s.h.i.t.” The more he kicked, he angrier he got. The ability user below him was obviously a mutation type, the strength and speed of his body was unexpectedly strong. Most importantly, he was too close with J, thus, managing to rip off one of his arms when J was not prepared.

If it wasn’t for the final moment when his opponent had thought he was defeated and got his attention on Shang Zheng Bang, J would not have the chance to activate his ability to kill him.

But it still cost him an arm, his left arm was gone!! Thinking of this, J got angry again but suddenly he felt a sense of light-headedness. It was then that he remembered the blood loss from his wound needed to be bandaged quickly, otherwise even with strong physique it would be fatal.

Thus, he paid no further heed to the corpse before him and walked towards the door.

But just as he had taken a few steps, he felt a strong force hitting on his neck, the force almost broke his neck as he fainted immediately.

Only to see Li Anping standing behind him, the injuries on his body healing at a rapid rate, the bullets were all forced out by the muscles, falling on the ground with a metallic ‘clink’ sound.

Li Anping was about to kill him when Black voiced out: “Don’t kill him yet. Bring him along when you leave, he’ll be useful.”

Li Anping did not ask why but looked at J who was lying on the ground for a second and chased out through the door. His head was filled with thoughts of killing Shang Zheng Bang.

But once he got to the door, he pushed it with all his might and found that it was locked already. The door was made with solid wood, the exit of the bar’s dance hall, Shang Zheng Bang had escaped from here earlier.

“He’s here, quickly block the door.”

“Move everything over here.”

Li Anping frowned, took in a deep breath and prepared to go into Burst Mode again. He had been killed earlier, the energy from his previous burst was already used up, thus he had to use more energy to activate it again. This is because the door in from of him was made of solid wood, around 5 to 6m thick, if he did not use his full strength, he could not smash it open.

“Getting shot so many times earlier, our reserve energy is already almost used up, are you sure you want to spend it on Burst Mode? If you do, there’d be no way to heal any further fatal injuries.”

Having been shot multiple times earlier, his reserve energy had already been mostly expended. But hearing Black’s words, Li Anping was unmoved as he gathered his energy and his body expanded like a balloon, his arms, legs and torso’s muscles were bursting, his body going from 1.9m to 2m.


Feeling the overflowing strength in him, Li Anping gathered all his strength into one point and punched at the door.

A loud ‘boom’ was heard and the door was forced open, the people behind were all knocked back and falling all over the place. Li Anping pushed away the broken door and walked onto the streets.

But once he exited, the people who were blocking the door had dispersed in fear, and Li Anping ignored them while starting to search for Shang Zheng Bang’s tracks.

However, the next moment, a gunshot was heard, and Li Anping was already forced back into the building. Luckily his speed and reflexes were inhuman at the moment, or the scene earlier would have turned him into a beehive.

“f.u.c.k, didn’t I tell you guys to fire on sight! Why did you hesitate?”

“But… but Young Master Shang, there were still a few of our men near the door.”

“Useless, all useless trash!”

Shang Zheng Bang, with his hair in a mess, started scolding but no one dared to talk back to him. Although they were Huo Qing’s men, now that Leopard and Fatty Fei were dead, towards Shang Zheng Bang, no one dared to defy him.

Seeing the entire gang’s members being so afraid and cowardly, Shang Zheng Bang flew into a rage and grabbed a gun from a guy nearby, firing at the empty door, arrogantly laughing: “r.e.t.a.r.d, didn’t you want to kill me? Come! I’m right outside, come and kill me!”

Behind the door, Black felt Li Anping’s muscles tighten as he advised: “Keep calm, don’t be hasty. You have no soul energy left, you will die if you are killed.” (TL: Cough)

“How can I not go out? HOW CAN I NOT GO OUT??? HE KILLED MY ENTIRE FAMILY, RUINED MY WHOLE LIFE, YOU’RE TELLING ME NOT TO GO OUT THERE???” Li Anping smashed his fists on the wall, causing a dent to form, the concrete and bricks within all fell out: “Tell me, why can’t I go out?”

“That’s why you must control yourself, if you really want revenge, don’t rush to your death. You already have unlimited potential. As long as you can control yourself today, one day, you’ll be able to exact your revenge.”

Li Anping gasped for air as he felt a lump of fire burning his chest.

As the two conversed, the nearby police car’s sirens could be heard.

“The police are here, in your current stage, you’re dead meat if you get surrounded, quickly leave!”

“f.u.c.k!” Li Anping screamed out of frustration.

At this point, Shang Zheng Bang’s voice could be heard again.

“Hahahaha, idiot, the police are here. You’re dead meat. You still want to kill me? Once I catch you, and find out who you are, I’ll kill your whole family.”

“I want your whole family to die!”

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d, the females in your family will all be mine.”

Shang Zheng Bang continued to scold and Li Anping’s frowned harder, his breath irregular and his fists clenched to the point of bleeding.

At this point, his ears twitched. Shang Zheng Bang’s voice became clearer in his head, and he could almost feel his location. Next, he looked towards the wall which he had punched a hole in.


He threw a punch again, this time using his full strength, causing an entire wall to be smashed to smithereens. Li Anping picked up a brick from within the pile.

Outside, tens of police cars were gathered, the policemen came out of their car and surrounded the whole of Volcano bar, Shang Zheng Bang stood among the people, his expression almost psychotic, screaming: “Quick, quick, a bunch of garbage, all of you rush in, remember to shoot his leg, I want him alive. I will torture him to death myself!”

But the next moment, a hand probed out from the side of the door, with a brick in hand. Everyone looked at that hand, stunned.

A black shadow flashed and Shang Zheng Bang’s voice came to a stop.

Everyone turned around, only to see that the brick had landed on Shang Zheng Bang’s face, half his head had caved in. His face was completely deformed, an eyeball dropped on the ground while the other had been squashed into his brain, turning his brain matter into a mess.

After a moment of silence, the fierce gunshots fired again at Volcano bar’s entrance, the unceasing gunshots turned the streets into a savage battleground, as if Zhongdu had become a warzone.

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