The Mightiest Little Peasant

Chapter 663: A Challenge From International Chefs

Chapter 663: A Challenge From International Chefs

Tang Hao woke up early in the morning.

The first thing that he saw after opening his eyes was a calm sleeping face.

She had deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge, full of Western charm. Her lips were slightly curled upward into a smile.

Tang Hao was surprised, but the wild memories from last night soon flooded in his mind.

He scratched his head, feeling a little awkward.

‘Sigh! I should’ve had more self-control!’

Tang Hao blamed himself, but he reasoned to himself that no man would have been able to resist the temptation last night.

“Never mind. What happened has already happened!”

Tang Hao muttered and accepted it calmly.

He flipped to his side. Her eyelashes fluttered, and she slowly woke up.


She called out and was about to turn over, but she frowned when she moved.

“Does it hurt?” Tang Hao said.

“A little! It’s all your fault. You’re too wild!” She glared at him resentfully.

Tang Hao was speechless. ‘You’re the wild one! It’s only your first time,’ he thought, but he could not say that out loud.

“But I like it!”

She smiled charmingly, leaned over, and kissed him.

Then, she looked at the clock.

“It’s still early! Lie down for a while more!” She narrowed her eyes, snuggled into Tang Hao’s arms, and fell asleep again.

Half an hour later, she opened her eyes, pulled Tang Hao, and was about to get up.

“Ah! My clothes!”

She looked left and right and was surprised.

After Tang Hao put on his clothes, he hurried over and brought her a set of clothes.

“Let’s go!”

After putting on her clothes, she washed up, groomed herself, and pulled Tang Hao to the door.

“Wait! Kiss me first!”

She turned around, tiptoed, put her arms around Tang Hao’s neck, and kissed him until she was almost aroused again.

“Okay, let’s go to cla.s.s!” She took a step back and smiled brightly, then took Tang Hao’s hand and walked out.

They shared many intimate moments on the way to the university, but she acted primly when they arrived. Once they were back home, she became intimate again.

After dinner, she went back to her home.

At eleven o’clock, she sneaked over once more.

She was eager to revisit the experiences from the night before.

The next three days pa.s.sed just like that.

That afternoon, Tang Hao sent her to the airport.

“I’ve been really happy these past few days!” Before boarding the plane, she hugged Tang Hao tightly. “I’ll be leaving now! Don’t worry, I’ll definitely come back.”

After saying that, she gave him a deep kiss, stepped back, and waved at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao watched her leave before he turned around and walked away.

Another two days pa.s.sed.

In those two days, Tang Hao went to cla.s.s during the day and tended to the spirit skates at night. He observed their habits and prepared to breed them.

In addition, he researched intensively on the breeding and hybridization of fish.

The spirit skate might be an ancient ancestor of modern fish, but it was nonetheless a fish. He should be able to use modern methods on them.

Two days later, Tang Hao found that the spirit skates had grown a lot. It seemed that using ginseng and lingzhi as fodder was very effective.

However, it was quite costly.

On, he accompanied Yan’er to buy some clothes for the change of seasons.

The weather in early April was already very warm. They needed to change into some lighter.

After shopping around and buying clothes, the two sat down in the cafe and rested for a while.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was from s.h.i.+ Yiwen.

“What’s the matter, Manager s.h.i.+?” Tang Hao asked.

“There’s a situation, Chairman Tang!” s.h.i.+ Yiwen said.

Tang Hao frowned. “What situation? Is there a problem with one of the restaurants?”

“No! It’s about magical cuisine!” s.h.i.+ Yiwen said.

“What do you mean?” Tang Hao was confused.

What could go wrong with magical cuisine?

“It’s like this. Our magical cuisine has become more and more famous across Huaxia recently. Some people even call it the best type of cuisine in Huaxia.

“On many lists, our dishes and our restaurants are all ranked first.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Tang Hao wondered.

“Yes, it’s a good thing. Our fame has also spread abroad. Now, everyone in the gourmet world knows that Huaxia has a new type of cuisine called magical cuisine.

“Of course, with fame comes criticism. Many foreigners don’t believe it when they hear how amazing and unbelievable magical cuisine is. Many of them also laughed at us.

“Many Huaxianese commenters have been arguing with the foreigners on the gourmet forums! Today, we’ve received a letter of challenge.

“What? A letter of challenge?” Tang Hao was instantly stunned.

“That’s right!”

“Who issued it?”

Tang Hao had a curious look on his face. ‘We’re just cooking, right? Why does it sound like we’re at war?’

“A total of five world-cla.s.s chefs issued a joint challenge. They’re from Farlance, Dongying, and Latinia.

“They’re quite boastful. They say that we’re arrogant and that magical cuisine is nothing but a pack of lies!”

She sounded angry when she said that.

“What? They’re the arrogant ones!”

“Yeah! Those chefs are all very conceited. Do you think we should accept this challenge, Chairman Tang?” s.h.i.+ Yiwen said.

“Yes! Of course!”

“Great!” s.h.i.+ Yiwen said excitedly, “Then… who will be the head chef? Master Chef Ding, or…”

“I’ll do it!” Tang Hao said.

“Wow! Really?” s.h.i.+ Yiwen said in surprise and became more and more excited. She knew how good Chairman Tang’s culinary skills were.

“Of course. By the way, when is the cook-off?”

“Five days later, on April 6th. It’s said that a lot of people will come to watch the battle and judge the event, including top food critics and many tyc.o.o.ns. It will be very lively.”

“Alright! I got it. I’ll come over later to discuss it.”

After ending the call, Tang Hao said to Yan’er, “Let’s go and eat!”

They went to the main store of New Magical Kitchen, and Tang Hao met with Master Chef Ding and the other chefs.

“Those foreigners and Dongyingese always think that they’re better. They don’t know about the depth of Huaxianese cuisine. How can they compare to us?”

“That’s right! Brother Tang, they came to us voluntarily this time. We must teach them a lesson.”

The chefs were very angry.

Farlancian cuisine had always been the king of the culinary world, and Farlance had produced many internationally renowned chefs.

Huaxianese cuisine was relatively less renowned and less popular. There were not many prominent Huaxianese chefs either.

“Don’t worry. We’ll definitely teach them a lesson they won’t forget,” Tang Hao said confidently.

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