Chapter 1682: Meet (2)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qi Lei did not continue, but Dongfang Liuyun understood.

She frowned and poured the red wine into her mouth. After a while, she said, “If you really think so, then let’s guard this feeling together.”

“Do you feel like this too?”

Qi Lei heard Dongfang Liuyun’s words and could not help but feel a little happy. He quickly asked.

Dongfang Liuyun nodded quietly. “Yes, of course I feel that way too. I don’t really have a deep understanding of these things. I’ll just go along and see how it goes.”

Qi Lei was overjoyed when he heard that. He poured wine for Dongfang Liuyun again. “I thought that I might not have any expectations for my future life, especially after experiencing so many things. I didn’t expect…”

“How can you say that you don’t have expectations? As long we’re alive, we have to have expectations and hope. Aren’t you a little pessimistic?”

“I didn’t become braver the more I suffered. Now that I think about it, I suddenly realized that I really didn’t do a good thing, nor did I fulfill anyone’s expectations. This perception sometimes makes me feel like I really have nothing.”

Qi Lei drank a mouthful of wine and said with a frown.

“You just don’t have a good mindset. I used to be like you, but after experiencing a lot of things, you get used to it. Putting aside those restrictions, you’ll feel that the peaceful and simple life now will make us all feel content.”

As Dongfang Liuyun said this, she suddenly put down the wine gla.s.s in her hand and reached out to take the cigarette packet she put aside. Under Qi Lei’s surprised gaze, she took out a cigarette, turned on the lighter, lit it, and casually took a puff before handing it to Qi Lei—

“Take it!”

Qi Lei did not understand, but he followed her words and took it. He took a puff as well. Amid the smoke, the cigarette was burning…

Dongfang Liuyun silently looked at the cigarette that was quietly burning between his fingers. After a while, he spoke, “I feel that life is actually just like this lit cigarette. If you take a deep puff, it will burn even faster. You will slowly taste it, but it will eventually come to an end. However, from the moment it is lit to the end of it, it is a process. You know that smoking is bad, but since you lit it, you have to end it. This journey, how to grasp it is actually up to us.”

“Do you enjoy it, or do you frown and burn it to the ground? Then, when it burns to the end, you have no choice but to let it go. You know, I think this is fate.”

Dongfang Liuyun’s tone was extremely calm.

Qi Lei’s gaze fell on his fingers as he listened. He looked at the slowly burning cigarette. Suddenly, he did not dare to take another puff. After a long time, he…

As expected of Dongfang Liuyun. Perhaps only someone as intelligent as her could have such an epiphany?

Qi Lei was silent for a long time. It was only when he felt a burning pain between his fingers that he subconsciously let go. The cigarette b.u.t.t landed on the ashtray at the side, and some of the ash fell.

When he raised his head to look at Dongfang Liuyun, she had already continued to lower her head and quietly pour the wine.

“A very vivid metaphor.” He said softly.

“So, don’t bother about other things. The most important thing is to live well at this moment. Enjoy today. No matter where we go, I hope that we can firmly remember these words of today. That way, we won’t live so exhaustedly. In this world, there are many people who are frustrated. For love, for money, or for other things, no one can compare to anyone, and no one can replace anyone.”

As she spoke, she raised her gla.s.s to toast him.


A crisp sound rang out. The wine swayed, and the faint light that was outlined made people feel a little intoxicated.

She continued to finish her two of wine. She turned to look out the window, while Qi Lei looked at her. The rain outside was still pouring, constantly invading the cold floor-to-ceiling windows. The brilliant lights outside looked a little dim and dazed.

Qi Lei, on the other hand, was looking at her quietly. He only felt that her face was calm and distant…

“Yes, just like how no one can replace you.”

A moment later, Qi Lei suddenly said this in a low voice.

As she listened, she suddenly looked away from him. Instead, he smiled and very considerately pulled a piece of napkin toward the corner of her mouth to wipe away the wine stains.

“We will always be together.”

Because it was her, he dared to bet everything he had on it. All because her name was written on the spouse column in his household register…

He did not know if there would be a day when he would fall in love with her and be willing to relish all the time they spent together. However, just as she said, the most real and important thing was to enjoy this moment and enjoy today.

A warm hand silently attached itself to the back of her cool hand, and a faint warmth was transmitted…

Dongfang Liuyun looked down for a long time, and a rare softness appeared in her eyes. She did not reply, but suddenly nodded her head.

After supper, the husband and wife enjoyed it very much. As they ate, they looked at the scenery outside. After such a long time, the fatigue from the past few days had lessened quite a bit.

When they left, it was already close to midnight.

The rain outside was still ongoing, but it was much less than before. The ground was wet everywhere. They walked on the street, and they did not use umbrellas. Instead, they walked for a long distance before their shoulders got wet.

The husband and wife walked side by side on the quiet and damp sidewalk.

Dongfang Liuyun’s shoulder was still covered by someone’s warm jacket, and one of her hands was gently held by the man beside him.

The street at midnight was very quiet. The couple walked for a long distance, but they did not meet anyone. There was only the occasional cars that whizzed past on the side of the road.

“Sing a song, Liuyun.” Qi Lei suddenly requested.

When she heard that, Dongfang Liuyun paused in her footsteps. She looked away and narrowed her eyes at him. It seemed like she thought about it for a while before she walked forward again without saying anything.

“My singing voice is not outstanding.”

Her voice was low.

“I’m also tone-deaf,” replied Qi Lei.

Then, he heard her heave a sigh of relief as she stretched out her slender white fingers and pulled at the jacket on her shoulders. Soon after, a very soft humming sound was heard. There were no lyrics, and there was only humming, but it was very pleasant to listen to.

He listened quietly. Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face and he put his arm around her shoulders in a good mood—

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