HOW TO PRAY.--Striving in Prayer

="That ye strive together with me in your prayers to G.o.d for me."=--ROM. xv. 30.

="I would ye knew what great conflict I have for you."=--COL. ii. 1.

All the powers of evil seek to hinder us in prayer. Prayer is a conflict with opposing forces. It needs the whole heart and all our strength. May G.o.d give us grace to strive in prayer till we prevail.




=Bold= and _italic_ words in the original text have been marked in this version with equals signs and underscores respectively.

Minor errors and inconsistencies in punctuation and hyphenation have been silently corrected.

On page 6, the original text had "we the trust in our own diligence".

On page 93, "WHAT THE HEALTH THAT JESUS OFFERS." is as in the original.

As explained in the section on "Answers to Prayer", on each daily page in the tract "Pray Without Ceasing", several lines are ruled to leave room for the reader"s "SPECIAL PEt.i.tIONS". In this version, these are represented by six lines of underscores.

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