Chapter 4516

Endless white bones, Mercedes-Benz world.

The whole scene is thrilling.

Rao is a battle between countless life and death, and he can"t help but see it.

It is not how terrible this power is, but this picture. Too beautiful, I can"t imagine it.

Tens of thousands of white bones swept across.

It"s coming.

It seems that I want to drown the dragon.

However, it has not yet reached half.

All the white bones collided together and instantly collapsed.

Directly fragmented.

In particular, their body is a combination of pieces, no stability.

It is simply relying on a obsession to save the instinct of life.

Longfei looked at the white-skinned army that collapsed in front of him.

The heart is helpless.

Originally, I thought that these big bones directly brought a wave of experience to themselves, and they were able to charge a wave of tasks.

But I did not expect that, before I started, I would have been defeated.


Very disappointing.

But at this time, the group has been broken and mixed into a group of white bones.

The incomprehensible indulgence of the road broke out again.


"Swallow him, kill him! Enter the Tongxian Ranch."

"Fusion, swallow him!"

Countless obsessions have come together again.

There is a cloud over the void.

"So strong obsession? Is it possible to reorganize indefinitely?" Longfei felt a glimpse.

Feeling the thoughts that filled the void, the eyes flashed.


When I was thinking about it in the heart of Longfei, under the entire void, countless white bones began to gather.


Countless white bones overlap, and countless obscenities are mixed together.

In the end, tens of thousands of white bones disappeared.

But there have been nearly a hundred super bones.

Each white bone has a size of nearly one hundred feet.

Moreover, it is extremely different and there is no way to see the appearance of life.

Numerous white bones have turned into a huge hoe, and the endless green light in the eyes is incomparable.

However, this change is to make Longfei"s heart loose.

Although the army of the 消失 消失 disappeared, the nearly one hundred super white bones formed in front of the eyes also greatly increased the interest of Longfei.

"System, view properties."

Longfei"s heart moved.

"Name: Mutant bone will."

"Level: To the peak of people."

"Description: The bones become a spirit, the thousand bones are inexhaustible, and the fusion is one."

"Reminder: The obsession is not dead, the bones are not dead."

Looking at the system prompts, Longfei"s eyes became hot.

Before that, the thousands of bones and the army would not let Longfei feel no desire at all, and at most it should be harvested as a wave of experience.

But now, after recombination, there is an aura that automatically catches the system.

what does this mean?

Means white bones, or permission to become boss.

"Mom, can"t you regroup?"

"That Laozi will make you wireless enough, maybe I will end up with a boss."

Longfei"s heart gave birth to a look.

Immediately, Longfei no longer hesitated.

The body of the creation was shocked and punched out.




Under the punch, one of the eyes just finished reorganizing, and the variegated bones containing countless human bones were broken.

There is no suspense.

Punch a second!

With Longfei"s current cultivation, and the power of the creation of the flesh, it can be safe and sound under the fist of Longfei, and it does not exist.

Unless the other party has the same level of physical strength.

Otherwise, I can"t hold it.

As for the white bone in front of you, it is no longer the case.

And Longfei, as always, punched out with a punch and a punch.

These bones of the bones collapsed one after another.

Even some of them are still in the process of reorganization, and they are turned over by Longfei.


In the same way.

Just a few seconds, between the flying shadows of the dragon and the fist, hundreds of variant white bones were directly shattered into slag, and the broken white bones were also directly spilled.

Endless smas.h.i.+ng into a piece, like the bones of the sea.

However, Longfei did not shoot again.

Instead, stop and wait.

He is waiting, waiting for the reorganization of the bones.

And everything is as Longfei thinks.

Just like the mountains of the mountains, they began to gather together again and again.

Moreover, unlike before, this time the outburst and killing of the outbreak is even more intense.

It seems that the fusion is not just a bone, but also a remnant.

"Kill, enter the Tongxian Ranch."

"All power is given to me, I am going to kill him."

"Fusion, swallow, swallow, swallow!"

An incomparable remnant of the re-enactment between the heavens and the earth is filled with endless suffocation, heavy and dark, and people feel congested.

But for Longfei, it is still very indifferent.

Instead, there is a craving in the eyes.

"Integration, it is necessary to see how strong you can be."

Long Fei whispered himself, looking at the reorganized white bones in front of him, and secretly expected.

At the same time, in another area of ​​Tongxian Road.

That is above the second battlefield.

The war has broken out.

Unlike Longfei, this area is divided into six.

Among the six small areas, it is a relatively independent closed s.p.a.ce.

"Dragon" and Jianma, the two alone in a region, look cautious.

Without it, because there is an endless monk in front of you.

Yes, it is a monk.

To be exact, it is the afterimage of the monk.

Just like in countless years, it has already been left here.

Behave in awe.

It seems that there is no soul already, and the machinery is on the ground.

"Long Fei" looked at the ghosts of the lonely soul in front of him, and his heart was lost.

Very sad.

Between the fists and the clenched hands, a kind of thick is not willing to breed in my heart.

"Master, this should be a way of eliminating this second battlefield."

"And these people should be the ones who once entered Tongxian Road and entered the second battlefield and were finally obliterated."

"I don"t think that this way of eliminating the Xianxian Road is so strict, even if someone finally came to the end, fearing that the power of the mainland of Tongxian County was also shuffled, the master lost."

Jianma said.

The eyes are very dignified.

And "Longfei" seems to have few senses for these.

It"s just that there is a sigh of relief in the scorpion.

After all, he himself is only a common monk of Shan Haizong.

If it wasn"t for the avatar of Longfei in the past, and now with the help of Longfei, there is a chance to enter Tongxian Road, fearing that it will last a lifetime.

These people, in front of him, are ancestors relative to him.

Because of the unwillingness in my heart, I want to pa.s.s the fairy.

In the end, it fell into a lonely soul, unable to return to heaven.

With this in mind, "Longfei" has a slight meal and hands are used as:

"Those thoughts, I will carry it."

"At the end of Tongxian Road, I will come and see for you." "Longfei" said faintly, and then his eyes condensed, faintly spit out a word:


As for the other battlefields, it is similar to this place.

However, others, but not so many feelings, completely indifferent to the existence of these people, directly launched a fight.

The picture turns again and returns to Longfei.

At this point, Longfei looked at the ten giant white bones that appeared again in front of him.


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