Purple, yellow, red, and green, The king cannot reach it nor the queen; Nor can old Noll, whose power"s so great: Tell me this riddle while I count eight.


Pease-porridge hot, pease-porridge cold, Pease-porridge in the pot, nine days old.

Spell me _that_ without a P, And a clever scholar you will be.


As I was going o"er Westminster bridge, I met with a Westminster scholar; He pulled off his cap _an" drew_ off his glove, And wished me a very good morrow.

What is his name?


[A Chimney.]

Black within, and red without; Four corners round about.


There was a man rode through our town, Gray Grizzle was his name; His saddle-bow was gilt with gold, Three times I"ve named his name.


[A Hedgehog.]

As I went over Lincoln bridge I met mister Rusticap; Pins and needles on his back, A going to Thorney fair.


[One leg is a leg of mutton; two legs, a man; three legs, a stool; four legs, a dog.]

Two legs sat upon three legs, With one leg in his lap; In comes four legs, And runs away with one leg.

Up jumps two legs, Catches up three legs, Throws it after four legs, And makes him bring back one leg.


[A Bed.]

Formed long ago, yet made to-day, Employed while others sleep; What few would like to give away, Nor any wish to keep.


[A Cinder-sifter.]

A riddle, a riddle, as I suppose, A hundred eyes, and never a nose.


[A Well.]

As round as an apple, as deep as a cup, And all the king"s horses can"t pull it up.


[A Cherry.]

As I went through the garden gap, Who should I meet but d.i.c.k Red-cap!

A stick in his hand, a stone in his throat, If you"ll tell me this riddle, I"ll give you a groat.


Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy and Bess, They all went together to seek a bird"s nest.

They found a bird"s nest with five eggs in, They all took one, and left four in.


As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, Every wife had seven sacks, Every sack had seven cats, Every cat had seven kits: Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many were there going to St. Ives?


[The Holly Tree.]

Highty, tighty, paradighty clothed in green, The king could not read it, no more could the queen; They sent for a wise man out of the East, Who said it had horns, but was not a beast!


See, see! what shall I see?

A horse"s head where his tail should be.


[A fire-brand with sparks on it.]

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