Meet the next long-term project of Evil and Creepy Translations!
This is a light novel written by Tatsuki Saitoh, based on NATARIE IN THE DREAM (NataP)"s song "太陽を知らない人" (Taiyou wo Shiranai Hito, officially translated as "the man who knows the sun never", but that sounds a tad Engrishy to me)
It features three Vocaloids NataP released solo for: Gakupo Kamui, Luka Megurine and Len Kagamine.
Some links of interest:
NATARIE IN THE DREAM"s official page
Nocturne, NataP"s second alb.u.m, featuring Gakupo Kamui songs (backed by Luka Megurine)
Amazon j.a.pan page for the novel
Rakuten page for the novel (used)
How about we start with the song that inspired the novel?






The Man Who Doesn’t Know the Sun



In a forest deeper than the seas



A man who doesn’t know the Sun



No matter how hard he looks upwards



Only taciturn trees cast their shadows



Even if winter ends and spring comes



Even if summer withers and autumn blows



Inside the forest where seasons don’t reach



He just dreams of something unknown



O forest, open 



Swayed by the wind



The blue of the heavens seen in dreams



A color you have yet to know



In a forest deeper than the seas



A man who doesn’t know the Sun



No matter how hard he looks upwards



Only taciturn trees cast their shadows


Intriging, isn"t it? Then, onto the first chapter!

© 2024