Following my orders, the navigator again constructed a sphere of speculation in his tank. The surface of the sphere contacted all the star systems a days flight ahead of the maximum flight of the stolen battleship. There weren"t too many of these at first and the psiman could handle them all, calling each in turn and sending by news releases to the Naval Public Relations officers there. As the sphere kept growing he started to drop behind, steadily losing ground. By this time I had a general release prepared, along with directions for use and follow up, which he sent to Central 14. The battery of psimen there contacted the individual planets and all we had to do was keep adding to the list of planets.

The release and follow-ups all harped on one theme. I expanded on it, waxed enthusiastic, condemned it, and worked it into an interview. I wrote as many variations as I could, so it could be slipped into as many different formats as possible. In one form or another I wanted the basic information in every magazine, newspaper and journal inside that expanding sphere.

"What in the devil does this nonsense _mean_?" Captain Steng asked peevishly. He had long since given up the entire operation as a futile one, and spent most of the time in his cabin worrying about the affect of it on his service record. Boredom or curiosity had driven him out, and he was reading one of my releases with horror.

"Billionaire to found own world ... s.p.a.ce yacht filled with luxuries to last a hundred years," the captain"s face grew red as he flipped through the stack of notes. "What connection does this tripe have with catching those murderers?"

When we were alone he was anything but courteous to me, having a.s.sured himself by not-too-subtle questioning that I was a spurious admiral.

There was no doubt I was still in charge, but our relationship was anything but formal.

"This tripe and nonsense," I told him, "is the bait that will snag our fish. A trap for Pepe and his partner in crime."

"Who is this mysterious billionaire?"

"Me," I said. "I"ve always wanted to be rich."

"But this ship, the s.p.a.ce yacht, where is it?"

"Being built now in the naval shipyard at Udrydde. We"re almost ready to go there now, soon as this batch of instructions goes out."

Captain Steng dropped the releases onto the table, then carefully wiped his hands off to remove any possible infection. He was trying to be fair and considerate of my views, and not succeeding in the slightest.

"It doesn"t make sense," he growled. "How can you be sure this killer will ever read one of these things. And if he does--why should he be interested? It looks to me as if you are wasting time while he slips through your fingers. The alarm should be out and every ship notified.

The Navy alerted and patrols set on all s.p.a.celanes--"

"Which he could easily avoid by going around, or better yet not even bother about, since he can lick any ship we have. That"s not the answer," I told him. "This Pepe is smart and as tricky as a fixed gambling machine. That"s his strength--and his weakness as well.

Characters like that never think it possible for someone else to outthink them. Which is what _I"m_ going to do."

"Modest, aren"t you," Steng said.

"I try not to be," I told him. "False modesty is the refuge of the incompetent. I"m going to catch this thug and I"ll tell you how I"ll do it. He"s going to hit again soon, and wherever he hits there will be some kind of a periodical with my plant in it. Whatever else he is after, he is going to take all of the magazines and papers he can find.

Partly to satisfy his own ego, but mostly to keep track of the things he is interested in. Such as ship sailings."

"You"re just guessing--you don"t know all this."

His automatic a.s.sumption of my incompetence was beginning to get me annoyed. I bridled my temper and tried one last time.

"Yes, I"m guessing--an informed guess--but I do know some facts as well.

_Ogget"s Dream_ was cleaned out of all reading matter, that was one of the first things I checked. We can"t stop the battleship from attacking again, but we can see to it that the time after that she sails into a trap."

"I don"t know," the captain said, "it sounds to me like...."

I never heard what it sounded like, which is all right since he was getting under my skin and might have been tempted to pull my pseudo-rank. The alarm sirens cut his sentence off and we foot-raced to the communications room.

Captain Steng won by a nose, it was his ship and he knew all the shortcuts. The psiman was holding out a transcription, but he summed it up in one sentence. He looked at me while he talked and his face was hard and cold.

"They hit again, knocked out a Navy supply satellite, thirty-four men dead."

"If your plan doesn"t work, _admiral_," the captain whispered hoa.r.s.ely in my ear, "I"ll personally see that you"re flayed alive!"

"If my plan doesn"t work, _captain_--there won"t be enough of my skin left to pick up with a tweezer. Now if you please, I"d like to get to Udrydde and pick up my ship as soon as possible."

The easy-going hatred and contempt of all my a.s.sociates had annoyed me, thrown me off balance. I was thinking with anger now, not with logic.

Forcing a bit of control, I ordered my thoughts, checking off a mental list.

"Belay that last command," I shouted, getting back into my old s.p.a.ce-dog mood. "Get a call through first and find out if any of our plants were picked up during the raid."

While the psiman unfocused his eyes and mumbled under his breath I riffled some papers, relaxed and cool. The ratings and officers waited tensely, and made some slight attempt to conceal their hatred of me. It took about ten minutes to get an answer.

"Affirmative," the psiman said. "A store ship docked there twenty hours before the attack. Among other things, it left newspapers containing the article."

"Very good," I said calmly. "Send a general order to suspend all future activity with the planted releases. Send it by psimen only, no mention on any other Naval signaling equipment, there"s a good chance now it might be "overheard.""

I strolled out slowly, in command of the situation. Keeping my face turned away so they couldn"t see the cold sweat.

It was a fast run to Udrydde where my billionaire"s yacht, the _Eldorado_, was waiting. The dockyard commander showed me the ship, and made a n.o.ble effort to control his curiosity. I took a s.a.d.i.s.tic revenge on the Navy by not telling him a word about my mission. After checking out the controls and special apparatus with the technicians, I cleared the ship. There was a tape in the automatic navigator that would put me on the course mentioned in all the articles, just a press of a b.u.t.ton and I would be on my way. I pressed the b.u.t.ton.

It was a beautiful ship, and the dockyard had been lavish with their attention to detail. From bow to rear tubes she was plated in pure gold.

There are other metals with a higher albedo, but none that give a richer effect. All the fittings, inside and out, were either machine-turned or plated. All this work could not have been done in the time allotted, the Navy must have adapted a luxury yacht to my needs.

Everything was ready. Either Pepe would make his move--or I would sail on to my billionaire"s paradise planet. If that happened, it would be best if I stayed there.

Now that I was in s.p.a.ce, past the point of no return, all the doubts that I had dismissed fought for attention. The plan that had seemed so clear and logical now began to look like a patched and crazy makeshift.

"Hold on there, sailor," I said to myself. Using my best admiral"s voice. "Nothing has changed. It"s still the best and _only_ plan possible under the circ.u.mstances."

Was it? Could I be sure that Pepe, flying his mountain of a ship and eating Navy rations, would be interested in some of the comforts and luxuries of life? Or if the luxuries didn"t catch his eye, would he be interested in the planetary homesteading gear? I had loaded the cards with all the things he might want, and planted the information where he could get it. He had the bait now--but would he grab the hook?

I couldn"t tell. And I could work myself into a neurotic state if I kept running through the worry cycle. It took an effort to concentrate on anything else, but it had to be made. The next four days pa.s.sed very slowly.

When the alarm blew off, all I felt was an intense sensation of relief.

I might be dead and blasted to dust in the next few minutes, but that didn"t seem to make much difference.

Pepe had swallowed the bait. There was only one ship in the galaxy that could knock back a blip that big at such a distance. It was closing fast, using the raw energy of the battleship engines for a headlong approach. My ship bucked a bit as the tug-beams locked on at maximum distance. The radio bleeped at me for attention at the same time. I waited as long as I dared, then flipped it on. The voice boomed out.

"... That you are under the guns of a warship! Don"t attempt to run, signal, take evasive action, or in any other way...."

"Who are you--and what the devil do you want?" I spluttered into the mike. I had my scanner on, so they could see me, but my own screen stayed dark. They weren"t sending any picture. In a way it made my act easier, I just played to an unseen audience. They could see the rich cut of my clothes, the luxurious cabin behind me. Of course they couldn"t see my hands.

"It doesn"t matter who we are," the radio boomed again. "Just obey orders if you care to live. Stay away from the controls until we have tied on, then do exactly as I say."

There were two distant clangs as magnetic grapples. .h.i.t the hull. A little later the ship lurched, drawn home against the battleship. I let my eyes roll in fear, looking around for a way to escape--and taking a peek at the outside scanners. The yacht was flush against the s.p.a.ce-filling bulk of the other ship. I pressed the b.u.t.ton that sent the torch-wielding robot on his way.

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