Surprise! (That would work better if anyone was here I bet...*tumbleweed*)
Chapter 3
“Are the preparations ready?”
“Yes, the last thing remaining, the relocation of the members of the WEMC scattered in each country has been completed for the most part. The only ones left are the members of the special research team and us.”
“I see…But are you ok with this? You didn’t choose this path, will you accept it?”
“I don’t have any regrets. I just wanted to see the future. Besides, a gatekeeper is necessary, right?”
“You are the same as always.”
“Is that so? But, if you are going to say that, you should mention that you are unchanged yourself. Even though n.o.body forced you to do it, you offered yourself as candidate for this.”
“That’s true. But I’d say that leaving knowledge behind is not a bad thing.”
“Isn’t it enough with the mother computer of the installation?”
“That may so. But…well, perhaps I just want to see the future along with him.”
“In that case, why don’t you go into deep sleep with that child?”
“If it was a matter of just going to sleep without doing anything, it would be easy. But I wouldn’t be able to guide the organization, in that case.”
“Really…you are such a worrywart.”
“It’s not like all the threats are gone, after all. In a new place, there’s a good chance that new threats will arise. The higher-ups might be under a misunderstanding, and think that such threats have no relation to themselves. Just because they have a high position, it doesn’t mean there’s a guarantee they won’t die. Threats come by gradually to all, and when misfortunes grow in number, people meet their deaths as equals. If there isn’t someone to bring people together, the chaos will again bring tragedy. Someone has to remain, or humanity will truly perish.”
“You truly are a serious person…Don’t you think that being overly serious makes you miss out on things?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“Well, that’s a part of you that I don’t dislike.”
“Honestly, to make fun of me like this is something only you would do.”
“That’s precisely why I´ve been your right-hand man for so long. In any case, I plan to be with you till the end.”
“…Do whatever you want.”
Luka appeared at the door like she did every day. She attempted to open it, as the man continued to watch her without a word.
“It’s no good, isn’t it?”
“How about you give up already?”
“No way. Surrender is not in my vocabulary.”
“Do as you like. The door will not open.”
“I WILL do as I like. But, this is enough for today.” Saying this, Luka sat at the usual spot.
Since the man watched Luka’s efforts from the same place every day, the spot beside him had turned into her usual spot. Even though Luka had said she wanted to open the door no matter what, she just tried a single method before giving up the work for that day, before going over to the man’s side to sit and chat.
It was almost like knowing more about him is also an important work for her…
“What do you do here all day?”
“Is it not plain to see? My duty is to eliminate the people that approach the door half in jest, like you.”
“Oh, but why haven’t I been eliminated?”
“You are the only one to see me, and still come here, out of idle curiosity. I have been watching you trying to open the door, and it does not appear like you will be able to accomplish that, after all.”
“Jeez! That’s a mean thing to say.” After being told directly that she wasn’t worth eliminating, Luka stared at the man with a pouty expression.
“I am not trying to be mean. This is merely stating the facts.”
“And that’s being mean, I tell you. Besides, I’ll open this door for sure, you’ll see. I haven’t even began to try things to do it. Even a thousand-mile journey begins with a step.”
“You are acquainted with some old proverbs.”
“What about you then? You use some really archaic words.”
“Is my manner of speaking bizarre?”
“It’s not strange, just a little out of date, I don’t dislike it though. In any case, I also have been told by others that I speak a little strangely.”
“Your strangeness is not limited to your speech now, is it?”
“Jeez! If you are going to keep on mocking me, I’ll have to think something up.” Luka retorted, with her expression growing sulkier, and glared at the man. When she did though, the man laughed for the first time since they met.
Luka stared at the man that laughed as if it was the funniest thing he ever heard, her anger forgotten.
“Hehe…what is it? Weren’t you angry?”
“No… So, even you are capable of laughing like that, huh?”
“Is it strange to see me laugh?” The man asked, as his still merry expression twisted, Luka shook her head.
“No! There’s nothing strange about it! You look even prettier like that, many times over.”
“What? Is my expression so unseemly terrible?”
“It’s not that I’d call it terrible, but with such an unfriendly expression, you look a bit scary.”
“Even someone like you can feel scared of things, then?”
“What’s that supposed to mean? There’s one or two things I’m scared of. I’m a fragile girl remember?”
“If you declare yourself to be a fragile girl, then the girls of the world must be the strongest living beings around.”
“Enough! You are so rude!”
Despite being devoid of malice, the man’s intense teasing made Luka get up, balling her fists with her cheeks completely red. This time, it was the man’s turn to be surprised, and he stared at Luka without a word.
“No one has treated me like this before...! I’m going home.” After saying those words, Luka spun around and rushed away from the place.
The man remained in place as he watched her go, without knowing what had angered her. As if to express it, he c.o.c.ked his head to the side, confused.
After that, whenever he remembered Luka’s sulky expression, his shoulders trembled slightly.
“I thought you would not return anymore.” He commented when the following day, Luka appeared at the same time as always.
“…I haven’t opened the door yet.” She answered curtly without meeting his eyes. She was likely, still annoyed by his words from the previous day.
“It seems that I said something rude.” The man said with a small sigh to the clearly angry girl.
“Oh, you can’t figure it out yourself?” Luka replied with a glare.
“I have had little experience dealing with womenfolk before this. I do not comprehend the reason of your anger.”
“Why, isn’t that a smart excuse?”
“If you desire to label it as such it represents no issue to me. However, you should be well aware of the fact that I have not socialized with people before you came. People used to stay away from here.”
It hadn’t been that long since Luka started coming to the place. However, just as the man said, Luka had never run into anyone else but the man while there. Additionally, Luka herself had pointed out that the man’s way of speaking was old fashioned.
It is easy for the way you speak to be influenced by the people around you. If he really wasn’t trying on purpose to sound old fashioned, then she could deduce that he really didn’t interact with people around his same age group. She couldn’t believe that anyone that spoke so coldly would be too sensitive towards women’s feelings either. (Really… In what kind of environment was he raised…)
As she thought about it, Luka let out a small sigh. Suddenly, she remembered something. Now that she thought about it, the man hadn’t said, had he? That he wasn’t an Aquarius…
If he wasn’t an Aquarius, it was the same to say that he wasn’t human. After all, there wasn’t any place in the planet were people lived, except for Aquajail.
“What are you?” Luka let out without thinking about her big question.
“What…? Did I say something bizarre again?” A troubled expression came over to the man’s face, seemingly worried that he had said something to upset Luka again. Luka shook her head.
“It’s not that, I don’t mind your rudeness any longer.”
“Why, is it quite the task to follow the way you quickly change topics.”
“It’s not that difficult. It’s just that it would be great if you told me what you are.”
“I may want to answer your question, but I do not comprehend what you wish to hear.”
“I see. Sorry, I’ll rephrase. When we first met, you said you aren’t an Aquarius. But there are no other humans outside of Aquajail in this world. It’s the same as saying that you are not human. So that’s why I’m asking. What are you?”
“Ah, so it was just something like that.” The man gave a small chuckle, as if to say Luka’s repeated question wasn’t a big deal.
“It was something like that? Is it such a simple question for you?”
“Extremely simple.”
“But when I first asked you who you were, you wouldn’t answer me.”
“At first, you asked me ‘Who’ I was. So I answered, that I am nothing more than myself.”
“That’s nothing but being overly literal… That’s how you like to speak?”
“That is correct. I do not have the talent for playing with words after all.”
“It doesn’t look like you are trying to lie, but it still sounds suspicious.”
“You may take my words as you see fit.”
“Well, we won’t get anywhere if I doubt you. If I a.s.sume that you aren’t lying, then our conversation will move forward. I will ask again. If you say that you are not a person, then ‘What’ are you?” Luka asked without signs of being afraid, looking at the man directly in the eye.
“I am an android.” Meeting her gaze, the man stared back at her, and answered directly.
“But the construction of androids was supposed to have been halted over a millennia ago.”
“You are well informed.”
“I’m trying to get to the surface aren’t I? I’ve researched that much.”
“As you have said, the construction of androids was halted when it was decided for humans to relocate to this city. The city was completely full just by housing the entire human population of the world. Moreover, by the time around ten years had pa.s.sed after the relocation was completed, half of the population was dead.” The man explained in an even tone, as if he was watching the events happen before his eyes.
“In here, all natural resources are precious. There is an insufficient amount of materials for the large scale production of androids. That is why production was abruptly halted.”
“You say as much, and still claim to be an android?”
“There is nothing more peculiar about it. I was constructed in the surface; I am the last android.”
“The last android? But the android records in the central a.s.sembly’s mother computer…” When the puzzled Luka let the words “central a.s.sembly” slipped out from her lips, the man looked at her with a severe expression.
“How did you become aware of the records inside the mother computer of the central a.s.sembly? You cannot be a member of the central a.s.sembly.” Faced with the man’s questioning, Luka for an instant looked guilty, but soon the expression vanished and was replaced by a smile.
“You say I’m not part of the central a.s.sembly, how about yourself?”
“Answer my question.”
“Oh, how you are making a face many times scarier than usual. But, it’s true. It’s unfair for only you to diverge on your secrets. Alright, I’ll tell you my secrets as well.”
“Are you going to tell me who you are?”
“Who am I? I’m Luka. Nothing more and nothing less, as I told you from the start.”
“Didn’t I tell you that I had no taste for word games?”
“Don’t get so angry. I promise I’ll tell you about me. But not right now… I’ll come again.”
“Wait! We are not done talking!”
“It’s useless to stop me. If you are truly an android, you can’t attack me.”
“If you are referring to the limiters that stop androids from attacking humans, I am not affected by them.”
“My, you are so special! But you can’t stop me. Because I’m unarmed, and because I promised I would return here. Besides, I believe what you told me is the truth. I trust that you are not the type to lie. Would you attack someone that placed her trust in you? You aren’t like that.” Luka said unguardedly. The man looked at her for a moment, then a troubled expression appeared on his face, and he laughed wryly.
“Honestly, you are quite something.”
“I feel honored by the compliment… I said that line once didn’t I?”
“I will believe in you. Because I’m not just an android but also a man.”
“I’ll keep my promise. I haven’t said one lie to you so far. Plus, I haven’t opened the door yet. You’ll have to keep seeing me until my purpose is fulfilled, whether you like it or not. Well then, see you later…” Just as she did when they met, Luka flashed him a captivating smile, and left.
After he watched Luka’s figure disappear in the distance, the man looked upwards at the door and gave a small sigh. After that, the man covered his head with the hood, and then left as well.

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