The Melting-Pot

Chapter 25

BARON Silence, Katusha! Oh, my little Vera, I little thought when I let you study music at Petersburg----

VERA [_Smiling wheedlingly_]

That I should marry a musician. But you see, little father, it all ends in music after all. Now I will go and perform on the telephone, I"m not angel enough to bear one in here.

[_She goes toward the door of the hall, smiling happily._]

BARON [_With a last agonized cry of resistance_]


VERA [_Turning, makes mock military salute_]

Yes, _papasha_.

BARON [_Overcome by her roguish smile_]

You--I--he--do you love this J--this David so much?

VERA [_Suddenly tragic_]

It would kill me to give him up.

[_Resuming smile_]

But don"t let us talk of funerals on this happy day of sunshine and reunion.

[_She kisses her hand to him and exit toward the hall._]

BARONESS [_Angrily_]

You are in her hands as vax!

BARON She is the only child I have ever had, Katusha. Her baby arms curled round my neck; in her baby sorrows her wet face nestled against little father"s.

[_He drops on a chair, and leans his head on the table._]

BARONESS [_Approaching tauntingly_]

So you vill have a Jew son-in-law!

BARON You don"t know what it meant to me to feel her arms round me again.

BARONESS And a hook-nosed brat to call you grandpapa, and nestle his greasy face against yours.

BARON [_Banging his fist on the table_]

Don"t drive me mad!

[_His head drops again._]

BARONESS Then drive me home--I vill not meet him.... Alexis!

[_She taps him on the shoulder with her parasol. He does not move._]

Alexis Ivanovitch! Do you not listen!...

[_She stamps her foot._]

Zen I go to ze hotel alone.

[_She walks angrily toward the hall. Just before she reaches the door, it opens, and the servant ushers in HERR PAPPELMEISTER with his umbrella. The BARONESS"S tone changes instantly to a sugared society accent._]

How do you do, Herr Pappelmeister?

[_She extends her hand, which he takes limply._]

You don"t remember me? _Non?_ [_Exit servant._]

Ve vere with Mr. Quincy Davenport at Wiesbaden---ze Baroness Revendal.

PAPPELMEISTER _So!_ [_He drops her hand._]

BARONESS Yes, it vas ze Baron"s entousiasm for you zat got you your present position.

PAPPELMEISTER [_Arching his eyebrows_]


BARONESS Yes--zere he is!

[_She turns toward the BARON._]

Alexis, rouse yourself!

[_She taps him with her parasol._]

Zis American air makes ze Baron so sleepy.

BARON [_Rises dazedly and bows_]

Charmed to meet you, Herr----

BARONESS Pappelmeister! You remember ze great Pappelmeister.

BARON [_Waking up, becomes keen_]

Ah, yes, yes, charmed--why do you never bring your orchestra to Russia, Herr Pappelmeister?


Russia? It never occurred to me to go to Russia--she seems so uncivilised.

BARONESS [_Angry_]

Uncivilised! Vy, ve have ze finest restaurants in ze vorld! And ze best telephones!


BARONESS Yes, and the most beautiful ballets--Russia is affrightfully misunderstood.

[_She sweeps away in burning indignation. PAPPELMEISTER murmurs in deprecation. Re-enter VERA from the hall. She is gay and happy._]

VERA He is coming round at once---- [_She utters a cry of pleased surprise._]

Herr Pappelmeister! This is indeed a pleasure!

[_She gives PAPPELMEISTER her hand, which he kisses._]

BARONESS [_Sotto voce to the BARON_]

Let us go before he comes.

[_The BARON ignores her, his eyes hungrily on VERA._]


But I come again--you have visitors.

VERA [_Smiling_]

Only my father and----


Your fader? _Ach so!_ [_He taps his forehead._]


BARONESS [_Sotto voce to the BARON_]

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