B2 (repeat).As in B1 (repeat), pairs start with"
(3 times).right feet so that, in bar 4, theystamp and strike the left feet.C2 (repeat).(3 times).As in C2. Pairs re-change."
B3.As in B1 and B2. Pairs start with"
(3 times).left feet, and stamp and strikeright feet.C3 (Capers).(3 times).As in C1, pairs change places.Bars 1, 2, 3, 4In these the step is 4/1, and High"
in each--really as high as possible.repet.i.tion(very slow).Bars 5 and 6In these the pairs retire, afterFront.
in eachmeeting in centre, at 4/2 step,repet.i.tionlifting the feet as high as(_presto_).possible, and as quickly. Thegreater the contrast betweenthese two quick bars and thepreceding slow ones, the betterthe effect.A3. (repeat).Back-to-back."
B3. (repeat).As in B1 and B2 (repeats), pairs"
(3 times).start with right feet, and stampand strike left feet in bar 4.C3. (Capers)Very slow.As in C3. Pairs re-change to"
(Repeat).original places.(3 times).At the beginning of bar 5, in finalrepet.i.tion of the music, leadercalls "All in," when all drawtogether into Ring, throw up theFr. to Ring.
right hands, raise the right feet,and Call.ALL IN.
RIGS O" MARLOW (STICK DANCE).Once to yourselfTap sticks on last two beats ofColumn.
bar 4.A.(1st time).Step 4/2 throughout "A" music in"
all repet.i.tions.Down-and-back twice.Partners tap sticks across on last"
two beats of bars 4 and 8; buton making last tap but one, j.Col. to(forming Fr.), so that final tapFront.
is given in Front formation.B.(1st time).Double-tapping. (For instructions,Front.
_see_ diagram, p. 55).A.(2nd time).Chain. Tap sticks as in A, 1st"
time.B.(2nd time).Double-tapping, as in B, 1st time."
A.(3rd time).Cross-over. Tap sticks as in A, 1st"
time.B.(3rd time).Double-tapping, as in B, 1st time."
A.(4th time).Back-to back. Tap sticks as in"
A, 1st and 2nd time.B.(4th time).Double-tapping as in B, 1st and"
2nd time. In bar 7, leader calls"All in," whereupon all j., givingCol. formation, in which finalColumn.
tap is made.ALL IN.
A.Bars 1 to 4Advance slowly, until files are face"
to face. On half-bar of bar 4,partners nod to one another (_see_instructions, p. 57).Bars 5 to 8Retire to original position.FrontB.Bars 1 to 4Mark time."
Bars 5 to 8Advance and nod as before."
C.Bars 1 to 4Retire."
Bars 5 to 8Mark time. Files link arms in last"
bar, and remain linked untiltold to loose arms.A.Bars 1 to 4Advance as before, nod."
Bars 5 to 8Retire."
B.Bars 1 to 4Mark time."
Bars 5 to 8Advance as before, nod."
C.Bars 1 to 4Retire."
Bars 5 to 8Loose arms. Files turn very slowly"
about until they are reversed.A.Bars 1 to 4Retire, until partners" backs are all"
but touching.Bars 5 to 8Advance to original position."
B.Bars 1 to 4Mark time."
Bars 5 to 8Retire as before."
C.Bars 1 to 4Advance as before.Front.
Bars 5 to 8Mark time. Link arms in last bar,"
and remain linked until told toloose arms.A. B.Go through same movements,"
linked, as in preceding A and B.Loose arms at end of B.C.Files extend into single line, facingLine.
music. To do this, Nos. 1 and 2advance; Nos. 3 and 5 followNo. 1; Nos. 4 and 6 follow No. 2.When all are in line, with Nos. 1and 2 at wings, Nos. 5 and 6 incentre, all face music. Distancesbetween dancers to be kept thesame as when in file.A.Bars 1 to 4Mark time."
Bars 5 to 8Advance."
B.Bars 1 to 4Retire."
Bars 5 to 8Mark time."
C.Bars 1 to 4Advance."
Bars 5 to 8Retire. Link arms in last bar."
A. B.Mark time, advance and retire"
linked, and mark time, as inpreceding A and B.In last bar, loose arms and joinhands.C.Form into Ring: Nos. 1 and 2Ring.
joining hands in last bar.A. }(8 bars), }Move to right, dancers making the"
and B. }complete circle.(Bars 1 to 4). }B. }Bars 5 to 8, }Move to left, dancers nearly"
and }travelling round circle again.C. }Bars 1 to 4. }C.Bars 5 to 8Nos. 5 and 6 loose hands. No. 5Two Rings.
joins hands with No. 1, and No. 6with No. 2, forming two rings,one to each file. Each ring willform round about the line ofposition of its numbers when infile.A. }(8 bars) }Rings move to right, as singleTwo Rings.
and B. }Ring previously, but makingBars 1 to 4. }double circuit.B. }Bars 5 to 8. }Rings move to left, as single Ring"
and }previously, nearly double circuit.C. }Bars 1 to 4. }C.Bars 5 to 8Rings break up and re-form line ofTwo Rings6 as before.to Line.
A. B. C.Line mark time, advance, retire,Line.
&c., as before, link arms in lastbar of C.A. B. C.Line as before, linked. Last 4 barsLine.
of C, break into files, in originalposition in Front, but reversedFront.
as before.A. B. C.Files reversed, mark time, retire,"
advance, &c., as before. Linkarms in last bar of C.A. B. C.Files, reversed, mark time, retire,"
advance, &c., as before, armslinked. Loose arms, and turnslowly about in last 4 bars of C,forming Front.A. B. C.Mark time, advance, nod, &c., as"
before. Link arms in last barof C.A. B. C.Mark time, advance, &c., with"
linked arms, as before.At the call of "All in," the danceends quietly on the last four bars,mark time, of C.
HOW D"YE DO (CORNER DANCE).Once toJu. last half-bar.Column.
yourself.A.(1st time).Down-and-back, Ju. Up-and-back.,Column toj. (forming Fr.).Front.
B.(1st time)This is the Challenge. Nos. 1 andFront.
(Corners).6 advance and shake hands, asBar 1.described (_see_ p. 58).Bar 2.Nos. 2 and 5 the same."
Bar 3.Nos. 3 and 4 the same.Front.
Bar 4 and 5.Nos. 3 and 4 pause (_see_ p. 58)."
A.(2nd time).Chain.Column.
B.(2nd time)This is the Fight. Nos. 1 and 6Front.
(Corners).advance and square up, asBar 1.shown in description (_see_ p. 58).Bar 2.Nos. 2 and 5 the same."
Bar 3.Nos. 3 and 4 the same."
Bars 4 and 5.Nos. 3 and 4 pause as before."
A.(3rd time.)Cross-over."
B.(3rd time)This is the Reconciliation, and"
(Corners).goes precisely as in B, 1st time.A.(4th time).Back-to-back."
B.(4th time)This is Good Fellowship, and goes"
(Corners).precisely as in B, 1st and 3rdtime.A2.Cross-over. As usual, up to bar 7,"
when leader calls "All in,"whereupon all close inward intoRing in centre; throw up hands,Ring.
raise right feet on last half-bar,and Call.ALL IN.