
She ran to the bookshelf, and came back with a large volume.

"Read to me, Henry, dear. Read me something now. It seems ages and ages since you used to. Read me something out of the _Encyclopaedia_!"

Henry was looking at the book in his hand. In the midst of a joy that almost overwhelmed him, his orderly mind was conscious of something wrong.

"But this is the MED-MUM volume, darling."

"Is it? Well, that"ll be all right. Read me all about "Mum"."

"But we"re only in the CAL-CHA--" He wavered. "Oh, well--I" he went on, recklessly. "I don"t care. Do you?"

"No. Sit down here, dear, and I"ll sit on the floor."

Henry cleared his throat.

""Milicz, or Militsch (d. 1374), Bohemian divine, was the most influential among those preachers and writers in Moravia and Bohemia who, during the fourteenth century, in a certain sense paved the way for the reforming activity of Huss.""

He looked down. Minnie"s soft hair was resting against his knee. He put out a hand and stroked it. She turned and looked up, and he met her big eyes.

"Can you beat it?" said Henry, silently, to himself.

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