SCENE VI. _The same. Another room in the Garter Inn._

_Enter FENTON and HOST._

_Host._ Master Fenton, talk not to me; my mind is heavy: I will give over all.

_Fent._ Yet hear me speak. a.s.sist me in my purpose, And, as I am a gentleman, I"ll give thee A hundred pound in gold more than your loss. 5

_Host._ I will hear you, Master Fenton; and I will at the least keep your counsel.

_Fent._ From time to time I have acquainted you With the dear love I bear to fair Anne Page; Who mutually hath answer"d my affection, 10 So far forth as herself might be her chooser, Even to my wish: I have a letter from her Of such contents as you will wonder at; The mirth whereof so larded with my matter, That neither singly can be manifested, 15 Without the show of both; fat Falstaff Hath a great scene: the image of the jest I"ll show you here at large. Hark, good mine host.

To-night at Herne"s oak, just "twixt twelve and one, Must my sweet Nan present the Fairy Queen; 20 The purpose why, is here: in which disguise, While other jests are something rank on foot, Her father hath commanded her to slip Away with Slender, and with him at Eton Immediately to marry: she hath consented: 25 Now, sir, Her mother, even strong against that match, And firm for Doctor Caius, hath appointed That he shall likewise shuffle her away, While other sports are tasking of their minds, And at the deanery, where a priest attends, Straight marry her: to this her mother"s plot She seemingly obedient likewise hath Made promise to the doctor. Now, thus it rests: Her father means she shall be all in white; 35 And in that habit, when Slender sees his time To take her by the hand and bid her go, She shall go with him: her mother hath intended, The better to denote her to the doctor,-- For they must all be mask"d and vizarded,-- 40 That quaint in green she shall be loose enrobed, With ribands pendent, flaring "bout her head; And when the doctor spies his vantage ripe, To pinch her by the hand, and, on that token, The maid hath given consent to go with him. 45

_Host._ Which means she to deceive, father or mother?

_Fent._ Both, my good host, to go along with me: And here it rests,--that you"ll procure the vicar To stay for me at church "twixt twelve and one, And, in the lawful name of marrying, 50 To give our hearts united ceremony.

_Host._ Well, husband your device; I"ll to the vicar: Bring you the maid, you shall not lack a priest.

_Fent._ So shall I evermore be bound to thee; Besides, I"ll make a present recompense. [_Exeunt._ 55


SCENE VI.] Ff Q3. SCENE XI. Pope. Theobald continues Sc. 5.

The same] Another room. Capell.

14: _whereof_] _whereof"s_ Pope.

16: _fat Falstaff_] F1 Q3. _wherein fat Falstaff_ (Q1 Q2) Malone.

_fat sir John Falstaffe_ F2 F3 F4. _fat Falstaff, he_ S. Walker conj. _therein fat Falstaff_ Id. conj.

17: _scene_] _scare_ (Q1 Q2). _share_ S. Verges conj. _scene in it_ Capell.

27: _even_] _ever_ Pope.

39: _denote_] Capell (Steevens conj.). _devote_ Ff Q3.

50: _marrying_] _marriage_ S. Walker conj.

51: _ceremony_] _matrimony_ (Q1 Q2).


SCENE I. _A room in the Garter Inn._


_Fal._ Prithee, no more prattling; go. I"ll hold. This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers.

Away! go. They say there is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance, or death. Away!

_Quick._ I"ll provide you a chain; and I"ll do what I can 5 to get you a pair of horns.

_Fal._ Away, I say; time wears: hold up your head, and mince. [_Exit Mrs Quickly._

_Enter FORD._

How now, Master Brook! Master Brook, the matter will be known to-night, or never. Be you in the Park about 10 midnight, at Herne"s oak, and you shall see wonders.

_Ford._ Went you not to her yesterday, sir, as you told me you had appointed?

_Fal._ I went to her, Master Brook, as you see, like a poor old man: but I came from her, Master Brook, like a 15 poor old woman. That same knave Ford, her husband, hath the finest mad devil of jealousy in him, Master Brook, that ever governed frenzy. I will tell you:--he beat me grievously, in the shape of a woman; for in the shape of man, Master Brook, I fear not Goliath with a weaver"s 20 beam; because I know also life is a shuttle. I am in haste; go along with me: I"ll tell you all, Master Brook.

Since I plucked geese, played truant, and whipped top, I knew not what "twas to be beaten till lately. Follow me: I"ll tell you strange things of this knave Ford, on 25 whom to-night I will be revenged, and I will deliver his wife into your hand. Follow. Strange things in hand, Master Brook! Follow. [_Exeunt._


ACT V. SCENE I.] ACT IV. (continued). SCENE XII. Pope.

SCENE II. _Windsor Park._


_Page._ Come, come; we"ll couch i" the castle-ditch till we see the light of our fairies. Remember, son Slender, my daughter.

_Slen._ Ay, forsooth; I have spoke with her, and we have a nay-word how to know one another: I come to her 5 in white, and cry, "mum;" she cries "budget;" and by that we know one another.

_Shal._ That"s good too: but what needs either your "mum" or her "budget?" the white will decipher her well enough. It hath struck ten o"clock. 10

_Page._ The night is dark; light and spirits will become it well. Heaven prosper our sport! No man means evil but the devil, and we shall know him by his horns. Let"s away; follow me. [_Exeunt._



Windsor Park] Pope. [A street. Capell.

3: _daughter_] om. F1 Q3.

SCENE III. _A street leading to the Park._


_Mrs Page._ Master doctor, my daughter is in green: when you see your time, take her by the hand, away with her to the deanery, and dispatch it quickly. Go before into the Park: we two must go together.

_Caius._ I know vat I have to do. Adieu. 5

_Mrs Page._ Fare you well, sir. [_Exit Caius._] My husband will not rejoice so much at the abuse of Falstaff as he will chafe at the doctor"s marrying my daughter: but "tis no matter; better a little chiding than a great deal of heart-break. 10

_Mrs Ford._ Where is Nan now and her troop of fairies, and the Welsh devil Hugh?

_Mrs Page._ They are all couched in a pit hard by Herne"s oak, with obscured lights; which, at the very instant of Falstaff"s and our meeting, they will at once 15 display to the night.

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