The Old Photo

Chapter 2

Translator: MysticRain


Then, time just flew by slowly.

Li Yu was a good man who took care of his family, he also liked to live a quiet and ordinary life, some matter——feeling, love, and whatnot——in fact, it was not so great, when you aged, all of your pa.s.sion will gradually form into a small stream of water that flows forever.

At least that was what Li Yu thought.

He really liked the proverb "small stream of water that flows forever¹”, because it sounded like as long as you cherish this feeling, then love will be there forever, despite being swept by the wind and battered by rain. However, "A small stream of water flow forever" also doesn"t mean there wasn"t love, on the contrary, it was because love had saturated in every cell of his body that Zhao Mu could take root in his heart.

He loved Zhao Mu.

Can you imagine? The appearance of a 1m80 man cramped in a narrow kitchen skillfully cutting radish into julienne strip, and on his body often accompanied with the usual injury that hadn"t disappeared. On the small table outside the kitchen sat a young man that was beautiful as a picturesque with a guqin next to him and written songs in his hand.

Li Yu showered Zhao Mu with all of his love, they were once a match like that, love each other like that, however that time, after all, was the period of 5 years ago from the current time.

5 years.

Zhao Mu, he was suffering and had gone insane.

The happiness that loves initially brought him, in the beginning, had gradually drowned by the dejection of unable to attain his dream and he learned to bellowed at Li Yu.

Li Yu had become his air, he loved him, he also knew the importance of air, but will the air leave him?

No, it won"t.

As a result, he then became absolutely unrestrained.

Li Yu always coaxed him, he quickly became unaware of his own weight.

"I should be a genius!!" He often yelled and flipped over the table, his reddened eyes looked at the flying papers like snow-filled the room and angrily said, "What are they, dare to judge me like that!!!."

The foods on the table were scattered all over the floor, the porridge stuck on the floor like his shattered dream and self-esteem.

Zhao Mu wasn"t anything good, Li Yu clearly knew that.

But what could he do?

He can only carry the tray and crouched on the floor, his tall body shrunk, looking for pieces of food on the floor that could still be picked up to eat.

Maybe it was touched a little bit of dust, but it doesn"t matter, he will leave the pieces with dust for himself.

He loves Zhao Mu and practically spoiled him.

——And these things that he did, for a very long time, Zhao Mu knew nothing about it.

His heart was filled with ambition and full of unwillingness, it rigidly lay stones and had built into a block of stone, despite Li Yu desperately used his own heart to warm it up, it couldn"t be warmed up.

They had been sleeping in a different bed for a long time, Zhao Mu always slept on the table, he would fall asleep with his face turned toward the pile, that to Li Yu was garbage.

As a result, Li Yu thought at that time, maybe the feeling was gone.

He loved a madman, but that madman wasn"t crazy about him. A madman had countless of things in his mind, but his dream was only to have a madman. He doesn"t understand what was an aspiration, for him, aspiration was that Zhao Mu eats well, sleeps well, also when he smiled, his peach blossom eyes will squint upward.

Li Yu once said that all the scars on his body were medals for Zhao Mu, but it was not there anymore.

A scar was a scar, no matter how beautiful it was, it was only just a scar.

Li Yu wanted to break up.

On that day, he cooked a lot of dishes, as usual, he sat with his leg crossed while he had on a ruffian smile.

"Is it good?" He asked, while picked up a piece of pig"s trotter for Zhao Mu.

"Hm, not bad." Zhao Mu casually replied.

Li Yu"s hands held the chopsticks unnoticeably trembled.

"Really….then that"s good." Thus he also pretended not to care, "It"s good if you like it, maybe……in the future, you can"t eat it anymore. A Mu, I……want to break up."

Just like that he said it, he mentioned it casually, as if he doesn"t care about it at all, but his other hand that hidden under the table was trembling.

This was very painful, Zhao Mu had grown in each of his cells, the young and silly love of a 21-years-old was about to come to an end.

Actually, there was nothing to be reluctant about.

But Zhao Mu froze, the chopsticks "pa" from his hand and fell to the floor.

"……what?" He doesn"t seem to believe it, "what did you say?"

Li Yu crouched his body to pick up the chopsticks, and quickly wiped the corner of his eyes at the moment he bent over.

Very good, not one drop of water can leak out, not a drop of tear fall down².

He still mocked himself in his heart.

Li Yu must leave.

Zhao Mu tugged his sleeves, pleaded like a psychopath, he kept saying that he was wrong, Li Yu pushed him, and he fell on the floor.

"A Yu……A Yu…..Don"t abandon me……"

Li Yu lifted his leg and went forward, Zhao Mu hugged his leg.

"I was wrong……" Zhao Mu buried his face on Li Yu"s leg like a child that was about to be abandoned by his parents, "A Yu……I was wrong……A Yu……don"t be like that……I was wrong……don"t leave……you"re not allowed to leave……"

The corner of Li Yu"s mouth reluctantly tugged.

"Don"t catch a cold, get up."

That was the last thing he said.

Zhao Mu was a madman.

Li Yu still left, he quitted his job as a porter and went to a gay bar to work as a waiter. Being a waiter was relaxing, but he didn"t dare to do it before——Zhao Mu was a jar of vinegar, he hated to have Zhao Mu suffered the least bit of grievances. And now? He was originally gay, and he also didn"t felt being inside this environment would be so bad. Occasionally there would be a few young men argued with each other, but he wouldn"t be concerned about this matter, he was just a waiter, only serving wine on the tray, the monthly salary was actually twice as much that he made when he was a porter.

His muscle was strong, he had a tall and thin stature and a handsome appearance, every day he would make the group of 0 screamed.

Zhao Mu hid outside of the gay bar every day, rested his upper body on the gla.s.s window and watched the group of men flirting with Li Yu, his eyes almost carried hatred.

What are they!!!.

Li Yu is his!! His!!.

Every day and every day, the pain was frying his heart. Li Yu didn"t respond to them, sometimes he even showed bored expression, but Zhao Mu still couldn"t stand it, he was driven mad from jealousy.

He couldn"t stand it if by any chance his A Yu liked someone else. what was he going to do?

Kill? Dismemberment?

It would be too light for the third person……

He slipped into the bar holding a knife, looking around for Li Yu for a while, and when a guest was receiving a gla.s.s of wine that Li Yu delivered, "whoosh", he was being targeted.

"How dare you f*cking touch him!!!"

He rushed over like mad.

With a thud, the guest looked at Zhao Mu"s reddened eyes in horror. Fortunately, he pulled back in time, the knife that should have injured him stood proudly on the table, it was inserted one centimeter deep into the table.

Zhao Mu was smiling, he slowly turned around, and snuggled up to the stiffened Li Yu.

"A Yu……darling, don"t get involved with this kind of trash." He tried hard to cling onto Li Yu"s body, Zhao Mu"s face is full of strange fawning, "Considered that to be some kind of dog coercing act, it"s not as beautiful as I"m, right?"

The expression in his eyes was sinister and vicious as if he wanted to kill. He turned his head toward the pitiful guest that was still in a panic state and showed a flaunting and brilliant smile.

¹ = 细水长流 = Small stream of water that flows forever, the proverb mean, although the stream is smaller than a river, is always steady and persistent.

² = 滴水不漏 = Not one drop of water can leak out means without a problem.

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