Contains an attractive a.s.sortment of books for boys by standard and favorite authors. Printed from large, clear type on a superior quality of paper, bound in a superior quality of binders" cloth, ornamented with ill.u.s.trated original designs on covers stamped in colors from unique and appropriate dies. Each book wrapped in attractive jacket.

1. Cudjo"s Cave Trowbridge

2. Green Mountain Boys

3. Life of Kit Carson Edward L. Ellis

4. Tom Westlake"s Golden Luck Perry Newberry

5. Tony Keating"s Surprises Mrs. G. R. Alden (Pansy)

6. Tour of the World in 80 Days Jules Verne


Contains an a.s.sortment of attractive and desirable books for girls by standard and favorite authors. The books are printed on a good quality of paper in large clear type. Each t.i.tle is complete and unabridged.

Bound in clothene, ornamented on the sides and back with attractive ill.u.s.trative designs and the t.i.tle stamped on front and back.

1. Bee and the b.u.t.terfly Lucy Foster Madison

2. Dixie School Girl Gabrielle E. Jackson

3. Girls of Mount Morris Amanda Douglas

4. Hope"s Messenger Gabrielle E. Jackson

5. The Little Aunt Marion Ames Taggart

6. A Modern Cinderella Amanda Douglas

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