Place ingredients in a vessel; cover with cold water; bring to boil over free flame and boil 5 minutes. Fasten cover and transfer to cooker, using one hot radiator in bottom of well. Cook 4 or 5 hours, season and serve.


Prepare meat for cooking as usual, searing in frying pan if desired brown. Place in large vessel and cover or partly cover with boiling water, boiling with cover fastened tight for 10 or 15 minutes over free flame. Transfer to cooker, using one hot radiator underneath.

Cook 2 or 3 hours, season and serve.


Prepare and season meat in usual way. Place in large dry vessel; put very hot radiator in bottom of cooker well; place vessel containing roast on radiator, and place another very hot radiator on top. Close cooker and fasten. Allow it to remain about one-half hour per pound of meat.

The roast may be browned in a very hot oven before putting into cooker or just before serving.


Prepare vegetables as usual. Place in vessel with small quant.i.ty of boiling water. As there is little evaporation in tireless cookers, allowance does not have to be made for loss by evaporation. Boil over free flame for 5 to 10 minutes. Transfer to cooker, using one radiator in bottom of well. Cook 3 or 4 hours, remove from cooker, season and serve.



2 tablespoons pearl barley 2 quarts cold water

Wash barley, soak several hours in cold water and boil gently in same water for 2 hours; or put into double boiler and cook 4 hours or until reduced one-half. Lemon juice and sugar or salt to taste may be added if desired.


1 egg white Juice of 1 orange Sugar

Add orange juice sweetened to taste to egg white and beat well. Chill and serve cold.


Peel a ripe pineapple, cut into small pieces and extract juice with fruit press or potato ricer. Strain and serve with cracked ice.


1 pound lean beef 1 cup cold water

Cut beef into small pieces or put through meat chopper. Put into fruit jar; add cold water and allow to stand 15 to 20 minutes to draw out juice. Place on trivet or rack in pan of cold water and heat very slowly for about 2 hours. The water must not boil. Season, strain, cool and remove fat. Serve hot or cold.

Sc.r.a.pED BEEF meat with knife from lean beef cut from round until nothing but connective tissue is left. Form into small b.a.l.l.s and broil on both sides for about 2 minutes. Season and serve. For sandwiches spread uncooked sc.r.a.ped beef on thin slices of bread and season.


2 cups scalded milk 4 eggs 1/4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons granulated gelatine 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 pint cream

Pour scalded milk over egg yolks and sugar which have been mixed together. Put into double boiler and cook slowly until thick and smooth. Pour over gelatine which has been soaking in 1/4 cup cold water. Chill; add vanilla and beat with egg whip until thick. Fold in beaten egg whites. Chill in molds and serve with sweetened whipped cream.


2 cups gluten flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price"s Baking Powder 1 egg 1 tablespoon melted b.u.t.ter 2 cups milk

Sift together flour and baking powder, add beaten egg and b.u.t.ter to milk and mix well. Bake in greased m.u.f.fin tins in moderate oven about 35 minutes.

In addition to the above, many recipes such as soups, broths, jellies, ices, and plain drop cakes suitable for invalids and convalescents are to be found in the preceding pages.


(Material adapted from U.S. Food Administration and N.Y. State Department of Agriculture.)


Test all jars for leakage before using. To do this, fill with water, put on rubber and cover, seal and invert.

Sterilize all utensils, jars, covers, etc., by covering with cold water, and boil for 10 minutes. Use only new rubbers and dip in boiling water just before using.

Use wide-mouthed funnel when filling jars to avoid loss of material and keep jar rim clean.

Invert all jars after filling and sealing.

Fruit should be sound, firm and not overripe and carefully prepared.

Clean fruit, clean hands, clean utensils, and a clean kitchen free from flies, are essential for safety and success.

Keep products in a cool place. Avoid freezing in winter.

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