The Bard who sung of Starkey"s death, in tearful strains and true, And planted on Bold Archy"s grave the wreath ta"en from his brow; His local reed in dust he lays--farewell!--there trill"d its final shiver,-- It has been tun"d in Willie"s praise, it now with him lies mute for ever.

_R. Gilchrist._


_On the Death of a celebrated eccentric Character of Newcastle upon Tyne._

=B=lithe Minstrel of the banks of Tyne, =L=o! o"er thy bier, for "auld langsyne,"


=I=n silent groups, each rolling year, =N=orthumbria"s sons will drop a tear!

=D=eath cut thee down--the tyrant scream"d, =W=hen thy bright spirit o"er him beam"d!

=I=n vengeful mood he view"d his claim, =L=ost in the triumph of thy name.-- =L=et Tyne"s fam"d sons proclaim afar-- =Y=ou shall outlive the Morning Star!

R. E.

William Purvis, more generally known by the name of BLIND w.i.l.l.y, died on Friday, the 20th July, 1832, aged 80 years.


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