Chapter 4575

In another s.p.a.ce, Longfei"s hands flew, and over and over again gathered the eternal power of his body.

However, the power of eternal life is too violent.

The more the dragon flies want to suppress, the more it feels the rebellion of this power.

"I am Nima? The power of eternal life is perfect?"

"Playing? Really, when I am the eternal life of the Lord, is a name?"

Longfei"s heart is depressed, his eyes are condensed, and he also gives birth to a kind of obsession.

That is to say that this power must be suppressed.

That"s it!

Even if the boss dragon flying in the face of killing days has not compromised, in the face of a kind of power, can the other party take control of the initiative?

Absolutely not!

"Mom sells the batch, Laozi does not believe it, and can"t control a force."

"Create a second cla.s.s, give me a drive!"

"弑魔剑, give it to me!"

"King of the Kings, Kowloon Royal!"

"The authority of the earth, the heavens and the seals, the sun and the moon, the stars, give me out!"

The dragon flies and drinks, no matter how useful or useless, the power that can get the hand is all made out of white, in order to suppress the constant force of eternal life.


For a moment, Longfei only felt that the entire s.p.a.ce that had been opened up began to riot. In the roar, all the power seemed to form a confrontation.

On the one hand, it is the self-mechanism of Longfei.

On the one hand, it is the eternal power that constantly erupts from the eyes.

Longfei feels that his body seems to be a melting pot, and many forces confront each other.

That kind of tremendous pressure made Longfei almost faint.

Even the second-level creative body can"t support it.

Diligence, two interest, three interest.

It was only the time of the three interest, a crisp sound appeared, all the strength of the breath, all scattered and scattered, in addition to the power of eternal life is still awkward, other powers, nowhere.

"I am Nima, is it so violent?"

Longfei"s heart was shocked.

Thoroughly stunned.

These forces, no matter which one, take out are the power that can sweep the heavens, let alone the mainland of the immortals, even if it is the king of the world, it must be turned into a fly ash in front of this power.

However, this is the case, in the face of this violent eternal power, still not enough to see, just like a joke, even three seconds of time have not been supported, it is directly rushed by the power of eternal life.

But the more so, the more violent the dragon"s heart is!

Fighting spirits have also been motivated.

It can be said that the more violent the power of eternal life, the more excited Longfei"s heart is.

Even if this power can"t be controlled now, don"t forget that he is the eternal life.

It is the master of the name of eternal life.

Since there is this layer of ident.i.ty, Longfei believes that controlling the power of eternal life is only a matter of time.

In an instant, Longfei gnawed his teeth and decided to re-enter the sea.

"There is no way, only the soldiers are in danger, and the eternal life, Lao Tzu will look at you, what changes have been made in the end." Long Fei"s heart whispered, and the spirit of the soul sank, once again into the depths of the sea.


The innocent sea through, and the spirit of Longfei goes all the way down to the deepest point of eternal life.

The closer you are, the more you can feel the raging power of eternal life.

It is as if the sea of ​​knowledge has been filled with the power of eternal life.

Everywhere is the breath of eternal power.

It is Longfei, who feels that their souls are somewhat oppressive, as if they are struggling in front of this power, as long as they are overwhelmed in a moment.

"No, Laozi"s knowledge of the sea can make you a master?"

"Give me a drive!"

The spirit of Longfei is shocked.

A dragon swayed above the soul, and then, the dragon flew up against the sky, and the hands directly plucked the power of eternal life, step by step toward the eternal life.

Slowly, the eternal life also appeared in front of Longfei.

The face of Longfei is also a change at this time.

In front of his eyes, eternal life cover. Was opened.

The raging power of eternal life is vented from this longevity.

Just like a portal to h.e.l.l, it has been opened and is out of control.

The spirit of Longfei began to sway at this time, drifting in the sea of ​​his own knowledge, and gradually wrapped up by this raging eternal power.

Even if Longfei struggles, it is useless.

It seems that in the face of this power, the soul of Longfei cannot be controlled.

At this time, Longfei only felt that his soul seemed to be exploding. Under the infusion of eternal power, the whole soul became inflated.

Even Longfei can clearly feel that his current Shouyuan has also been rocket-like speed soaring, and several breathing time has already added back to the longevity that was previously swallowed by Zhan Tai Ling Xiu.

However, it did not end, but it continued to soar.

"No, if I go on like this, my soul can"t carry so many Shouyuan."

"Must stop."

"Otherwise, I am afraid that my soul will be directly blasted by the power of eternal life." Longfei"s mind flies and wants to find ways to end this raging eternal power.

But now that he is a state of spirit, he can only use the power of the soul.

And in the face of this eternal life, the system can not be activated, and can not be contacted.

It can be said that the eternal life is the only existence of the system that cannot actively interfere.

In fact, this is also true.

At this point, the entire system is constantly experiencing high-risk warnings.

It"s just that Longfei in this state can"t hear it.

Similarly, in the supreme, in a control room, a young man suddenly looked confused and looked at a page that was flas.h.i.+ng red code at this time, and his expression was sluggish.

"Impossible, what is this power, even the system has lost control?" The voice of the young man revealed incomparably shocked, unbelievable.

At this time, a middle-aged man also came in and looked dignified.

"what happened?"

The middle-aged man asked quietly.

"I don"t know, the host of this system, now I don"t know what is going on, the power of the soul suddenly surges, and it has already reached the system."

"And, this power, even the system can not be controlled." Young people said.

"How could this be? Is it the former market? No, this power has been integrated into his body, it should not affect the spirit, there is no such power in the world." Middle-aged man tightened, seems to think urgently .

Suddenly, the middle-aged man must have taken his hands and slammed it.

"I know, if there is really any power, it must be the kind of power that floats in the universe and where the universe opens up."

"And, this power is also what the Promise Temple has been looking for. They have planted countless planes, and they want to find this power to target our supreme plane."

"If it is really this kind of power, I am afraid it is difficult." The middle-aged man said.

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