Adapted from Baxter"s "Memoir of Jacques Cartier"


April 20 Monday Cartier leaves St Malo.

May 10 Sunday Arrives at Bonavista.

" 21 Thursday Reaches Isle of Birds.

" 24 Sunday Enters the harbour of Kirpon.

June 9 Tuesday Leaves Kirpon.

" 10 Wednesday Enters the harbour of Brest.

" 11 Thursday St Barnabas Day. Hears Ma.s.s and explores coast in boats.

" 12 Friday Names St Anthoine, Servan; plants cross and names river St Jacques, and harbour Jacques Cartier.

" 13 Returns to ships.

" 14 Sunday Hears Ma.s.s.

" 15 Monday Sails toward north coast of Newfoundland.

" 16 Tuesday Follows the west coast of Newfoundland and names the Monts des Granches.

June 17 Wednesday Names the Colombiers, Bay St Julien, and Capes Royal and Milk.

" 18 Thursday Stormy weather to 24th; explores coast between Capes Royal and Milk.

" 24 Wednesday Festival of St John the Baptist. Names Cape St John.

" 25 Thursday Weather bad; sails toward the west and and south-west; discovers Isles Margaux, Brion, and " 26 Friday Cape Dauphin.

" 27 Coasts toward west-south-west.

" 28 Sunday Reaches Cape Rouge.

" 29 Monday Festival of St Peter. Names Alezay and Cape St Peter, and continues course west-south-west.

" 30 Tuesday Towards evening describes land appearing like two islands.

July 1 Wednesday Names Capes Orleans and Savages.

" 2 Thursday Names Bay St Leonarius.

" 3 Friday Continues northerly course and names Cape Hope.

" 4 Arrives at Port Daniel; remains there until 12th.

July 16 Thursday Enters Gaspe Bay, and remains until 25th on account of storm.

" 22 Wednesday Lands and meets savages.

" 24 Friday Plants a cross.

" 25 Sets sail with good wind toward Anticosti.

" 27 Monday Approaches coast.

" 28 Tuesday Names Cape St Louis.

" 29 Wednesday Names Cape Montmorency and doubles East Cape of Anticosti.

Aug. 1 Sights northern sh.o.r.e of the Gulf of St Lawrence.

" 8 Approaches west coast of Newfoundland.

" 9 Sunday Arrives at Blanc Sablon, and makes preparations to return home.

" 15 Festival of the a.s.sumption. Hears Ma.s.s and sets sail for France.

Sept. 5 Arrives at St Malo.


May 16 Sunday First Pentecost. The crew commune at Cathedral and receive Episcopal Benediction.

" 19 Wednesday Departure from St Malo.

" 26 Wednesday Contrary winds.

June 25 Friday Ships separated by storm.

July 7 Wednesday Cartier reaches the Isle of Birds.

" 8 Thursday Enters Strait of Belle Isle.

" 15 Thursday Reaches the rendezvous at Blanc Sablon.

" 26 Monday Ships meet.

" 29 Thursday Follows north coast and names Isles St William.

" 30 Friday Names Isles St Marthy.

" 31 Names Cape St Germain.

Aug. 1 Sunday Contrary winds; enters St Nicholas Harbour.

" 8 Sunday Sails toward the southern coast.

" 9 Monday Contrary wind; turns toward north and stops in Bay St Lawrence.

" 13 Friday Leaves Bay St Lawrence, approaches Anticosti, and doubles the western point.

" 15 Sunday Festival of the a.s.sumption. Names Anticosti, Isle of the a.s.sumption.

" 16 Monday Continues along coast.

" 17 Tuesday Turns toward the north.

" 19 Thursday Arrives at the Seven Islands.

" 20 Friday Ranges coast with his boats.

" 21 Sails west, but obliged to return to the Seven Islands owing to head winds.

Aug. 24 Tuesday Leaves the Seven Islands and sets sail toward south.

" 29 Sunday Martyrdom of St John Baptist. Reaches harbour of Isles St John.

Sept. 1 Wednesday Quits the harbour and directs his course toward the Saguenay.

" 2 Thursday Leaves the Saguenay and reaches the Bic Islands.

" 6 Monday Arrives at Isle-aux-Coudres.

" 7 Tuesday Reaches Island of Orleans.

" 9 Thursday Donnacona visits Cartier.

" 13 Monday Sails toward the River St Charles.

" 14 Tuesday Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Reaches entrance of St Charles River.

" 15 Wednesday Plants buoys to guide his ships.

" 16 Thursday Two ships are laid up for the winter.

" 17 Friday Donnacona tries to dissuade Cartier from going to Hochelaga.

" 18 Donnacona"s stratagem to deter Cartier from going to Stadacona.

" 19 Sunday Cartier starts for Hochelaga with his pinnace and two boats.

Sept. 28 Tuesday Enters Lake St Peter.

" 29 Wednesday Leaves his pinnace, and proceeds with his boats.

Oct. 2 Arrives at Hochelaga.

" 3 Sunday Lands and visits town and mountain, which he named Mount Royal, and leaves Sunday.

" 4 Monday Regains his pinnace.

" 5 Tuesday Takes his way back to Stadacona.

" 7 Thursday Stops at Three Rivers, and plants cross upon an island.

" 11 Monday Arrives at the anchorage beside Stadacona.

" 12 Tuesday Donnacona visits Cartier.

" 13 Wednesday Cartier and some of his men visit Stadacona.


April 16 Sunday Easter Sunday. The river clear of ice.

" 22 Donnacona visits Cartier with large number of savages.

" 28 Friday Cartier sends Guyot to Stadacona.

May 3 Wednesday Festival of the Holy Cross. A cross planted; Cartier seizes Donnacona.

May 5 Friday The people of Stadacona, bring provisions for Cartier"s captives.

" 6 Cartier sails.

" 7 Sunday Arrives at Isle-aux-Coudres.

" 15 Monday Exchanges presents with the savages.

" 22 Monday Reaches Isle Brion.

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