Chapter 4327

The Great War of Ten Thousand Worlds?

Such a thing had never happened in a million years.

In any case, from the time that they knew, ever since the Allworld Civilization was established, it had never happened.

Each time was a survival of the fittest under the control of these super strong worlds.

As for the Allworld War?

This is simply impossible, even the n.o.ble realms would not allow such a thing to happen.

But now, with just a single word from Long Fei, a great battle for ten thousand realms was about to begin.

This …

This was simply risking everything and going crazy.

In fact, a scene had already appeared before their eyes.

Corpses strewn across the fields, stars dropped, civilizations annihilated

This was a crazy act of destroying civilization and self-destruction.

But at this time, Long Fei directly said:

"So what if you"re a n.o.ble?"

"Jiang Chun Qiu is right. Your slavishness has penetrated deep into your bones. Even if you have the chance to turn the situation around, you will still act like lecherous dogs."

"I"m just asking you, are you going to do it?"

"Do you dare?" Long Fei said.

His eyes were filled with disdain and mockery.

Even if he controlled this entire Ten Thousand Worlds, Long Fei didn"t have much hope in his heart.

Just as he had said, their servility had already been rooted and branded into their bones and blood.

At this time, the people from the Ten Thousand Worlds also fell silent.

One by one, they began to pant hoa.r.s.ely.

Facing Long Fei"s contempt, they clenched their fists tightly.

However, in the end, he was still silent.

They weren"t able to resist at all.

All words were pale and powerless.

This was because they didn"t dare to do so.

As long as they thought of the might of a n.o.ble world, they would feel a sense of inferiority from the bottom of their hearts. They only wanted to survive in the cracks.

Just like what Long Fei had said, if they wanted to be licking a dog, they would not fight back at all.

"Cough cough, my lord, maybe you"re right."

"However, we are a single world, and not just us alone. We wish to preserve a single world, so this time, I cannot agree with you."

"What the Lord wants to do is for the Lord. We, the World of G.o.ds, will not partic.i.p.ate."

However, there was still one person who stood up to resist.

He immediately rejected Long Fei"s suggestion.

"Yes, my lord. This matter is too crazy, the Heavenly Water World will not partic.i.p.ate."

"My Skyfire World won"t partic.i.p.ate either."

"I won"t partic.i.p.ate."

"I …"

All were sounds of rejection.

None of them agreed.

"Milord, you have such power, but we don"t. We won"t accompany you and go berserk."

"To put it bluntly, milord wants us to die."

"We"re not that r.e.t.a.r.ded."

At this moment, everyone in the ten thousand realms were weirdly unanimous; none of them wanted to follow Long Fei.

In an instant, the atmosphere was extremely empty.

Jiang Chunqiu"s face also revealed some anger. His eyes were cold as he looked at the group of people in front of him, feeling extremely helpless.

But Long Fei was completely indifferent, and did not care about how the other party replied.

Because right now, the fate of their world was completely in Long Fei"s hands.

Whether they wanted to or not was one thing.

But whether they did it or not was not up to them.

With that thought, Long Fei sneered and said:

"So this is your decision?"

"You don"t dare to disobey the Venerable One? You dare to disobey your father? " Long Fei said indifferently.

But after saying that last word, his aura instantly exploded, and the power of his physical body vibrated in the air.

Swish, swish, swish.

Rumble …

In the blink of an eye, another series of explosions sounded.

The nebula collapsed.

This was the wrath of the powerhouse.


Instantly, the faces of everyone from the ten thousand worlds changed.

His eyes glazed over, especially those who had been cheering merrily. Now they even kneeled down:

"Calm down, milord. Calm down, milord."

"We did not mean to offend you. It"s just that the Star Demon Realm and the n.o.ble world are too powerful."

"We really don"t want to die."

"That"s right, my lord. It"s not that the department doesn"t want to follow." But rather than having us bear the burden of a future, we cannot afford to gamble! "

These people began to kowtow continuously, cold sweat beading on their faces.

But if Long Fei did not speak, they would not dare to stop.

However, right at this moment, several extremely powerful auras suddenly appeared in the sky.

They all had a will of absolute control, incomparably tyrannical.

Long Fei was also slightly taken aback, but after sensing this aura, he immediately relaxed, as though he did not care at all.

"What an arrogant brat, you actually want to start a war of ten thousand worlds?"

"Who do you think you are? How dare you behave atrociously here? "

"Really, without a tiger in the mountain, how can a monkey be king? Do you think you can behave atrociously just because the Ten Thousand Beast G.o.d of Boundary is not here? "

"You reckless fool."

Swish, swish, swish.

One figure after another descended from the sky, their faces filled with arrogance.


He had an arrogant look on his face.

They simply did not take Long Fei seriously.

Below, the people of the Allworld were instantly stunned.

These people were no other than the G.o.d of Boundary of their world.

Of course, only a few had come.

"Master G.o.d of Boundary. "No."

Instantly, one of them spoke out to stop them.

These people had never seen Long Fei"s berserk look before, but they understood what he was doing very well.

As for the Ten Thousand Beast G.o.d of Boundary, if he added a little catalyst, his ashes would have f * cking drifted across the ocean.

If there was some spiritual earth to nurture it, the gra.s.s on the grave would be more than ten feet tall, and it would still talk about the Ten Thousand Beast G.o.d of Boundary?

Long Fei also had a smile on his face.

These people were unconvinced.

Especially now, before the people who tried to stop him could finish their words, the G.o.d of Boundary in their world directly slapped over:

"Disgraceful thing! How could there be trash like you in my Heavenly Water Realm?"

"What garbage is worth kneeling for?"

"My Heavenly Water World"s face has been completely thrown away by you." The G.o.d of Boundary of the Heavenly Water World snorted coldly, and roared angrily.

However, the people from the Heavenly Water Realm shook their heads crazily:

"No, Master G.o.d of Boundary, you have to be calm, quickly apologize to this lord."

"Ten Thousand Beasts G.o.d of Boundary."

The person wanted to continue, but was interrupted again.

This time around, it was even more direct, and was directly sent flying by the Heavenly Water G.o.d of Boundary"s slap.

"You still dare to say? "You dog, you truly are quite a disgrace." The Heavenly Water G.o.d of Boundary said coldly.

Immediately after, his gaze turned, and looked at Long Fei:

"Kid, if you know what"s good for you, if you kneel down and beg for forgiveness, maybe I will forgive you if my mood gets better." The Heavenly Water G.o.d of Boundary said.

It was at this moment that the people of the world below suddenly exploded.

"Milord, come back quickly."

"Master G.o.d of Boundary, quickly stay away from this idiot. You must not anger Master."

"Master G.o.d of Boundary, come back quickly, things are just as you thought."

Instantly, the people below began to struggle and roar, trying to bring the G.o.d of Boundary back to life.

and even directly stated that the Heavenly Sleeping G.o.d of Boundary was a fool.

Instantly, all the G.o.d of Boundary in the air were stupefied.

Especially Sky Water G.o.d of Boundary. Being called a fool by so many people, it was even more embarra.s.sing.

However, before he could speak, he heard Long Fei say:

"They are right, you all are just a bunch of idiots!" It seems like you guys are unconvinced, but it"s alright, I"ll just deal with all kinds of unconvinced people! "

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