The Melting-Pot

Chapter 23

VERA I was in the dock.

BARON It was horrible. I hated you for the devil of rebellion that had entered into your soul. But I thanked G.o.d when you escaped.

VERA [_Softened_]

I think I was more sorry for you than for myself. I hope, at least, no suspicion fell on you.

BARONESS [_Eagerly_]

But it did--an avalanche of suspicion. He is still buried under it. Vy else did they make Skovaloff Amba.s.sador instead of him? Even now he risks everyting to see you again. Ah, _mon enfant_, you owe your fazer a grand reparation!

VERA What reparation can I possibly make?

BARON [_Pa.s.sionately_]

You can love me again, Vera.

BARONESS [_Stamping foot_]

Alexis, you are interrupting----

VERA I fear, father, we have grown too estranged--our ideas are so opposite----

BARON But not now, Vera, surely not now? You are no longer [_He lowers his voice and looks around_]

a Revolutionist?

VERA Not with bombs, perhaps. I thank Heaven I was caught before I had done any _practical_ work. But if you think I accept the order of things, you are mistaken. In Russia I fought against the autocracy----

BARON Hush! Hush!

[_He looks round nervously._]

VERA Here I fight against the poverty. No, father, a woman who has once heard the call will always be a wild creature.

BARON But [_Lowering his voice_]

those revolutionary Russian clubs here--you are not a member?

VERA I do not believe in Revolutions carried on at a safe distance. I have found my life-work in America.

BARON I am enchanted, Vera, enchanted.

BARONESS [_Gushingly_]

Permit me to kiss you, _belle enfant_.

VERA I do not know you enough yet; I will kiss my father.

BARON [_With a great cry of joy_]


[_He embraces her pa.s.sionately._]

At last! At last! I have found my little Vera again!

VERA No, father, _your_ Vera belongs to Russia with her mother and the happy days of childhood. But for their sakes---- [_She breaks down in emotion._]

BARON Ah, your poor mother!

BARONESS [_Tartly_]

Alexis, I perceive I am too many!

[_She begins to go toward the door._]

BARON No, no, Katusha. Vera will learn to love you, too.


What does my loving you matter? I can never return to Russia.

BARONESS [_Pausing_]

But ve can come here--often--ven you are married.

VERA [_Surprised_]

When I am married?

[_Softly, blushing_]

You know?

BARONESS [_Smiling_]

Ve know zat charming young man adores ze floor your foot treads on!

VERA [_Blushing_]

You have seen David?

BARON [_Hoa.r.s.ely_]


[_He clenches his fist._]

BARONESS [_Half aside, as much gestured as spoken_]

Sh! Leave it to me.


Oh, no, ve have not seen David.

VERA [_Looking from one to the other_]

Not seen--? Then what--whom are you talking about?

BARONESS About zat handsome, quite adorahble Mr. Davenport.

VERA Davenport!

BARONESS Who combines ze manners of Europe viz ze millions of America!

VERA [_Breaks into girlish laughter_]

Ha! Ha! Ha! So Mr. Davenport has been talking to you! But you all seem to forget one small point--bigamy is not permitted even to millionaires.

BARONESS Ah, not boz at vonce, but----

VERA And do you think I would take another woman"s leavings? No, not even if she were dead.

BARONESS You are insulting!

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