Chapter 25

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Yan Ke: "My knowledge has increased!"

The corner of Xie Jianwei"s lips twitched. He ma.s.saged his forehead, then continued to read.

The very bottom of the page had a big paragraph with a detailed description of blood.

Blood was the food of vampires, and the highest quality, best-tasting blood, was fresh human blood. Out of this, hot blood was considered to be the best.

To these vampires" senses, blood had a perceivable temperature. When blood was flowing inside the human body, it was warm blood, and when it left the body, it was cold blood. The best quality hot blood would only be produced in the moment of o.r.g.a.s.m, and was said to be delectable enough to make one drunk.

And so vampires were all masters at flirting. Anyone who had tasted hot blood would have eaten and had s.e.x at the same time. 

Normal Blood Clan members could rely on cold and warm blood to live, but pure Blood Clan members could only consume hot blood, and only hot blood could make them feel sated.

The sated here literally means "sated".

If you didn"t eat for a long time, you"d die of starvation!

Of course, a pure bloodclan who had starved to death hadn"t been heard of as of yet. 

After all, pure bloodclans were very powerful and had extremely long lifespans. They weren"t afraid of sunlight either – placed outside, any one of them was a moving fortress, capable of blowing down a large area with a lift of their hand. Every pure bloodclan had excellent looks too – the males were incomparably handsome, and the females were gorgeous and charming. A single casual smile, and there would be people rus.h.i.+ng in from all around asking for their love. 

With these natural talents, hot blood was very easy to obtain, so there was naturally no one stupid enough to starve themselves to death. 

But there was indeed the possibility of death by starvation. 

If a pure bloodclan stubbornly refused to consume hot blood, there"d definitely be serious consequences!

Reading it, Yan Ke exclaimed again and again: "This is practically forcing you to drink Lord Supreme Commander"s blood ah!"

Xie Jianwei: It"s not drinking blood. The emphasis is clearly on how to make Big Li o.r.g.a.s.m.

Although he didn"t say it out loud, Yan Ke had already realised it. He shyly said: "Lord Supreme Commander really is…amazing ah." He fantasized a little about being served in this way and that way by a big-breasted vampire beauty, until he, y"know. Aiyahyah [*]…he wanted to have those sorts of dreams too. Okay, first he needed to have a girlfriend who wanted only him and no one else.

Xie Jianwei sighed, closing the book and saying: "Let"s quickly find out where the b.a.s.t.a.r.d is."

Despite saying this, these few days were days of celebration for the Blood Clan. 

Xie Jianwei"s position here wasn"t low; he was a bona fide holder of power. It was said that the leader of the Blood Clan had slumbered for close to a hundred years, and during this time, it"d always been Xie Jianwei and Lorren, as well as two other pure bloodclans, who were in charge of political affairs. And so the powerful him was actually unable to get out for the moment. 

But it"s not like he was rushed – either way, he wasn"t hungry yet. 

Xie Jianwei familiarised himself with the situation as soon as possible, and had basically gotten to know the background and context. 

This was a very interesting dream. A single mainland was split into two parts. On the left was the domain of the Blood Clan, and on the right was where the humans lived. Due to their relations.h.i.+p on the food chain, the two groups were at odds for years on end, and they were in a constant state of fighting and killing. 

Out of the vampires, pure bloodclans were the ones with the strongest power, and their lifespans were close to infinite; the sad part was that they didn"t have the advantage of numbers, and they had no way of producing descendants, so one dying was one less. Normal bloodclans, however, could increase their numbers via the first embrace, but normal bloodclans" bodies weren"t that much stronger than humans – worst of all, they were scared of light, too; a single moment of carelessness, and they would be roasted to ashes by Papa Sun. 

Although humans were slightly weaker, but they still produced quite a few capable people. The most famous vampire hunter had once heavily wounded the current King of the Blood Clan, and although his methods were somewhat dishonourable, the results were striking. It gave the humans of that time hope and light, and also gave them the heart to rise up and resist. 

Humans reproduced very quickly, and their adaptability and learning ability were also extremely strong, hence they could stand their ground on this land against enemies a hundred, a thousand times stronger than themselves. 

Judging by the current situation, actually, vampires were at a slight disadvantage. 

That battle a century ago had made the King of the Blood Clan fall into slumber, and although that vampire hunter had also vanished, in terms of morale, it was still the Blood Clan who had lost ground. 

In addition, the four pure bloodclans in charge each had their own motives and were competing against each other, causing serious problems within the Blood Clan. 

After the sky gradually darkened, Xie Jianwei dressed up and went out. Nighttime was the Blood Clan"s world, and a banquet of wild, all-night partying was, to them, the greatest reward. 

Although Xie Jianwei had no interest in messing around with people, he still needed to make an appearance at these occasions. 

He had just walked out of the house when a silver-haired, blue-eyed pure bloodclan approached him. 

Xie Jianwei recognised him at a glance: "Good evening, Shears."

The one called Shears was one of the four leaders. 

Shears immediately smiled, saying: "Good evening, beautiful Wei." 

Xie Jianwei smiled casually. 

Shears wanted to say more, except, right at this moment, Lorren suddenly walked over. He looked at Shears, and condescended: "Just how many times do you have to be rejected for you to give up?"

Shears made a hurt expression: "I didn"t do anything…"

Lorren mercilessly exposed him: "Indeed, you didn"t do anything. So it"s only a coincidence that you met here, even though your quarters are ten miles away?" 

Shears wasn"t angry despite having his intentions exposed. Instead, he turned to Xie Jianwei again, pleading: "Wei, just give me a chance mah. Just once is fine; my blood will definitely satisfy you."

Although the taste of a human"s hot blood was the best, the blood of pure bloodclans was the crème de la crème, too. Some were even better tasting than humans". 

As a senior pure bloodclan, Shears was very powerful, and his blood was definitely extremely delicious. His words weren"t an exaggeration.

But Xie Jianwei had no interest in him. Vampires were already pretty intimate creatures, and with the addition of s.e.x, en…if he messed around in Lu Li"s dreamscape, he might split from one to eight in a fit of anger. 

Lorren rejected Shears in Xie Jianwei"s place: "Keep dreaming!"

After speaking, he gave Xie Jianwei"s back a gentle push: "Let"s go, the party"s about to begin."

Xie Jianwei bid an actually pretty polite farewell to Shears. Shears stayed where he was, angered pretty badly. 

Lorren said to him: "You"re the only one with a good temper. What were you doing, giving that rotten person attention?"

Xie Jianwei said: "We"re all colleagues."

"Hehe, colleagues my a.s.s. That kid puts on a façade of being enamoured with you, but behind closed doors, he messes around more than anybody else. Do you want to know where he went last night?"

Xie Jianwei thought inwardly: He didn"t want to know actually. 

Alas, Lorren"s mouth was quick, and he"d already said it: "The Hall of Blood s.h.i.+ne!"

If you were a bloodclan, then you probably knew about this place, but not very many people had actually gone/been [there]. Pure bloodclans cared for their status, and didn"t care for going. Normal bloodclans couldn"t get in even if they wanted to. 

The Hall of Blood s.h.i.+ne. Just from the name, one could gather that this was a place of "b.l.o.o.d.y battle". 

If it was just "battle", then whatever. Most bloodclan members didn"t have moral anyways; they"d go for a round as long as they saw someone that looked good. Group warfare, on the other hand, was a bit shameful. 

The philosophy of the Hall of Blood s.h.i.+ne went: after you go in, you"re not allowed to reject the advances of others, regardless of how many people, how many times, where, and in what way, as long as someone asks, you must accept.

Someone had once described the Hall of Blood s.h.i.+ne like so: "Here, there is hot blood everywhere."

It was enough to show what a chaotic place it was. 

Xie Jianwei peered at Lorren from the corner of his eyes: "How did you know he was there?"

Lorren: "…"

Xie Jianwei patted his shoulder: "Brother, take it easy, your health matters most."

Lorren cleared his throat, and actually pretty calmly explained: "I"m a lot better than Shears. I haven"t confessed to anyone, and I don"t plan to open my heart to anyone, so going to the Hall of Blood s.h.i.+ne is for nothing but fulfilling the desires of my appet.i.te. How"s that like Shears? He says that he must have you, but as soon as he turns his head, anyone will do. You need to stay far away from such a rotten person!"

Xie Jianwei nodded: "I know, I know."

Even though his reply was very refres.h.i.+ng, Lorren was evidently quite concerned, and waffled on a few more times.

Xie Jianwei couldn"t help but laugh: "If I really believed Shears, would I have gone hungry for so long?"

Lorren paused his words abruptly and watched him, somewhat uneasily.

Xie Jianwei caught the strangeness in his behaviour and asked: "What"s wrong?"

Lorren hesitated, suddenly switching the topic: "When do you think His Majesty will awaken at last?"

Xie Jianwei said: "I don"t know."

Lorren breathed out a long sigh. The gaze that he used to look at Xie Jianwei was filled with worry and distress. He shook his head, saying: "You…you should think more openly."

Xie Jianwei didn"t quite understand. His thinking was pretty open already…or should he say, was there a single thing that he hadn"t thought openly about? 

Lorren suddenly cheered up again. He patted Xie Jianwei"s shoulder: "Let"s go! Today I"ll definitely find you a big beauty, and let you fill up your stomach!"

Xie Jianwei: "…" He wouldn"t be able to fill up his stomach today. His "big beauty" was still making mischief at who-knows-where.

As always, there were quite a few beautiful bloodclans coming over to flirt at the party. There were both men and women; the party was fully stocked with various different types of people. From mature big sister types to lolis, from grown men to shotas; there were pure ones and s.e.xy ones, alluring ones and elegant ones… As long as you could imagine it, you could see it. 

Xie Jianwei maintained his appropriate mannerisms, refusing everything from the beginning till the end. 

At the start, Lorren was still by his side helping him pick and choose, and by the end, a pure young man had caught his eye, and he went off somewhere to satisfy his "appet.i.te". 

Xie Jianwei was happy to be on his own. After rejecting another batch of people, it was almost time to withdraw. 

He had dawdled here for so long, mostly because he wanted to see whether he"d be able to meet Lu Li. 

He wasn"t sure what ident.i.ty Lu Li had, but based on the pattern so far, the two of them would usually have some sort relations.h.i.+p, like brother-in-law, f.u.c.k buddy, private doctor… basically, they"d have already known each other.

But this time the Lord Supreme Commander had a lot of self-restraint, hiding far away. Xie Jianwei didn"t find him in the Blood Clan. 

Xie Jianwei stepped out of the banquet hall in the moonlight. He hadn"t walked far before coming across a live action

Xie Jianwei was just about to go around them to avoid them, when he suddenly heard his own name.

A sweet voice belonging to a young man was saying: "Have you still not acquired a taste of Lord Jianwei"s hot blood?"

Shears" voice followed: "How could it be so easy? He"s our clan"s famous "flower of the high mountains"; his standards are way too high."

The youth"s voice said flatteringly: "No matter how high they are, as long as you get serious, my Lord, is it not as easy as taking candy from a child?"

Shears laughed: "You and your little honeyed mouth."

The youth"s voice sounded again: "Lord Jianwei just hasn"t had a taste of you yet. Once he does, he"ll definitely be at your beck and call."

Shears laughed loudly: "Just like you right now, sticking up your bottom and begging me to f*ck you?"

The youth shyly replied: "You"re so naughty, my Lord." 

"You think this is naughty? I haven"t even started being naughty yet." After he spoke, came a wave of ambiguous sounds and wild words. 

Xie Jianwei shook his head, having no interest in eavesdropping. He was just wanting to leave when he suddenly heard Shears giving a cold harrumph: "Xie Jianwei"s nothing but a wh.o.r.e. He"s feigning purity now, but a hundred years ago, wasn"t he being played with under his Majesty"s body all the same? 

His words were quite exciting. There were enough hidden insinuations inside to explode as well. 

Yan Ke: "Aiyah aiyah, just then I went offline, I didn"t hear anything."

Yan Ke: "Stuff like wh.o.r.e and being played with and being under someone"s body… I didn"t hear any of it!"

Xie Jianwei: "Do you want next month"s paycheck or not?"

Yan Ke immediately grew serious: "I think that this slumbering King has an eighty per cent chance of being Lord Supreme Commander!"

Xie Jianwei replied, deep in thought: "It"s possible."

If Shears wasn"t sprouting bulls.h.i.+t, then that meant that Xie Jianwei had a special relations.h.i.+p with the King of the Blood Clan, and Lu Li would absolutely never allow Xie Jianwei to do this and that with other people, so it could basically be confirmed that this was Lu Li. 

But…Lu Li was slumbering?

How was he supposed to treat him if he was asleep?

Could it be that he had to awaken him first? Then there"s a problem. How could he wake him up? Okay, the most important question was, where did the King of the Blood Clan sleep? He needed to go and confirm whether it was his Lu Big Li or not first. 

Xie Jianwei was thinking when he heard Shears speak again: "His Majesty definitely won"t wake up. Xie Jianwei will be mine sooner or later; as long as I obtain him, haha, the new King of the Blood Clan will definitely be me!"

Xie Jianwei: "…" The sc.u.m of a man"s pretty ambitious ah. Pity that he could only daydream about it then. 

It"d be impossible to fish information from Lorren tonight then; the guy would probably "eat" the whole night.

Xie Jianwei wasn"t in a rush. He simply went back to his residence to get an early rest. 

On the second day, Xie Jianwei had just woken up when he felt a wave of staggering hunger. The feeling was terrifying; it was as if the insides of his stomach had been sucked out. The huge feeling of emptiness made him feel incredible discomfort, and he could do nothing but desperately curl up on the bed. 

Yan Ke"s voice rang out right on time: "My Lord? My Lord!"

Cold sweat rushed from Xie Jianwei"s forehead, his lips paling rapidly and the extreme hunger turning into a vast pain. 

Yan Ke said, panicked: "How about we exit first?"

Xie Jianwei said: "It"s…fine."

Yan Ke said: "We need to hurry and find the Lord Supreme Commander, this can"t go on!"

Xie Jianwei was so hungry it was unbearable; all he could think of was the scarlet liquid. What was worse was that, even in such pain, his body had reacted. 

This G.o.d-d.a.m.ned setting!

Right at this moment, Lorren"s voice travelled in from outside: "Ah-Wei, are you awake?"

Xie Jianwei couldn"t reply at all, and could only lift up his hand, shattering the vase by the bedside.

Lorren asked hurriedly after hearing the sound: "What"s wrong? Ah-Wei?"

No one replied. Lorren directly broke down the door and entered. Upon seeing Xie Jianwei curled up on the bed, he quickly hurried over, making a cut on his own arm without even thinking. 

The fresh blood carried with it a fragrance that one could get drunk off of, filling the entire room. Xie Jianwei swore, he had never in his life tasted something so delicious. 

This wasn"t just satisfying one"s appet.i.te – it was satisfying the soul. 

What was terrifying was that although the feeling of hunger slowly retreated, and Xie Jianwei recovered his calm, his stomach was still gently throbbing, as if it were a beast that had been temporarily appeased, but who could release frenzied roars any minute. 

Because Lorren had straight up cut his arm to let out blood, the blood had gotten everywhere – on the bed, on his clothes, and on Xie Jianwei"s cheek. It was quite terrifying upon sight. 

Yan Ke stuttered: "Horror, horror movie…"

Xie Jianwei: "Grow a pair."

Lorren stopped his bleeding, and then pa.s.sed a warm towel to Xie Jianwei.

Xie Jianwei took a breath, saying: "Thank you."

Lorren sighed, saying with a heavy heart: "You can"t go on like this. The effect my warm blood has on you is getting worse and worse."

Xie Jianwei didn"t reply.

Lorren took a glance at him, shaking his head: "Can you not be so stubborn?"

Xie Jianwei frowned lightly: "I know what I"m doing."

"What do you know?" Lorren was both angry and worried, "His Majesty has slept for a hundred years already. You"ve starved yourself for a hundred years!"

Xie Jianwei: "…"

Yan Ke put the nail in the coffin: "Looks like the head of the Blood Clan is the Lord Supreme Commander then!"

Lorren was both worried by his stubbornness and angry at his refusal to be enlightened: "What sort of pure bloodclan doesn"t drink blood in a hundred years? You know it"s a miracle  that you haven"t starved to death right?" 

Xie Jianwei replied fittingly: "I don"t want to drink other people"s hot blood."

Lorren said: "I really don"t get what you"re so fixated on. Even if his Majesty wakes up, he wouldn"t wish to see you like this, wasting away!"

Xie Jianwei thought inwardly: if he really did drink someone else"s warm blood, Lu Li would probably blow up the dreamscape, then blow himself up…

Lorren was head over heels with worry for him too: "A hundred years is enough, really. I know that you truly love his Majesty, and after his Majesty awakens, he will be very touched, too."

Xie Jianwei generally understood things now, and so didn"t plan to chatter any more: "I know."

Lorren huffed in anger: "What do you know? Hurry up and go find hot blood to drink. If another month and you still don"t drink, then don"t blame ol" me for forcing you to submit!"

Xie Jianwei: "…" 

Yan Ke made a few subst.i.tutions in his head: "Luckily this Admiral Lorren is fake, or else…" HIs own right hand forcing his wife into cheating [1], the Lord Supreme Commander would definitely explode into the most beautiful firework on the horizon. 

En, the fireworks would be green too. [2]

Xie Jianwei coaxed Lorren into leaving after lots of persuasion. 

But he knew it now. It would seem that the priority now would be to hurry and awaken the leader of the Blood Clan; otherwise, if he didn"t starve to death, then he"d cheat. Either option was extremely disadvantageous to the treatment of the personalities. 

Xie Jianwei went and flipped through some information, and finally found the Blood Clan leader"s place of slumber. 

He needed to go check on the goods first, so that he wouldn"t have worked for nothing when the time came. 

It was very easy for Xie Jianwei to see the King of the Blood Clan. Actually, in these past hundred years, it had been Lorren"s people and his own that were guarding the Blood Clan leader. 

At present, out of the four people governing the Blood Clan, Xie Jianwei and Lorren were of the "Original King" faction, stubbornly waiting for his Majesty to awaken and to once again take hold of power. 

Shears and Thorne were of the "New King" faction. They campaigned to re-elect a new King and open up a new epoch for the Blood Clan. 

But Xie Jianwei and Lorren weren"t fuel-saving lamps, either [3]. One was good at strategy, and the other was good at fighting. A man of literature and a man of battle – together they commanded enough political power, such that Shears and Thorne were helpless.

Shears started his pursual of Xie Jianwei fifty years ago. Of course, he didn"t truly like Xie Jianwei; it was merely a tactic. 

If he could seduce Xie Jianwei and pull him into his own camp, it"d be a trade that could guarantee his victory; even if he couldn"t seduce him, he could use it as an excuse to openly hate on the slumbering Blood Clan King. 

After all, Xie Jianwei deeply loved the Blood Clan King, and Shears "deeply loved" Xie Jianwei. Under the emotional strain of being unable to have what he pined for, it would only be natural for him to want to be the replacement. 

Xie Jianwei went to "check on the goods" very earnestly, but in the end, when he reached his destination, he…was speechless. 

Yan Ke looked at the huge black shadow lying in the crystal coffin, completely stunned: "Supreme Commander is amazing ah." 

The corner of Xie Jianwei"s lips twitched.

Yan Ke said after deliberation: "He doesn"t look human when sleeping, but maybe he"ll be a human when he wakes up?"

Xie Jianwei stared at the crystal coffin, wordless. 

The one who was lying in the coffin was the King of the Blood Clan. It was just that he was very different from how Xie Jianwei had imagined. 

It wasn"t the "big beauty" Lu Li who was sleeping within, but a bat-shaped cloud of black fog. 

That"s right, not to mention a person, it wasn"t even a bat, but a cloud of fog shaped like a bat!

It turned out that the mighty King of the Blood Clan was like this – Xie Jianwei felt a tangled mix of emotions. 

Yan Ke carefully spoke up: "Can you feel the Lord Supreme Commander"s aura?"

Xie Jianwei replied: "The crystal coffin blocks all auras."

Yan Ke said: "Let"s open it and see?"

Xie Jianwei replied: "Didn"t you see it written in the book that if we open the crystal coffin, the leader of the blood clan will vanish like smoke?"

Yan Ke: "…" What could be done about this?

Xie Jianwei had no way of confirming the ident.i.ty of the Blood Clan King from his appearance, and had no way of confirming via recognition of his aura, but from what he understood about the situation, the guy should be Lu Li. 

He just didn"t know why he"d do this to himself. 

Xie Jianwei sighed, saying: "Anyways, let"s first awaken him."

As long as the guy was awake, then they"d be able to work out whether it"s Lu Li or not. It would be best if he were, but it wouldn"t matter too much even if he weren"t; he"d just make him sleep for another few hundred years. 

Yan Ke very much agreed: "Makes sense."

When Xie Jianwei went back he began to investigate how to make the sleeping bat awaken. 

Lorren came by to check on him a few times. When he saw him busying himself, he only shook his head and sighed: "You"ve been trying for a hundred years; are you still not giving up?"

Xie Jianwei said: "Got to give it all a go."

Lorren wanted to give him a beating, truly: "You"re as stubborn as a mule!"

Although he said this, he didn"t leave. Instead, he sat down and researched with him.

Xie Jianwei had endured for a hundred years – he didn"t actually want to see him give up out of helplessness either. 

Although, to a bloodclan, s.e.x was a very normal thing. As a very fitting comparison, it"s like how humans eat. n.o.body would only eat food made by a single person every day, and moreover would not starve themselves because the person doesn"t cook anymore.

And so even if Xie Jianwei drank the hot blood of others, the King wouldn"t be angry when he woke up, and they"d still have a very good relations.h.i.+p. 

But Xie Jianwei was very insistent on not drinking, and once he was insistent, it was for a hundred years. Truly, witnessing him made one sigh. 

Although Lorren always wanted him to stop torturing himself this way, if Xie Jianwei could satisfactorily prevail until his Majesty woke up, he would be happy from the tragedy, too. 

After investigating for a few days, Xie Jianwei actually found something. 

"This spell…have I tried it before?"

Lorren took a glance, replying: "You haven"t."

Xie Jianwei carefully looked at the theory: "I think it"s doable."

Lorren only swept his gaze over it a few times before shaking his head, saying: "It"s too over the top; the necessary materials are practically hard to come by even in centuries."

Xie Jianwei said: "Not necessarily. Let"s give it a search."

Lorren considered it for a moment, then said: "I"ll help you look to the best of my ability, but I hope you can promise me one thing."

Xie Jianwei looked at him: "What?"

Lorren said: "In one month, if his Majesty can"t wake up, you need to find hot blood to drink."

Xie Jianwei: "…"

Lorren added on a line: "At most one month. You can"t endure for too long!"

Xie Jianwei knew that he had his best interests in mind and could only sigh, replying: "Okay, a month."

As a bona fide workaholic, when Military Strategist Xie worked, his efficiency would scare anyone who saw him. 

It hadn"t even been two days when he caught word of the whereabouts of an important material.

Lorren said: "I"ll go look for it for you."

Xie Jianwei said: "I"ll go with you."

Lorren replied: "You still have not even a month"s time, you should hurry and continue to find clues!"

Xie Jianwei thought about it for a moment, then said: "Okay, contact me at anytime."

Lorren waved his hands, taking his people and leaving the territory of the Blood Clan. 

Speaking of it, his luck was good. Lorren had only just left in the afternoon when Xie Jianwei once again found the whereabouts of another material. 

This material would be auctioned tomorrow morning in humankind"s biggest city. There was only one chance. If it was bought by someone else, the difficulty of getting it into his hands would grow linearly. 

Lorren had already gone to the Ollie Forest. He definitely couldn"t make it to Qinya city at the moment. 

Xie Jianwei was afraid of missing it, and so decided to go to the city himself, wanting to bid it down tomorrow morning. 

Actually, he and Lorren leaving the territory of the Bloodclan at the same time was a very dangerous thing. After all, Shears was always there looking on greedily. With both of them going away, he might stir up trouble.

But Xie Jianwei made careful arrangements before leaving. He would be gone for two days at most and gave no sign whatsoever when he left, too. Shears probably wouldn"t discover that he wasn"t in the territory even after he came back. 

Because Xie Jianwei was in a hurry, he didn"t bring too many people. Luckily, all vampires liked the night, and so the efficiency of travelling by night was actually far better than by day.

Apart from the Bloodclan"s territory, he still needed to pa.s.s through the Fog Ravines. Past this natural obstacle was human territory. 

Xie Jianwei"s body was mysterious as h.e.l.l. He could use magic and could fly as well, making things so much easier.

Because the people following him were slightly slower, after Xie Jianwei entered the humans" territory, he temporarily slowed his steps down, waiting for them to catch up. 

This was a forest. In the inky black night, only the rustling sound of leaves was present. Excessive silence, however, often conceals within it true danger. 

But Xie Jianwei didn"t care. In the entirety of the humans" territory, his existence was probably the most dangerous. 

Just while he was boredly flipping through the book he carried with him, he heard the sound of jumbled footsteps.

It wasn"t his people – it was probably humans.  

Xie Jianwei was originally planning on avoiding them, but a familiar aura made him pause violently in his steps. 

Yan Ke said: "Hmm…is it the Lord Supreme Commander?"

Xie Jianwei silently hid his silhouette away, and the figures of a team of people walking by slowly appeared. 

They seemed to be a small team of hunters. They"d probably come to the forest for a hunting task. 

After all, this forest was the intersection between the vampires" and the humans" territories. There would be normal bloodclans coming and going from time to time, and so naturally, there were also many hunters coming and going to explore. 

This little team didn"t seem to have much unity.

At the head, a thin and tall guy said: "Why did we need to bring that dead-weight? What use could he possibly have?"

"Did you think I wanted to bring him ah, Big Sis took a liking to his pretty face and insisted on having him come with us and getting some glory." 

"It"s disgusting enough, truly. Insisting on becoming a vampire hunter even without any skills, what a piece of tras.h.!.+"

"Heh, be a little quieter; if he hears and does a little pillow-talking when we get back, we"ll get it good."

That skinny and tall one actually did seem a little worried. He lowered his voice a little: "I really want to f.u.c.king kill him!"

"It"s not like we can"t…" The person at the head actually followed suit, lowering his voice: "…this place is dangerous anyways; if a little accident or something happened…" 

He and the tall and skinny guy met each others" eyes, and cold laughter came from the two simultaneously. 

Xie Jianwei listened the whole time, feeling quite a bit surprised. 

The "dead-weight" in their words was Lu Li. 

That"s right, it was definitely Lu Li. Without mentioning how he looked exactly the same, even the aura was absolutely correct. 

Xie Jianwei needed only a glance to be 100% certain. 

Yan Ke said: "Did we miscalculate? The Lord Supreme Commander isn"t the King of the Blood Clan?"

Xie Jianwei didn"t reply, merely saying: "Let"s save him first."

These hunters really were cruel and merciless. They didn"t even bat an eye at killing their own species. 

Lu Li seemed to be a little weak this time. Although he was still his handsome self, he had thinned down quite a bit. His face was very pale, but his eyes were extremely black. Like a night sky covered by dark clouds, not a single bit of light could s.h.i.+ne through them. 

Xie Jianwei felt, inexplicably, a little distressed. He walked to stand in front of him and asked in a light voice: "Do you want to leave with me?"

Lu Li watched him in silence. 

Xie Jianwei confessed: "As you can see, I am a Bloodclan."

Lu Li opened his mouth, his voice unexpectedly bright: "I do."

Xie Jianwei smiled and reached out a hand to him.

Lu Li"s eyelids lowered. He stared at his palm for a very long time, and only after a moment did he put his own hand on top. 

Xie Jianwei frowned: "Your body isn"t very well?"

Lu Li bowed his head: "En."

Xie Jianwei warmly said: "That"s fine. When there"s time, I"ll help you built up and recover a bit."

Lu Li didn"t say any more, merely walking by his side as if he didn"t exist.

Yan Ke said: "The Lord Supreme Commander has actually turned into a poor little guy; it"s so heartbreaking."

Xie Jianwei: "…"

Yan Ke said again: "I thought that Lord Supreme Commander was a domineering Blood King, waiting to be woken up by his loved one"s kiss before resuming his previous relations.h.i.+p…"

Xie Jianwei"s lips rose: "Why are you so hurried? It will come."

Yan Ke understood what was being left unsaid: "Ahhhhh, I was…too naïve!"

Xie Jianwei ignored him.

Because he picked up a Lu Little Li, Xie Jianwei straight up forgot about his own subordinates, heading into Qinya city with Lu Li in tow early. 

The auction will happen tomorrow; they could still have a good rest tonight. 

With self-restraint, Xie Jianwei asked for two rooms. He and Lu Li would have a room each.

Lu Li was silent the entire time, so quiet it was unreal.

Xie Jianwei wasn"t in a hurry either. Falling in love, mah…it needed time. 

He asked Lu Li: "Are you hungry?"

Lu Li nodded.

Xie Jianwei  ordered a table full of food: "Eat, but don"t each too much. Be careful so you don"t get indigestion."

Lu Li said: "Thank you very much."

Xie Jianwei smiled, sitting across from him and watching him eat. 

What a pity that he was now a fasting bloodclan. He was so hungry, and yet he had no food; it was quite disheartening. 

His line of sight couldn"t resist dancing around on Lu Li"s neck, and after looking a little, his throat began to feel dry. He needed to hurry and build up their feelings so he could fill his stomach sooner. 

Lu Li seemed to have felt his gaze. He raised his head slightly and silently stared at him.

Xie Jianwei hurriedly moved his eyes away. 

Lu Li ate very little. The whole table full of food seemed to have been barely touched.

Xie Jianwei asked him: "Have you eaten your fill?"

Lu Li replied: "En."

Xie Jianwei said: "Then rest early."

Lu Li nodded, following him upstairs. When he was just about to go into the room, Lu Li suddenly spoke up: "Do you want to drink blood?"

Xie Jianwei: "…"

Yan Ke: "My G.o.d, the Lord Supreme Commander is super sensible."

Xie Jianwei thought that the way this was developing wasn"t very good, that it should proceed gradually. And so he said: "Have an early sleep."

Lu Li looked at him and was about to say something but stopped. 

Xie Jianwei said: "Goodnight."

He had a rest that night, but come morning, Xie Jianwei was so, so agonised. 

His stomach shrunk rapidly, and that terrifying hunger attacked once again. Actually, Xie Jianwei dealt with it a little better this time than last time. After all, last time was the first time, and his tolerance had been a little weaker. 

At least this time he could still move.

Yan Ke said hurriedly: "I"ll go cut off the connection right now. My Lord, you need to hurry and find Lord Supreme Commander!"

Xie Jianwei wanted to fall in love first before making love, but with this setting, he probably couldn"t hold on until that time came.

Whatever, filling his stomach came first.

Xie Jianwei went to next door. Lu Li rose to stand practically the moment he came in. 

Xie Jianwei"s forehead was releasing a thin layer of sweat, his lips very unnaturally red. His features, already exquisite, were at this moment given another few layers of beauty. 

Lu Li looked at him unblinkingly. Xie Jianwei had already walked to him, half kneeling in front of him, his fingers undoing his belt with slight trembles. 

Lu Li lowered his head, watching this unimaginably beautiful bloodclan take that thing of his into his mouth.

Xie Jianwei was a little rushed. He wanted to quickly drink some hot blood, and he knew Lu Li very well. The quickest way to make him "disarm" was this. 

Military Strategist Xie worked his mouth very hard, and yet the fellow student Big Li, who would usually rise straight up to attention with a single kiss from him, was, at this moment, motionless!

Xie Jianwei refused to believe it, but after going at it for a while, his heart dropped.

Lu Li"s voice slowly sounded: "I"m sorry."

Xie Jianwei raised his head, looking at him: "You…"

He never would have imagined it in a thousand years. Lu • Wild-animal • Couldn"t-get-enough • Li had actually become impotent???

The author has something to say: Lu Big Li: I needed to be this"d and that"d and then this way"d and that way"d to stand up. 

[*] Aiyahyah – a variation of "Aiyah", both of which are sounds similar to a sigh. Sometimes also used as an exclamation of sorts: "Aiyah, I accidentally cut myself", or like when you"re getting a scolding: "Aiyah, why are you so lazy"

[1] 红杏出墙: literally "the red almond (blossom) moves outside the gates". Red almond blossom = wife. So when the wife moves outside of the gates she cheats hahaha

[2] Fireworks being green is a reference to the whole "wearing a green hat" saying (戴绿帽子)- if you wear a green hat, you"re being cheated on. 

[3] They aren"t fuel saving lamps = they"re not easy to defeat. 

[4] Aura – 气息 – it technically translates to "breath". I was reluctant to use "aura" because aura  reminds me of "colours around ppl that psychics see", but the translation is definitely "aura" – "the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person or place" (google). The words describing the "aura" usually pertain to scent too – like, "wisp/whiff/strand" (股). 

Andandandand for that part where XJW asked Lu Li if he wanted to leave with him and Lu Li says "I do", YES, it sounds like a marriage in the raws too! 

Translating the vampire arc is what"s gonna put the "indulgent" in "indulgent translations" tbh :p

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