The Naturewoman

Chapter 18

OCEANA. But look!

HENRY. What?

OCEANA. There"s some one coming afoot.

HENRY. Where?

OCEANA. Round that side! By the path! Why, it"s Ethel!


HENRY. Good Lord! Ethel!

OCEANA. She"s come up from the village afoot.

HENRY. Well, of all the apparitions!

OCEANA. Run help her, Henry. She"s running. [Opens window and calls.] Ethel! [HENRY exit hurriedly.] Why, the poor, dear child! I wonder if she came in Let.i.tia"s stead! But then... why wouldn"t she get a sleigh? [Calls.] Ethel! What"s the matter?

HENRY. [Off.] She says Let.i.tia is coming!


HENRY. She"s just behind!

OCEANA. But, Ethel, what are you doing here?

ETHEL. [Off, breathless.] Wait!

OCEANA. Why, you poor child, you"re exhausted. What in the world...

ETHEL. Wait.

[Enters, breathless, half carried by Henry.]

OCEANA. [Pounces upon her.] Ethel! Of all the surprises! You dear thing! [Embraces her, shakes snow from her.] What in the world has happened?

ETHEL. Oceana, I ran away!

OCEANA. You ran away?

ETHEL. To you! I couldn"t stand it! I must be with you, Oceana-no matter how wicked it is, I must be with you!

OCEANA. [Breathlessly.] Ethel!

ETHEL. Yes, I"m desperate... I"ll die if I have to stay at home.

OCEANA. My dear, dear girl! [Clasps her.]

ETHEL. You won"t send me back?

OCEANA. Never!

ETHEL. [Wildly.] But, Oceana, Let.i.tia is coming!


ETHEL. I took a train from Boston. And when I saw her come aboard, imagine how I felt! I hid... she didn"t see me. And I got off the train first and dodged out of sight. I ran all the way. I suppose she stopped to get a sleigh.

HENRY. It"s all right, Ethel... we knew she was coming.

ETHEL. You knew it?

OCEANA. Yes, Henry sent for her. You see, Let.i.tia and I have to talk things out.

ETHEL. Well, of all the...

[Stops, dazed.]

OCEANA. [Laughs.] That"s all right, dear. We know what we"re doing. But it was good of you to try to save us!

HENRY. Listen!


HENRY. The sleigh-bells!

OCEANA. She"s here!

ETHEL. [Clasping her.] Oceana!

OCEANA. What is it, dear?

ETHEL. Don"t let her take me back home?

OCEANA. But how can she take you, dear, if you won"t go?

ETHEL. She might persuade you.

OCEANA. Never fear, Ethel... we"ll stand by you, won"t we, Hal?


ETHEL. She"ll threaten to make me go.

OCEANA. Her mind will be taken up with other things, Ethel.

ETHEL. But mother will come! And she"ll command me to return. I"m not of age, you know.

OCEANA. But then, if you won"t obey? Will she send for the police?

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