Chapter 125: Unt.i.tled

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The stats a.n.a.lyzer said, “Just nice, you all owed a 3v3 from yesterday. Let’s play it now.”

Hence Mo Huaifeng opened a custom room and added the remaining five of them into it.

Just like how it was settled yesterday, Mo Huaifeng, Nuo, Heng would form a team and Ji Zhiyao, K, Xiaofei another.

Nuo and Xiaofei were each the weakness of their team, so both of them were placed on the top lane.

Nuo as a support, was better at surviving, whereas Xiaofei’s attack ability was much stronger than Nuo.

Middle lane, K faced Heng.

Bottom lane, Ji Zhiyao was up against Mo Huaifeng.

The jungle for a 3v3 match wasn’t big, Ji Zhiyao was slightly worried that it would be difficult for him to even tie with Mo Huaifeng based on skills only. But there basically wouldn’t be much change at the other lanes, so his lane was the most crucial. If he had let Mo Huaifeng pa.s.s easily, they might just directly lose the match.

And facing Mo Huaifeng in the same lane now, was different from their solo previously.

Other than having teammates now, this time round Mo Huaifeng definitely would not let down his guard.

The moment Ji Zhiyao appeared he was terrorized by Mo Huaifeng and could only scramble back into the turret, as he had almost sent himself to his death.

This led to him missing out on some minions and falling behind Mo Huaifeng by several hundreds of gold.

Put into a pa.s.sive position once the match had began, Ji Zhiyao had a slight bitter taste in his heart.

He adjusted his mindset, faced the lane and started to go into a deadlock situation.

But what Ji Zhiyao most annoyed was that the attack range of Mo Huaifeng’s marksman was very far, he could not go too near to kill minions and would miss out one or two minions from time to time, that original gap of several hundreds of gold gradually grew wider.

If this went on they would definitely lose.

Ji Zhiyao was slightly anxious deep down, but was unable to speak up to ask Xiaofei and K for help.

But Xiaofei seemed to have noticed the situation on his side as he increased pressure with which he attacked the opponent’s turret, Nuo was very quickly s.h.i.+vering with fear and contributed the very first death of the match.

K was in a deadlock with Heng, noticing the situation, he basically surrounded Heng.

Ji Zhiyao sighed in relief deep down.

Xiaofei was already leading the minions to the second turret on the top lane. Unless Mo Huaifeng was ready to give up the turrets on the top lane, he would definitely move up to help Nuo.

He waited for a while and found that Mo Huaifeng had indeed left their side alone for the time being and headed to another lane.

He went first to the middle lane, and helped Heng to escape K’s shackles and helped him to bring K down till he was left with shreds of health.

K had no choice but to retreat.

The middle road did not need help for the time being, Heng headed right for the top lane.

Ji Zhiyao had just made up for his lost gold, upon seeing this scene, he had a feeling that things weren’t too good.


Half a minute later, came news of Xiaofei being killed.

They had managed to match the kill, but at least the opponent had one less turret.

Ji Zhiyao consoled himself this way, then sunk back into the strenuous laning against Mo Huaifeng.

This Mix internal match lasted for slightly more than 40 minutes.

At the 23rd minute, because Mo Huaifeng had placed too much pressure earlier, Ji Zhiyao’s gold lagged behind which led to him lacking a pair of accelerated boots. Mo Huaifeng caught the opportunity to kill him, at the same time pushed down a turret.

Ji Zhiyao slapped his own forehead in annoyance.

The moment he lost his life, even if he would resp.a.w.n, his gold would become even lower than Mo Huaifeng’s, so it would be very difficult to reduce the gap.

At this point, Xiaofei happened to have killed off Nuo. In the situation where both team’s kills were matched, he took a look at Ji Zhiyao’s situation at the bottom lane and estimated that the top lane was considered slightly advantageous for the time being and thus hastily rushed to the bottom lane.

He happened to be stopped by Heng who was hiding in the bushes in the middle lane.

Heng understood Xiaofei’s tricks the best, it didn’t take much for him to stun him. With several auto-attacks, he directly finished off Xiaofei.

Right then, K in the middle lane was the only one on there, all alone. Ji Zhiyao was still a few seconds from resp.a.w.ning.

K shouted “Oh f*ck oh f*ck” while cowardly hiding beneath the turret, no matter how Heng tempted him from the outside, he wouldn’t take even a step out.

He wasn’t a fool, there was Heng that d.a.m.n thing and Captain out there, it would be slightly better if he hid under the turret, the moment he stepped of the turret, he was as good as dead.

As it turned out K’s choice was right, although Mo Huaifeng and Heng joined forces to guard under his turret, he did not suffer for long, Ji Zhiyao resp.a.w.ned, rushed to the turret in the middle lane and helped to finish off Mo Huaifeng who had a trifle of his health left, then chased Heng back to the opponent’s turret once more.

K: “What the f*ck I actually finished off Captain, after the compet.i.tion today I must post a Weibo status to celebrate with the world and hold a lucky draw while I’m at it.”

Ji Zhiyao: “… F*cking idiot.”

After Ji Zhiyao had saved K from his critical situation, he promptly returned to the bottom lane.

Taking advantage of the fact that Mo Huaifeng wasn’t around, he wiped out a wave of minions and pushed down an opponent’s turret, slightly catching up with some gold.

Yet when he took time and glanced at the mini map, he found that K had been caught by Heng again. And this time, Heng was full health, K was left with shreds and it was decreasing.

Ji Zhiyao switched his view to the large map, realizing that Mo Huaifeng had yet to return. Hence, he calculated the resp.a.w.n time, and proceeded without hesitation to the middle lane.

He and K were caught by Heng together.

The champion that Heng picked had a very annoying stunning ability, although the effect duration was short, it’s cooldown duration was short too. Ji Zhiyao and K were stunned time and time again, their health didn’t drop as fast as Heng’s, but was decreasing gradually too.

Just as Ji Zhiyao intended to use his ultimate ability and decisively finis.h.i.+ng off Heng, two arrows were suddenly released from the opponent’s crystal, Ji Zhiyao and K’s screen turned gray at the same time.

K: “Captain’s accuracy is still as good as it was back in the old days.”

Ji Zhiyao frowned, defeated, this time it was so close, it was a real pity.

However, Mo Huaifeng did not give him the chance to regret.

The advantage of two more kills was enough to establish the subsequent victory.

They had lost.

Ji Zhiyao silently watched the “Defeat” that was displayed on the computer screen, he did not have much of an expression, and discussed about the problems that currently exist with the stats a.n.a.lyzer that walked over.

K and Xiaofei twisted their wrists and exchanged a few lines in a low voice.

Losing to the team that Captain was expected, now that it had come true, both of them did not look too disappointed.

The atmosphere was a little dull, until Mo Huaifeng’s gaze swept past around all of them and he spoke, “Today’s supper is my treat, spicy crayfish, feel free to have your fill.”

The training room exploded.

K: “Spicy crayfish? That’s great, let me calculate it properly – we’ll have to get around 20kg to have enough for all of us.”

Nuo: “I’ve decided not to eat dinner tonight.”

Xiaofei: “This match was well-played, well-played.”

Stats a.n.a.lyzer: “Then, why don’t I join in the fun too?”

Ji Zhiyao: “Can I recommend a place? X X Place, theirs is crazy good. Oh yes oh yes, I’m not done making up my livestream hours for this month, I’ll do a livestream tonight.”

Mo Huaifeng: “…”

Hence around 9pm that night, Mo Huaifeng really ordered 20kg of spicy crayfish takeaway from the place that Ji Zhiyao had mentioned, shocking the shopkeeper so much so that he called within a minute of them placing their order to check if they had entered the amount wrongly.

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