h.e.l.lo everyone! Before you read this, prepare for some cuteness ahead!

And also, please pardon me if there are any mistakes or typos. I lost my right eyes" contact and can"t see pretty well right now.

And so, please enjoy~


Agnes was walking wearily while holding the medicine box.

She was feeling down because she did something that made Bernard hate her again.

Applying the medicine for him was overdoing it. She knew she must reflect on that.

Normally, something like that was done by a close friend, family member, or doctor. Nevertheless, Agnes wanted to do something for Bernard, and the result of her daring move was making him angry.

Why did she do it, she regretted it deeply.

As she thought about it, she arrived at the rest area before she knew it. She braced herself before going in, so Gigille didn"t notice her feelings.

“Oh, the meeting is over?”


She answered as she put the medicine box back to shelf.

Gigille put on the gloves and took out a kettle that had been warmed on the stoves. She poured the hot water into a pot she had prepared. The tea that was poured from the pot was made from their garden"s herbs.

She waved her hand to call Agnes, and told her to sit on the chair.

“I"m sorry it"s not cafe au lait.”

“Thank you very much. I happen to be thirsty too, I"m thankful. ...Itadakimasu.”

Agnes hold the tea cup in her hands, and took a sip of the hot tea. The bitterness and fragrant aroma of roasted leaves was spreading in her mouth.

“Did Master take the medicine obediently?”

“Ye, yes.”


“Yes, somewhat...:”

Agnes looked back on her behaviour and looking down out of shame.

Seeing Agnes, Gigille told a surprising truth to her.

“I can"t believe it. Master has always hate a strong medicine like that.”


“Something like pills, ointment, or eyedrops, Master hates all of them, not to mention powdered medicine. It was such a hardship to make him use them when he was a child. And, he also hates doctors.”

“I, I see.”

“Yes. He probably can"t say he hates them because Agnes-san is the one applying it.”

As Gigille said, he initially refused to use any medicine.

Agnes tilted her head, maybe the reason his mood was bad at the end was because he had been enduring it.

“You know, Master has scars all over his body. He often gets injured and cut during training or while doing his mission. Eric was worried and offered to apply him some medicine, only to get turned down because he felt sick of it. They left on scars because he didn"t get proper treatment.”

“Oh dear...”

“He said he cleaned up the wounds every time, but…”

“Using medicine will make it heal faster.”

“That"s right. The medicines and compresses for wound are especially made by the people in this mansion.”

“Do you mean by Dominic-san?”

“Surprising, right? That said, it is actually simple to make. It is more effective than the one you buy from a pharmacy.”

Agnes went to take the medicine box again and was shown the said medicine.

The homemade ointment, made from medicinal herbs from the garden, let out some flowery fragrance when the lid was opened.

“It smells good…”

“It"s made from lavender that is picked during summer.”

It"s said that lavender is a strong disinfectant, and effective for treating light burns and acne.

“Do you want to make some too, Agnes-san?”

“This medicine?”

“Yes. It"s very easy to make. I"m sure Master will use it, if Agnes-san is doing her best to make it.”

“I will be happy too if he used it.”

“Then it"s settled.”

They went to make the medicine later.


Oceanne will return to the Orleans territory around noon.

Bernard let out a sigh of relief as he finally got the time to relax.

Agnes and Oceanne were already sitting when he arrived at the dining room.

As he thought that those two were bad for his heart, Bernard gave his morning greeting and took a seat.

“Oh my, you are not wearing your knight"s uniform?”

“Yes, I always change my clothes at work.”

“Oh, what a pity.”

Oceanne showed her disappointment as she wanted to see Bernard in the knight suit. She couldn"t help but asked Agnes if she ever saw Bernard in it before.

“Several times.”

“How is he?”

Agnes glanced at Bernard"s expression. He had an expression that said, “Don"t say unnecessary thing”. But because she couldn"t ignore Oceanne"s question, she finally talked after accepting she will get yelled at later.

“It really suits him. His back was straight, and he looked very fine…..”

“Oh my, oh my!”

Oceanne was delighted to hear Agnes" impression. “You father will be thrilled to hear this,” she said happily.

The said person sent an angry glance to Agnes, signalling that her praise was over exaggerating. 

“I see that you really like Bernard, Agnes-san!”

Listening to his mother, the cafe au lait he was drinking was caught on his throat. Gigille pat on his back, as Bernard was coughing violently.

Oceanne watched his situation calmly.

Once he settled down, she asked him something.



“You-- I mean, both of you met on a fateful encounter, got attracted to each other, and after overcoming some trials, the two of you finally got engaged; is what happened, right?”

He got gooseb.u.mps all over his body after hearing his mother"s words.

It was unfortunate that Bernard was allergic to romantic things.

He remained silent to Oceanne"s question with his eyes wide opened.

If it stayed like this, their strategy would get caught by Oceanne. Thinking so, Gigille lent a helping hand.

“Oceanne-sama, Bernard-sama is a very shy person.”

“....You are right.”

Seeing her convinced face, everyone thought that this talk was over, but who would guess the sudden turn of events came.

“Then Agnes-san. If it is you, you can answer it right?”

Oceanne asked the question with a smile on her face.

She was staring at Agnes"s eyes and there was shivers running down her back.

“I, I"m--”

Her cheeks became hotter than ever as she tried to say the words in her mind.

But she had to say it if they want to survive this. She could repay him back now, Agnes summoned up her courage, she spoke of her own lies of true feeling.

“--I love Bernard-sama.”

With her cheeks dyed in red and her eyes tearing, she finally told Oceanne while looking directly at her.

Agnes"s heart was still pounding loudly.

Her nervousness turned into embarra.s.sment.

On the other hand, Bernard was dumbfounded as he couldn"t understand the situation.

Gigille watch over the turn of events with a sour face.

Oceanne opened up her fan and wave it in front of her face. Then she talked once more.

“Fufufu, what a pa.s.sionate thing to say. My face is burning too, even though I"m this old already.”

Oceanne suspected that they were just pretending to be engaged because Bernards behaviours is suspicious.

“I"m sorry, I just want to confirm the love between you two. You are just starting to live together too, so it can"t be helped you are still shy about it. --Agnes-san,”


“Please take care of that child too from now on.”

“I might be incompetent, but please take care of me too.”

The tense atmosphere had been reduced.

Knowing she had somehow manage to get over it, Agnes relaxed her shoulders. Bernard wiped sweat off his forehead. Gigille heaved a sigh of relief.

Eric came to the dining room with a pocket watch in his hand and said it"s already time to work.

Bernard immediately stood up and walked fast to the door.

“Well then Mother, I"ll be going now.”

“Yes, have a safe trip.”

“Please take care.”

“Thank you.”

With this, it will bring peace to our house. Was what he thought, but another unexpected words made his eyes widened.

“Oh right, I will come again shortly, Bernard.”


“Because I have to show my wedding dress to Agnes-san.”

Bernard was stunned. When he looked at Agnes to pry, she covered her face with her hands. He was struck by Eric"s words, “Five minutes left.” and left the dining room behind.

He decided to think about the new problem later when he came home.


After swaying inside the carriage for some time, he reached to the central city of the royal capital.

Inside the carriage, he felt that his energy was drained from the series of shocks he experienced this morning.

Anyway, he was saved by Agnes this time. When he returned, he would like to come home earlier and buy something to pay Agnes back.

After arriving at the knight"s garrison, he headed to the changing room of the “Special a.s.sault Unit III”. He noticed a familiar face walking toward him.

Donning the special bodyguard unit"s uniform, the one walking with pride on his face was Ernest Barthelemon.

He clicked his tongue unintentionally, but in front of the said person, he showed an obedient behavior.

“Hey, morning.”

“.....good morning.”

Their greetings ended with that and Ernest told him to come to the nearby room.

Ernest locked the door and asked Bernard to sit down.

“Now then, I have a report for you.;”


Just the other day, Ernest showed off the medal granted to him.

He boasted it was nothing but a gift from the Prince to his trusted knight.

Bernard rushed him to quickly get to the point as it was about time for morning a.s.sembly.

“--Oh, right. What I want to talk about is that. We found the girl that you guys are searching, Agnes Le Verges.”


Bernard"s eyes widened in disbelief. Ernest smiled maliciously.

Did he call me to say that, Bernard thought as he glared at the man before him.

“Haha, don"t look so scary. If you bring her to us, you will receive ten gold coins. Not to mention, I will look after your promotion too.”


“Eh? Did you just say die to me?”

“There is no way I said that.”

“Am I hearing things…?”

He tilted his head before the talk went back to Agnes.

Since Bernard seemed unwilling, he said that he will add one more coin if he brought her today.

“Of course you can consult it to your superior first, but if you do so, the rewards must be split right? I won"t be following you all day, so think about it carefully.”

Bernard had no intention to hand over Agnes at all.

However, if he still refused after her location was known, there"s a possibility they will take her away too.

He stood immediately and decided to go home at once. He didn"t have any time to talk to his superior.

He will ask his mother to bring Agnes with her to the Orleans.

He clenched his fist with rage that his fingers dug deep into his palm.

“Hoo, you seem motivated.”

“...drop dead.”



“No, just now, I heard some filthy words that don"t suit me.”

“You must have overworked yourself and tired so you"re hearing things.”


Ernest regained his composure after Bernard interrupted, and resumed his explanation.

“--Then, please go to this brothel.”

He took out a paper from his pocket and gave it to Bernard.


“That"s right. According to rumors, Agnes Le Verges is there.”

“Agnes Le Verges is?”

“Right. It seems she has been hiding for a few days.”

Bernard sat back into the couch.

What was written on the paper was the red light district located in the corner of the central street. It was not the outskirts area where Bernard"s residence was.

If she had been hiding for a few days, it must not be Agnes but someone else.

Bernard held his head and gave a deep sigh of relief.

Agnes"s whereabouts was not discovered.


Agnes freaking said she loved Bernard! Albeit it"s just to deceive Oceanne, but it"s still so cuuuute!

I want to highlight Bernard"s action in this chapter. We can see that Bernard really wants to protect Agnes at all cost. And I LOVE his dark side! It"s so cool, I hope Agnes knows how he felt when he thought she was found.

Ernest, tho, I don"t know but I can"t hate him. He"s just stupidly funny XD

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