1240 As If A Century 4

Su Nan’s tone sounded grim.

Xi Xiaye halted her steps as she turned around and noticed the sorrow between her eyes.

Experience could make a person grow more mature and stronger. Life made it easier to act and to understand the value of things in life. After all, not all unfortunate events were negative in nature.

Xi Xiaye suddenly remembered that her teacher when she was studying abroad told her that if life could be viewed through a philosophical lens, it could help one see everything as debatable.

Not all bad things were bad.

“Nan Nan, you know, I always think that it’s important for one to know what we want. Only then you can turn it into your goal. I remember a cla.s.sic quote from a movie I watched when I was little: ‘How different would you be from a salted fish if you don’t have a dream?’. You’ve always been wild all your life. Ruan Heng is the person who loves you the most in the world, and I bet you can’t bear the thought of losing him,” Xi Xiaye said.

Su Nan felt her face heating up. She took several deep breaths before speaking, “I know. I understand! I’ve thought about it. Even I would have to admit that my temperament is annoying. It’s a miracle that Ruan Heng could put up with me. I should be nicer to him in response to his kind gesture, I shouldn’t have left him struggling alone while I just ordered him around…”

Her voice turned hoa.r.s.e at the end of her sentence.

“Xiaye, if Ruan Heng wakes up safely this time, I’ll be kind to him all my life. I’ll be a great wife to him, and a great mother to my child. I’ll be nice to him and share all his feelings. I only realize that I care about him more than I ever imagined…” Su Nan looked quietly at the unconscious Ruan Heng.

“If he goes on being like this, I don’t think there’s any meaning for me to go on anymore.”

“What are you talking about? It’s not like he’s never waking up!” Xi Xiaye frowned as she shot Su Nan a worried glance.

Su Nan took a deep breath and lowered her head in silence…


It was a borderless darkness filled with exhaustion…

It felt as long as a whole century.

Ruan Heng had no idea how long he had been in slumber. He just felt like he was struggling in the dark, trying his best to break through the dark clouds, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not break through them.

He could hear his wife’s worrisome voice. He could feel her cleaning his body and feeding him water…

Su Nan…

I want to see you, but I’m shrouded in the dark, I’m afraid of the dark.

I want to wake up—

Ruan Heng kept telling himself that. He tried countless times and failed every time, and as he was in pain again, he felt a familiar hand on him. He tried once again with all his might as he yelled deep within his heart and opened his eyes.

Finally, a striking light rushed into his retinas. It had been ages since light last entered his eyes.

Ruan Heng was dazzled for a moment and his eyes were still blurry. He blinked several times before getting used to the light. Then, he turned his head over and felt a great strain on his body.

He managed to see two figures near the bed.

Su Nan, his wife, was sitting on the bed, holding onto his hand. Behind her was Xi Xiaye with a worried expression on her face while she frowned at Su Nan.

“Nan Nan…”

After some time, his parched throat managed to blurt out two words and his fingers twitched ever so slightly.

Su Nan was not sure how to react while Xi Xiaye raised her head and looked at Ruan Heng whose eyes were already opened. She was stunned.

“Ruan Heng…” She could not believe what she was seeing.

“You woke up! Ruan Heng! Nan Nan! He woke up…” Xi Xiaye was very emotional as she shook Su Nan with both her hands.

Su Nan quickly raised her head and looked at Ruan Heng. When she saw those familiar eyes once again, the tears in her eyes could not stop falling and they rolled down her cheeks.

Ruan Heng blinked when he saw her cry. He attempted to raise his arm and wipe the tears off her face…

“Nan Nan…don’t cry…I-I’m back…” Ruan Heng sounded like he was struggling to speak.

Afraid that she might be dreaming, Su Nan just sat there without moving an inch. She came back to her senses moments later, realizing it was all real. She cried uncontrollably, “You woke up! Ruan Heng! You finally woke up! That’s so great! You finally woke up!”

She jumped towards him and buried her face into his chest. Meanwhile, Xi Xiaye could feel tears welling up in her eyes.

She smiled as she looked at the two of them. Then, she took a deep breath and quietly left the room, leaving the lovebirds alone.

However, the moment she walked out of the room, she covered her eyes with her hands and realized that they were wet too…

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