Chapter 4529

One person does not die, and one person controls the magic knife.

For a time, it became the most unique two people on the second battlefield.

Originally, the two were extremely powerful.

One person is a legend of Shanhai, and one person is the world of Magic Road.

No matter which one, it is a world-cla.s.s genius.

Nowadays, getting this kind of power blessing is even more leaping, becoming the most promising person to pa.s.s through the road.

"Longfei" eyes flashed, his fists clenched, his face was melancholy, and he didn"t know what he was thinking.

However, Jianma is not reconciled.

In his view, if "Longfei" was shot before and killed the most, it must be theirs.

But now, it"s awkward to miss him.

"Reliably master, even if they get this chance, it is the same in front of you, it is a slag."

Jianma said.

For Longfei.

He blindly trusts.

It has reached a point where it is impossible to add.

This is Longfei"s no shot, as long as the dragon fly shot, what mountain legend, what the magic of the town, all can be crushed.

"Dragon"s is not allowed, and no one has any explanation.

But in fact, in the heart, it is worrying about Longfei.

He knows Longfei"s plan.

Longfei wants him to seek a limit in his ident.i.ty on this Tongxian road.

And he himself wants to hide in the dark and sway everything in some way.

However, no one ever thought that this Tongxian Road was totally different from what they thought.

This is not a road to pa.s.s through.

It is a reciting, being controlled by others, and wanting them to kill each other.

Moreover, they still cannot refuse.

Otherwise, it will remain on this road forever, and eventually become a bone.

Moreover, what is most unexpected for "Longfei" is that the interests are smoky.

For everyone to take the opportunity on this road, it is crazy to kill.

Therefore, now that we have no power to turn around, we can only continue step by step, according to the path set by others.

However, what he is more worried about is the dragon fly.

Because until the heart, he did not see the figure of Longfei, together with the white deer and the night child, but also disappeared, it is like disappearing out of thin air.

"Master, what are you thinking?"

Jianma asked.

"It"s nothing.

Now that the monument has been cracked, I think the next battlefield is about to open, but I don"t know what it will be. ”

"Longfei" said.

There was a slight hesitation and worry in the eyes.

"who cares?

Big deal is hard work, and see who can survive. ”

Jianma screamed and had no scruples. It seemed that he had already had an anger and wanted to kill the Quartet.

But at this time, above the void, a chaotic air ma.s.s suddenly fell between.

For a moment, including "Longfei", everyone was shocked.

But immediately, they are all looking forward to it.

Because they also know that after this breath, it is the other world.



With the endless turbulent atmosphere above the void, the entire second battlefield began to collapse rapidly.

Everyone"s face changed dramatically.

"Run, this battlefield is about to collapse, go up!"

"Yes, no matter what, advanced to say."

"No matter, go!"

Suddenly, countless voices appeared, and the mess was incomparable.

But there is only one central idea, that is, the boundary that enters the void.

Hey! Countless figures began to leap in madness, pouring into the air ma.s.s above the void.

"Longfei" and Jianma are no exception.

Jianma"s wings were shaken, and "Longfei" was magnified on his back and flew over the void.

Hey! In the moment when all the characters poured into the air ma.s.s, the entire second battlefield collapsed completely and became a void.

Above the air ma.s.s, the figure of the people is rising, but for a moment, they come to an open s.p.a.ce.

It is the first battlefield.

But now the first battlefield has long been empty.

Even the endless bones have been hidden by Longfei.

It can be said that the current first battlefield, nothing, is just a s.p.a.ce that is empty.

Everyone who has entered this place has already been automatically dispersed and returned to his camp.

Longfei, who sees everything in his eyes, is extremely disdainful.

When I was killed in the second battlefield, everything was an enemy.

Now it seems that the relatives are the same as the half-brothers and brothers, shameless.

But soon, Longfei blinked his eyes: "This camp?

interesting! ”

With a slight sigh, Longfei"s hands were firmly gripped on the throne of the white bone.

The anger is soaring.

For a moment, the cold light burst between the eyes.

Yes, at this time, he has the vision of G.o.d, directly seeing below, several sects of power, slightly changing the orientation.

Directly combine "Longfei" and Jianma to be in the middle.

Purpose, it goes without saying.

"What do you want to do?"

Jianma"s face is tight, and the incarnation of the dragon and the dragon, the endless scales are chilling, and the anger is bursting.

The breath of "Longfei" is also a shock, and the eyes are cold.

At this moment, how can I still see it, he has been targeted! It can be said that it is directly targeted by all the forces in this battlefield.


Of course it is killing you. ”

"We have thousands of people on either side, and what about you?

Only two people! ”

"It is necessary to clean up the useless people first."

Suddenly, the person of the Dark Xuan Mozong said.

With a bit of contempt in the eyes.

"Yes, my mountain Haizong and you have **** sea enmity. Before you and my Zongshanhai legend have agreed, it is best to die on this road."

"I am also in the water side. This son killed the sect of my ancestral ancestors, and I will die."

"This kind of c.o.c.kroach does not know where to get the blood of my dragon family. I suspect that the ancestral dragon lost by my dragon family many years ago was stolen by him. I will marry him today."

"This kid has just killed a lot of my demon, and I must have killed him today."

Everyone spoke up.

Consistent! Everyone directly pointed the spearhead at "Longfei"! It seems that in their eyes, "Dragon"s has not been tolerated, that is, the cancer of all people"s minds.

"Dragon"s eyes are certain, heavy, but the eyes are firm.

"So, do you want to kill me?"

"Long Fei" said that the voice was light.

There is no fear at all.

As if the burden of the heart has been put down, at this moment is a battle that wants to be hearty.

"kill you?

You also have so many people with us? ”

"If you know each other, it is best now, from the abolition of the meridians, you can still leave a whole body."

"Yes, don"t look at what you are, and dare to be arrogant now?"

A sneer sneaked down.

Everyone is full of disdain.

They are targeting dragons because of fear.

So in the invisible, directly reach an agreement.

It is necessary to kill "龙飞" first.

Moreover, at the moment, under the influence of the five forces, they absolutely do not believe that Longfei can still survive.

Yes, "Longfei" is a faint smile, and both hands move: “You join hands, but just because you are afraid.”

"Since you are afraid?

Then, what are you afraid of! ”

"Come on, fight and fight."

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