Publishedat 16th of August 2019 03:11:19 PMChapter 27.1

Xie Jianwei thought inwardly: Don’t worry, I can’t die…after all, this is Lu Li’s world .  

As for being hungry…true hunger was when he’d yet to meet Lu Li, he’d been really hungry then, but after meeting Lu Li, even though he clearly didn’t drink hot blood, his hunger wasn’t so exaggerated anymore . In addition, he felt that Lu Li’s warm blood probably had an even better effect than other people’s hot blood . When he drank once, he was full for the whole day, he felt super refreshed .  

With this in mind, Xie Jianwei vaguely felt that the Lu Li before his eyes was probably the master of the dreamscape .  

During the time he hadn’t seen Lu Li, Xie Jianwei had, according to the rules of the dreamscape, experienced the sensation of hunger as he should’ve . But after the two had met, he’d immediately gained the recurring ability to rise above the forces of logic . Seeing this, the probability of Lu Li being the master was quite large .

Of course, this was a guess . After all, he had yet to be extremely starved, and according to the logic so far, drinking warm blood was indeed enough to suppress the sensation of hunger .

Seeing Xie Jianwei’s placid expression, obviously already with his head in the clouds, Lorren couldn’t help but heaving a long sigh: “You…!”

Xie Jianwei said comfortingly without much sincerity whatsoever: “It isn’t as exaggerated as you say it is . ”

Lorren coldly looked at him, convinced that he was bulls.h.i.+tting .

Xie Jianwei said: “I’m not fasting on purpose, I just haven’t met one I want to drink . ”

Hearing his rubbish logic, Lorren wanted to beat someone up .

Xie Jianwei didn’t have much up his sleeve either, the only thing he could do was be shameless: “Anyways, I want to drink his hot blood . If it isn’t him, then it won’t do . ”

Question: What to do if your friend is super aggravating?

Admiral Lorren: What can you do? You can only forgive him ah!

Xie Jianwei said panderingly: “It’ll be fine, I’ll shout you drinks in a little while . ”

The bloodclans really did have alcohol, but the contents were different from human’s alcohol . More accurately, they should be called blended blood, made by blending various cold bloods of superior taste, giving it a special flavour .  

Lorren ‘hehehe’d: “If you’ve got the skills, then you should shout me to the Hall of Blood s.h.i.+ne, Count Xie . ”

Xie Jianwei: “…”

He really couldn’t go there, to that holy ground for promiscuity .

Although Lorren said that he wasn’t satisfied, he really did go drinking with him .  

Xie Jianwei picked a pretty quiet place . He’d heard that the owner was a man of sentiment, the type rarely seen in millennia . When he’d only just come of age, he went to the humans to hunt, and then he met an especially delicious food and guarded him fiercely after the first embrace, becoming, for a time, the joke of the bloodclans .  

But, after all the laughing, his life was one that he had chosen . It seemed that he was living it quite pleasantly .  

Due to this relations.h.i.+p, the bar was a rare place where people didn’t mess around .  

Normally, although on the outside bars said they were for selling blended blood, there’d always be a person accompanying the customers to drink, and after a little while, they’d accompany them to bed too .  

After all, compared to cold blood, there were still innumerable bloodclans who liked hot blood .  

Xie Jianwei ordered a cup of orange-coloured blood wine, and Lorren mocked him: “You’re not a youngling, yet you’re still drinking these weird things, who knows what sort of stuff has been added inside . ”

Xie Jianwei said: “Just giving it a taste . ”

He took a sip, but before he could register the taste, Yan Ke asked curiously: “What flavour is it?” The orange-coloured blood looked like orange juice .

Just when he was thinking this, Xie Jianwei said: “It’s sour and sweet, it’s probably freshly squeezed orange juice . ”

Yan Ke drooled: “I wanna drink it so much, nowadays, oranges have become protected endangered plants!”

Xie Jianwei said: “I told you to come, but you wouldn’t . ”

Yan Ke said: “Even if I came, I wouldn’t be able to drink it, alright, you wanted to turn me into a tissue!”

Yan Ke said: “How so? If I soak you straight in the orange juice, would you not have enough to drink?”

Yan Ke: “…”

Xie Jianwei finished drinking the “orange juice”, then ordered a ‘pear juice’, ‘mango juice’, ‘pineapple juice’, ‘grape juice’…

He wanted to order a cup of ‘cuc.u.mber juice’, too, but was stopped by Lorren: “That’s enough, do you want to get drunk?”

Xie Jianwei didn’t take it to heart: “How’d I get drunk from drinking this?” A pile of fruit juice was nothing but sweet .

Lorren felt that he’d already become a drunkard: “Enough, it’s late, we should go back, don’t you want to go wait on your little impotent?”

Xie Jianwei said: “Who’s impotent ah?”

Lorren: “…” He really is f.u.c.king drunk!

“You mean Little Li?” Xie Jianwei waved his hands, saying: “He’s very amazing, quite, quite amazing…”

Lorren thought inwardly: You’ve got some b.a.l.l.s, to dare address his majesty in this way . But on second thought, he felt that it was normal . After all, it was a thing between the two .

[Here, the raws say ‘interest and temperament’ rather than ‘thing’, to imply that it’s a kink or smthing they share but I dunno how to express that in english]

Calling him Little Li was fine, calling him Li Gege was okay, too, either way, his Majesty liked it .

[T/N: Gege means elder brother, as a term of endearment . Doesn’t necessarily denote blood relation]

Xie Jianwei saw that Lorren didn’t believe him, and said  a few more sentences . Lorren paid him no mind, straight up grabbing him and leaving .

Xie Jianwei mentioned Little Li once every three sentences the whole way back . Lorren agreed on one hand, but on the other, he felt quite sad .  

It wasn’t that the bloodclans didn’t understand love, it was that they didn’t want to understand .

An endless life, countless times of feasting – the word ‘loyalty’ was, really, too difficult for them .  

But what sort of love was love without loyalty?

After all, the word’s most basic foundation was the desire to monopolise .  

Lorren sent Xie Jianwei back . Upon opening the door, he saw the human, staying obediently inside the room .

Lu Li got up, bowing to him .

Lorren didn’t like him . After placing Xie Jianwei on the bed, he said: “The Count has drunk too much . Take care of him well . ”

Lu Li replied: “Okay . ”

Lorren stared at him for a little while . A moment later, he gave an icy laugh: “You can’t supply hot blood . You have no use . ”

Lu Li’s eyelids dipped slightly, calmly saying: “I understand . ”

Lorren said: “Don’t bring humanity’s little schemes here . If you dare to use him, I’ll make you live a life worse than death . ” [*]

Lu Li was expressionless as always: “I will work hard to become a bloodclan . ”

Lorren coldly laughed, turning and leaving .

The humans and bloodclans abhorred each other, to the extent that, if one lives, the other must die . The source of their greatest conflict was the food chain . The hunter and the hunted would never be able to coexist peacefully .  

While it was true that bloodclans could use their stunning beauty to seduce humans as they wished, humans and bloodclans had an entirely different att.i.tude towards love . After humans fall deep into the river of love, what they desired wasn’t just a one-time s.e.xual love . They wanted a long-term partner, as well as the wholesomeness of a lifetime of support and of reproducing offspring together .

But bloodclans only wanted to satisfy their s.e.xual desires and their appet.i.te .  

This was a conflict that was unable to be reconciled, and one that was destined to only bring humans harm .

The hate that stemmed from love  set fire to one’s sense of reason even more so than just simple hatred . Perhaps, in the beginning, bloodclans and humans weren’t so at odds with each other, but following the flow of time, the humans’ hatred towards bloodclans rapidly increased, and more and more humans knew of the existence of bloodclans, more and more  knew that they were a group of monsters wearing human skin, and more and more were h.e.l.lbent on revolting against them .  

They feared people with beautiful visages . Even towards fellow humans who were overly good-looking, they felt repulsion and rejection that emanated from their very bones .  

For example, Lu Li . His misfortunes could perfectly demonstrate this phenomenon .  

His overly handsome visage became the source of his suffering, 

All the people who were close to him held caution in their hearts, and everyone who saw him for the first time would reveal a look of fear on their faces . Even the ones who paid him insincere flattery, in the end, the thing they wanted was ‘eternal life’ – the eternal life after the first embrace .  

He was a human, but his own species didn’t consider him as a human .

They took him for a bloodclan and repelled him and feared him, and then after knowing that he wasn’t a bloodclan, they would begin their unreasonable anger .

There was practically no human who could engage in battle with a pure bloodclan, so they took a human who looked very much like a ‘pure bloodclan’ to be a pure bloodclan, bullying him and ostracising him, as if, like so, they could calm the unrest and rage within their hearts .  

But, actually, this was very unreasonable .  

What did Lu Li do wrong? He hadn’t done anything, and yet he was met with the malice of his entire world .  

With such a sickening environment for growth, Lu Li was destined to be abnormal .  

He didn’t reject turning into a bloodclan, he even antic.i.p.ated it . He heard that after the first embrace, his memories as a human would all disappear as if he had been reborn, and he’d begin a new life .  

But he didn’t even have this opportunity, because he was unable to get an erection .  

Lu Li didn’t know why Xie Jianwei would choose him, but in that moment that Xie Jianwei had chosen him, a joy that he’d never felt before had risen from the bottom of his barren heart .  

It didn’t matter, no matter what the reason was, none of it mattered .  

Xie Jianwei really hadn’t known that the ‘fruit juice’ would have such potency, such that it actually made him a drunken mess .  

The blended blood probably had some sort of additive to it, the type of additive that would have an effect on  bloodclan’s body, able to create a state akin to drunkenness in humans .  

Xie Jianwei was all dazed . When he opened his eyes and saw Lu Li, he felt very rea.s.sured .

“Come here . ” He patted the spot next to him .

Lu Li hesitated a bit .

Xie Jianwei was dissatisfied, saying: “Come onnn . ”

Usually, his voice was clear and cold, and even if he softened his voice to speak, it made people think of the clouds dotting the horizon – soft as they were, they were extremely distant, as well as very light, and hence they felt very abstract .

But this time it was different, as if the clouds had fallen down from the horizon, turning into b.a.l.l.s of cotton . They were plentiful and voluminous, as if they would all come and warmly wrap around your hand if you touched them .  

Lu Li’s heart leapt, and in the end slept by his side .

But Xie Jianwei wasn’t well behaved, and with agile movements that a drunk person shouldn’t have, he stripped off his clothes, and not a moment later he was bare, stuffing himself into Lu Li’s arms .

Another moment pa.s.sed before he belatedly realised that Lu Li was still wearing clothes .  

And then he began taking Lu Li’s clothes off for him, too .  

When the two were completely bare, he then started rubbing against Lu Li’s body .

No normal man would be reactionless under this type of situation .

On the contrary, Lu Li’s body was impossibly calm, but he wasn’t unexcited – his heart beat very fast, and it was as if a fire had lit up inside his breast, the sensation of dry heat racing through his entire body, but it just refused to converge to that most important place .

Xie Jianwei, having rubbed a little, started becoming unhappy: “Little Li, give it to me . ”

Lu Li’s heart was pierced . He got up, saying: “I’ll help you . ” Done speaking, he took that place into his mouth .

Xie Jianwei inhaled sharply . After being touched in this manner, his voice carried within it the note of tears: “It’s not enough…”

Done speaking, he pressed Lu Li down . Lu Li let go of him, his gaze moving lower . When he caught sight of the dripping scene, it was as if he had been struck by lightning .  

Xie Jianwei pleaded: “Help me, Little Li, help me . ”

Lu Li put a finger in, and in exchange, he received a low hum of relief from Xie Jianwei .  

As if he were dreaming, Lu Li couldn’t have imagined how entrancing the picture before him was . With three fingers, he made Xie Jianwei shoot .

He didn’t touch his front at all, not even once .  

Lu Li stared at his crimson lips, and, as if hypnotised, dipped his head and pressed a kiss to them .  

The tip of Xie Jianwei’s tongue cooperatively entangled with his, like an enchanting demon, bewildering his mind and leading him astray .  

But Lu Li suddenly pushed him away . He paused in astonishment, and he looked at his lower half, surprised .  

That place that had always been in slumber had actually seemed to rear its head a little…

When Xie Jianwei woke up from his drunkenness, his head felt as if it were about to explode .

What was that s.h.i.+t, why’d it have so much of an effect? 

Xie Jianwei’s head felt heavy, and his feet felt light . He didn’t want to get out of bed .

Lu Li woke up earlier than him . Seeing that he was awake, he asked: “Are you hungry?”

As soon as he spoke, Xie Jianwei immediately felt his stomach growl .

Lu Li approached him, and Xie Jianwei ate a beautiful breakfast .  

After supping, Xie Jianwei asked: “Last night I was drunk, so I didn’t treat you . Shall we try again this morning?”

Lu Li’s eyes flashed: “Can we change the method?”

Xie Jianwei didn’t understand: “How?”

Lu Li asked: “Can I take the initiative?”

Xie Jianwei said: “Okay . ”

And then Military Strategist Xie was invaded by fingers .  

After GC-ing, Xie Jianwei lay face-down on the bed, breathing sharply .  

[GC = slang for o.r.g.a.s.m]

Lu Li asked him: “Does it feel nice?”

Xie Jianwei: “En…”

Lu Li said: “Answer me . ”

Even Xie Jianwei’s voice was trembling: “It’s nice . ”

Lu Li gave a rare smile, then asked him: “Can I kiss you?”

Xie Jianwei thought inwardly, what are you pretending for, was there ever a time when you’d ask before kissing me?

But considering that in here, Lu little Li was still a pitiful thing, he nodded and said: “You can . ”

Lu Li carefully flipped him over, his gaze falling onto his lips .  

He didn’t kiss him immediately, merely looking at him silently like so .  

Xie Jianwei felt a little shy from being stared at, and he asked: “Are you going to kiss me or not?”

Lu Li said: “You’re really good-looking . ”

Although they were an old married couple already, when his lover looked at him with that sort of gaze, speaking such moving words, all that was left in Xie Jianwei’s heart was an expanse of sweetness .

Lu Li pressed a kiss down . His movements were extremely gentle, yet the emotions contained within were practically spilling out .  

And if this wasn’t a kiss, but an ode of affection,  in between the words was the wonderful emotion of love .

Xie Jianwei’s eyes curved from the sweetness .

When the two separated, Lu Li said: “Look . ”

It was only now that Xie Jianwei came back to his senses . He looked at fellow student Big Li, and, happily surprised, he said: “There’s a little bit of a reaction!”

The reaction was so small that if one wasn’t careful they wouldn’t detect it, but at least there was now a reaction!

Xie Jianwei really was happy . If this sentence were spoken in reality, Lu Big Li definitely wouldn’t believe it .  

After all, the multiple big Lis craved the Military Strategist Xie so much all day that he wanted them to experience collective impotence .

But now, there was only joy!

Lu Li said again: “Can we try again?”

Xie Jianwei hurriedly nodded: “Okay!”

There was finally some effect, he needed to continue working hard, maybe if he was stimulated a bit more, fellow student Big Lu would recover his health!

But the rest was that after Xie Jianwei had been fingered thrice, he was completely down .

“I…I can’t do it anymore . ” Xie Jianwei felt that he really couldn’t shoot out any more .

But for Lu Li to have a reaction, he just had to see him GC, and then kiss him .

He, too, was helpless…

Lu Li said: “Never mind, then . ”

Xie Jianwei looked at the half-hard Big Li, and then he felt unresigned again . Maybe with another three times, the guy would rise up?

But it was three times ah! Xie Jianwei waved his hands: Big Li, you should keep resting, actually .

Xie Jianwei slept for an entire day and night, and when he woke up, he still couldn’t walk straight .  

It wasn’t from fatigue, but from emptiness . He might need to eat something to help his kidneys… [1]

What a pity that he could only drink blood .  

And so the Military Strategist Xie decided to ‘save the country by an alternative method’, and made arrangements so that in Lu Li’s food, 10/10 items were good for kidneys .  

This way, if he drank Lu Li’s blood again, wouldn’t it convert to being good for his kidneys, too?

Who cares whether it’s effective or not . They both needed the supplements anyways!

After Xie Jianwei drank the blood, he asked: “Has it gone back to the way it was before?”

Lu Li nodded, saying: “Yes . ”

Xie Jianwei: “It couldn’t be…do we have to start from the beginning again?”

Lu Li said: “If you’re tired, then you should rest . ”

Xie Jianwei grit his teeth: “Again!”

It was a pity that the Military Strategist Xie could only do it four times at most . Four times later, he’d refuse even if you beat him to death, and he’d cry if he had to go again .  

Yet Lu Big Li was exactly in a half-stiffened state…

And so if he wanted to completely stand up, the minimum had to be seven times, or even eight times .  

Xie • Not Someone Who Could Do It Seven Times A Night • Jianwei expresses: He couldn’t cure this disease anymore!

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