The Mightiest Little Peasant

Chapter 380: This Is My Name Card

Chapter 380: This Is My Name Card

The two women’s gazes were as sharp as swords. One could almost see sparks flying between them.

The enmity between the two women was palpable.

Tang Hao was discreetly shocked. He had not seen Qin Xiangyi behave like that, though her cla.s.smates did not seem surprised at all.

The two women had been rivals ever since they were university freshmen.

They were both beautiful women from wealthy families, which was natural for them to be prideful. Especially Yan Lili, who had been spoiled since she was a child and therefore had a nasty temper.

She was incredibly envious of the beauty queen who came from a slightly worse off family but was prettier than her.

She had frequently made fun of Qin Xiangyi behind her back, and they had often b.u.t.ted heads with each other. Yan Lili considered herself superior because she was from the River Delta City, while Qin Xiangyi was from the small and remote Westridge District.

Their current tiff was nothing compared to what happened before.

However, they were quite eager to watch the drama unfold.

The gathering was supposed to be the event for Yan Lili to show off her husband. If the beauty queen had come alone, then Yan Lili would have gotten her moral victory and that would be it.

However, not only the beauty queen came, but she also brought her boyfriend with her. That was where the problem lied.

Furthermore, the beauty queen’s boyfriend was a young and handsome boy toy. Yan Lili was her biggest rival, and she was not going to let the opportunity slide.

Meanwhile, they also did not understand.

The beauty queen had said that she was not coming. However, she suddenly appeared at the event, and not only that, but she brought her boyfriend too. Did she think that her boyfriend was better than Yan Lili’s husband?

That was a total joke!

The kid indeed looked somewhat handsome, but he was nothing compared to that He guy, much less all the other aspects. Qin Xiangyi would be utterly humiliated!

‘Sigh! She must be muddled to do that!’

Some of the people glanced at Tang Hao and shook their heads condescendingly. Especially the men, who did not have any positive opinions of Tang Hao at all.

They turned their gaze to the magnificently dressed beauty queen. There was no adjective to describe her other than ‘breathtaking’. Their jealousy burned in their hearts.

Yan Lili glanced at Tang Hao and became more amused than ever.

She cackled and spoke sharply, “I say, Xiangyi, where did you find this kid? He looks not bad, but he’s nothing compared to my honey.

“Looks at how handsome my honey is! Look at his body too, those are eight-pack abs!” She boasted while touching He Zhengyu’s stomach.

Then, she looked at Qin Xiangyi provocatively.

“It’s just not about his face, too. He has many positive qualities. My honey is a graduate of a prestigious overseas university. He is very intelligent, and he speaks eight languages fluently. He is very good at sports too, he’s a champion at horse-riding, swimming, basketball, and any other sport that you can name.

“So what does your little boy toy know?

“Also, men should at least be faithful and responsible, right? My honey is very faithful to me, and he’s the best man in the world. He only loves me and me alone.”

Her voice was so cloying that one could drown in it.

Qin Xiangyi pressed her lips, trying hard not to throw up.

She could not tolerate the way Yan Lili bragged.

Tang Hao rolled his eyes. ‘Is this woman crazy? There’s no such thing as a perfect man in this world,’ he thought.

He narrowed his eyes and carefully examined He Zhengyu.

After looking at him from head to toe, a curious smile appeared on Tang Hao’s face.

‘Faithful and responsible? What nonsense! That guy’s face is pale and sickly. Those are the obvious signs of weak kidneys, which meant that he indulged in too much wine and s.e.x.

Moreover, that condition was not achievable in the short term.

Yan Lili was even more arrogant when she saw that Qin Xiangyi said nothing. She turned to look at Tang Hao and shrieked, “Oh my, his entire get-up should have cost you a lot of money, right? I’ve heard that you only earn a few million yuan every year. You must have spent so much to primp him up!

“You have to be careful, Xiangyi. Men who rely on women for money are the worst. He doesn’t truly love you. He’s only interested in you for your looks or your money.

“One day, he’ll tire of you and your money, and he’ll just dump you! You won’t even have enough tears to cry when that happens.”

Her voice was dripping with mockery and disdain.

“That’s right, Xiangyi, you shouldn’t put your trust in boy toys like him! A man needs to have more than just looks.”

“That’s true! Dump him already!”

The men also tried to persuade her. They started boasting about their own achievements, as though they were all suddenly successful.

Qin Xiangyi could not take it anymore. “That’s enough!” She shouted.

Everyone around her fell silent at that instant.

“What boy toy? Are you all blind? Don’t think that he’s a boy toy just because he’s young and handsome. My Lil Tang is many, many times better than any of you here.

“And you too, Lili, don’t be too smug. No one here cares about your stupid husband. Let me tell you, he’s not even worth my Lil Tang’s farts,” Qin Xiangyi chided indignantly.

Everyone exclaimed in surprise when they heard that.

All the men looked angry.

“We’re trying to talk some sense into you here, Xiangyi, and you’re blaming us? Let me ask you then, what is he other than a boy toy? He should still be a student, right? How capable can he be?

“I wonder if he’s from some third-rate college too!”

Yan Lil continued to shriek, “You’re the only one who’s blind, Qin woman! How dare you compare your little boy toy with my honey? What a joke!

“My honey is well-educated, intelligent, and also capable! He’s a manager for a renowned multinational corporation. He earns almost one million yuan a year!”

The women standing around Yan Lili also laughed.

“This Qin woman is regressing as she becomes older. She picked up a piece of trash but thinks that he is a treasure!”

They displayed expressions of disdain as they talked.

“Ahem!” Tang Hao coughed lightly. He could not remain silent anymore.

“Why the h.e.l.l are you coughing? There’s no place for you to talk here, you filthy kid!” w.a.n.g Jiadong, the cla.s.s representative, glared at Tang Hao and spoke angrily.

He was extremely unhappy that the G.o.ddess in his eyes had fallen into the hands of a useless boy toy.

Tang Hao glanced at him coldly and smiled. “I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tang Hao. Here’s my name card.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard that.

Then, they burst out laughing loudly.

“Haha, this kid is hilarious! He even has a name card too. Does he think that he’s anyone important?”

“I’d like to see what’s on his name card!”

Everyone took Tang Hao’s name card while sneering.

“Oh, so many t.i.tles! Haha, all presidents! Let me count, one, two, three, four, he’s the president of four companies!”

“Haha, I’ve never seen anyone so shameless! A president of four companies? He’s such a liar!”

“Let me see what companies he’s made up. Haotian Health Products Development Co. Ltd.? Hmm, I think I’ve heard of that before! Masculine Wind? Wait a second, isn’t that the company that sells the aphrodisiac?”

The laughter stopped, and what replaced it were exclamations of surprise.

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