Chapter 1522 – Get Together 4

Back in the room, Mu Yuchen had just taken a shower and went to see the children. When he pushed the door open to enter the room, Xi Xiaye had also just walked in from outside the room.

“Has he already gone back?” As his deep voice slashed through the room, Xi Xiaye subconsciously raised her head and looked forward. The tall and well-built figure of the man caught her eyes.

Xi Xiaye paused for a second while he walked over to help her close the door. “Yeah, I just sent him off. It’s been some time and he seems a lot more settled. I can see the more reserved version of you in him recently. Sure enough, everyone needs to experience life in order to truly learn and mature. I think he’ll get better and better.”

She walked towards him, stretched her body, and sat down on the sofa beside him. “Get me a gla.s.s of water.”

Having heard that request, Mu Yuchen got up from the sofa and silently went over to pour her some water.

She grabbed the gla.s.s from him and emptied it almost immediately.

“Do you want more?” he asked.

Xi Xiaye shook her head. “Nah, I’m good. Let me tell you something.”


“Xiao Rui told me just now that Weier isn’t doing very well at school. Can you do something to arrange for the school to take care of her? At least, she should be transferred to the front of the cla.s.s first. You should’ve realized that her abacus result isn’t ideal at all,” Xi Xiaye said anxiously while her eyebrows furrowed.

With a somewhat helpless gaze, Mu Yuchen grabbed the cup she handed over and said in his deep voice, “You worry a lot, huh? It seems that the company hasn’t placed enough matters on your plate. You pampering Weier won’t do her any good. If she thinks that her seating in the cla.s.s is affecting her studies, you should teach her how to communicate with her teacher and get the teacher to move her to a more suitable location in the cla.s.s.”

“But look at her situation. How can she harness the courage to communicate with her teacher?” Xi Xiaye gave him a disapproving glance. “She faces problems even when trying to communicate with her cla.s.smates and people with whom she isn’t very familiar. There are only a few people that she dares to talk to now. Isn’t the leap too large for her? She needs time and a process to adapt to all these.”

“That’s why you should encourage her to meet people and adapt to the environment. There’s no such thing as life or the environment adapting to people, only the other way around. She can’t always be surrounded by the people that she knows and only live in the bubble they’ve made for her. If this situation continues, she’ll never be able to leave her comfort zone, let alone make her own decisions and lead an independent life.” His tone became a little serious, and his explanation made Xi Xiaye feel a little unbearable. Nevertheless, when she came to think of it, he seemed to have a point, so she did not know what to think at this moment.

“So, what do you think we should do? I have no idea at all. Weier has been staying with us for a while already. She basically doesn’t dare to communicate with anybody except for the few of us. As for her cla.s.smates at school, probably…”

“Her personality has been shaped by a certain lifestyle for a long time. I think it’s impossible for her to change in such a short time. She needs to be guided slowly. We should let her voice out her thoughts when we see the right opportunity. At that point, we should only be the party that gives her support and mentors her. Okay, now don’t worry, I’ll accompany her to school personally on Monday. I’ll then encourage her to take the initiative to discuss this matter with her teacher while being beside her.”

Xi Xiaye breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the plan. She hesitated and then continued to add, “Then, you should pay attention. Her condition isn’t great, so mind your tone when you’re talking to her. Tell her things and discuss things with her nicely. As for her cla.s.smates, you can also teach her a trick or two and see if you can alleviate the situation.”

“Since when have I needed you to worry about my ways of tackling things?” Mu Yuchen gave her a sideways glance.

“Honestly, it’s not easy being your kid,” Xi Xiaye took a deep breath and responded helplessly.

“Otherwise, do you think that it’d be a blessing to be my child? I don’t care how much success they will achieve in the future, but they should at least always be optimistic and positive. I don’t need them to conquer the pyramid and be on the top of the food chain. There’s nothing wrong with being ordinary.” He stretched out his hand to her as he said so, and she also placed her hand in his warm palm tacitly.

Then, she stood up with his help while replying, “You seem quite zen about this matter. Don’t you expect your children and grandchildren to be prosperous in the future?”

“I don’t mind wishing for it, but think about it this way. We can only live for a few decades. What’s left of us after hundreds of years is just a pile of dust, so you can only worry this much. Our kids and grandkids will have their own lives to live. It’s already not easy to lead an honest and dignified life.”

He seemed to have gotten over that concept of life and was at peace with that thought of his. Sometimes, even Xi Xiaye had to admire his att.i.tude towards life. She thought about it and understood what he meant. “You’re right. The more we think, the more we desire. There are so many root sources that cause humans to sin, and desire is definitely one of them…”

“It’s great that we’re on the same page about that. I hope I won’t see these in our children. It’s actually very difficult to live as a person, let alone be a good person. It’s already a blessing if a person doesn’t turn out evil.”

“I didn’t catch that part. You sound like you got that from some Buddhist scriptures. Anyway, I just wish that they can grow up healthily and safely just like us. I’m a little scared of what I’ve experienced over the years, and I really hope that they won’t tread the same path that we did.”

“Of course, they won’t, so don’t worry, okay?”

At this moment, Xi Xiaye took a breath as she tilted her head to glance at him, and then nodded happily. “Okay, let’s not talk about this already. Just don’t forget about Monday. By the way, I’m going to j.a.pan on a business trip for a few days on Monday. We need to do some surveying before we decide whether to cooperate with them.”

“Is it the collaboration on the Glory World Flourish City project?”

It was a newly proposed project that Fuhua Real Estates had been considering for the past two years. Apart from that, it was also a project in collaboration with the government to attract more foreign investment. The scale of the project was huge, thus it was a rather strenuous project for Fuhua Real Estate, not to mention they had considerable compet.i.tors, so everything had to be done cautiously.

Xi Xiaye nodded. “Yup, it’s that project, and since you’re not going to work tomorrow anyway, just stay at home and help me check on the feasibility of the proposal. You can come up with some issues or breakthroughs so that I feel more rea.s.sured.”

“Okay, I’ll go through the proposal for you tomorrow. Oh yeah, have you taken the medicine that Sis w.a.n.g made for you?” Mu Yuchen asked out of concern.

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