Chapter 4586

At this time, Longfei knew the depths of the sea.

The system girl is motionless and surrounds the eternal life.

"Master, how do you feel now?" asked the system sister.

In front of her eyes, in the eternal life, the soul of Longfei is lying in the eternal life.

“Shuang, it"s never been better.”

"The system sister, and this kind of operation, directly control my body with the power of eternal life?"

"But this, will it have any effect on me?" Long Fei asked.

At this moment, his soul has not merged.

But still can not perceive the outside world.

This is naturally the solution that the system girl gave to the show.

Because he is the Lord of eternal life, in this eternal life, you can truly control the power of eternal life, and even use the power of eternal life to control the flesh.

It is precisely because of this that Longfei saw the outside world through the eternal life, everyone was seriously injured, and the anger broke out directly, and went up.

"It was originally influential, because using the power of eternal life to control the flesh also has an influence on the spirit of the master. Whether it is successful or not, it is feared that the master will spend some time in this eternal life until the true control of the power of eternal life. ""

"But now, nothing is going on."

"Even, if the owner wants to go out now, it is easy." The system sister said.

“Really?” Longfei was happy.

He is now angry and burning. The most wanted thing to do is to return to the soul, and then kill the scorpion to smother the hatred.

So I heard the system sister said that there are ways to carry out, and my heart naturally excited.

"Of course it is true, I will not lie to the master. But the master"s avatar is really strong, pure combat power, afraid of being with the owner is not much more." System sister said.

Longfei is also a glimpse.


Longfei was puzzled, and immediately thought of a fireman who had been rescued before, and his heart suddenly became excited.

"Nima, I said how I felt very uncomfortable before. It turned out to be a dog thing in Cang, and it was tormenting my avatar." Longfei sat directly in the eternal life, killing and screaming.

"Master, don"t worry."

"Now you have nothing to do with your avatar, and in this state, it is just right to replace you, sitting in this eternal life. When he really gets the power of eternal life, when the master recombines, it will definitely step into the sky. "The system sister said.

When I spoke, my eyes sparkled with my eyes.

As if I had expected that day.

"Replace me with a avatar? I am able to go out into this eternal shackle?"

Longfei also guessed the key points of the system sister"s problems.

However, the problem is coming again.

Now that Yongsheng is in his own knowledge of the sea, there is no way to get in the avatar.

In other words, this program is just like talking on paper. It doesn"t work.

"Yes, the master, the avatar is also you."

"Although you have not yet fully controlled this power, after all, you are the eternal life, so the avatar is the same."

"That is to say, the burial of the avatar into this eternal life can be replaced directly, and when the owner enters the body again, it will be easy."

The system sister said.

"But now, this eternal life is in the depths of my knowledge of the sea, how do you get involved?" Longfei wondered, asked.

"Master, you can"t get in, but eternal life is deliberately taken out?"

"And, don"t you think that this uncontrollable power is in your mind, is it a time bomb?"

"So, just take advantage of this opportunity to let the owner completely control." The system sister said, the tone is firm, it seems to be a mission.

Longfei does not doubt it.

After all, the crisis outside is now imminent, and there is no time to consider these.

"Well, how do you do that?" Long Fei asked.

He can"t wait.

The outside was so violent that not only his avatars were about to collapse, but even his women and brothers were seriously injured.

Can"t bear it!

The cliff can"t bear it!

Although the power of eternal life is now in control of the flesh, it can counterbalance Cang.

However, this kind of power without self-control consciousness can only exert the power of eternal life, and many of its own means cannot be used at all.

Even if the power of eternal life is strong, it is no good to manipulate without consciousness.

Moreover, this kind of existence that makes Longfei"s heart very uncomfortable, if this unconscious operation is given to tyranny, there is really no sense of existence.

Only self-dominant, one punch and one punch will blow the other party, so that Longfei can vent their hearts.

"This is simple, just give it to me. When I bring the eternal life to the master"s sea of ​​knowledge, the master can return to consciousness directly."

"As for the owner to get in, I also handed it to me." The system sister said.

"Well, well, then you control." Longfei said.

Then, Longfei"s thoughts sank and sank into the eternal life.

The picture turns again and returns to the void.

This series of conversations seems c.u.mbersome, but in the midst of Longfei"s knowledge of the sea, there is only a few breaths.

Therefore, at this time, the battle between Longfei and Cang had no influence at all.

Longfei is still controlled by the eternal power of the sister, but it is still very violent. After the chain of days is cut off, it is directly hitting the void.


The power of eternal life is soaring and erupts in the fist of Longfei.

Directly giving the entire sky to the tremors out of the hundred miles, so that the void under the pressure is violently scattered.

Suddenly, everyone under the pressure was relieved.

At this time, the voice of Cang was also uploaded from the void, full of anger:

"Impossible, what is this power, why is it not within the number of days, and even the number of days cannot be perceived?"

"This is absolutely impossible, I don"t believe it, I don"t believe it!"

Cry with a sigh.

There was still panic in anger.

For the first time, he broke out of this emotion.

Even if the night is fascinating with the burning of the bones, even if it is the number of strengths, it shows a terrifying power, and even his strength can only be used to suppress, he did not feel terrified.

But now, Longfei has a shot, this breath, even the power of the days, is s.h.i.+vering.

This is the real place of horror.

However, Longfei simply ignored it and responded with only one punch.


The sky is once again retreating, even if it is Cang, it is also a sigh.

It seems that under this power, even if it is a number of days, it has to be avoided.


Once again, the sky was bombarded back over nine days.

At this time, the dragon fly in the boxing, suddenly moved a meal, and then the light flashed.

At the same time, behind him, a bronze ancient appeared suddenly, suspended behind the dragon.

Longfei"s gaze must be directed to his own avatar, just to see the body of the avatar, flying directly to himself without control.

No, or to come to the eternal life behind you.


The next moment, the ancient roar roared, the cover directly opened a gap, and then the body of the split directly into it.

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