When I went to school the next day, Yufilia for some reason came to talk to me.


“Good morning.”


When I spoke to her, the 4 gazed at me with suspicious eyes.


What? Did something happen?


“I heard that yesterday, there was a fuss at the Adventurer’s Guild…”


Yufilia’s voice seems cold.

The connection between this school and the Adventurer’s Guild is deep.

I didn’t think that yesterday’s event would already spread to the school by morning.


“W-w-w-wha-a-a-a-t a-a-a-abbo-t-t it? (Translation: What about it?)”


I wonder if I’m agitated? I failed to speak calmly.


“I was coincidentally wondering something. That there was a guy who was supposed to be there yesterday.”


Jamie looks at me with a suspicious look on her face.


“T-t-tere w-w-w-uz abit oooooof a fu-fu-fuss. Ai do-do-don’t no wut h-a-a-a-append? (translation: There was a bit of a fuss. I don’t know what happened.)


Yufilia interprets my mysterious language. 


“I don’t know about it in detail, but apparently the receptionist Auretta got seriously humiliated or something.”


Tiraiza is looking me in the eyes.

There definitely was a sight that shouldn’t have been seen.

Even more because it was a beautiful woman.


“The number of woman who can’t be brides has increased again.”



Iris gets a strange face at the words of Tiraiza.

Yufilia holds onto her cheeks in embarra.s.sment.


No matter what I say, I have insist I didn’t do anything. Not like I actually did anything in the first place.


“A-a-a-agin, Ai d-d-d-d-didunt du aaaaaan-n-n-nythign. (Translation: Again, I didn’t do anything.)

“You did it!”


Jamie strangles me.


“Did you understand what he just said?”


Iris tilts her head.


“I won’t understand anything no matter what he says, so I chose to do this anyways.”


Tiraiza explains

I had several choices, yet anything I choose will get me the same result.

How unreasonable. 






While insisting that I didn’t do anything, the chime rings.

The teacher in charge steps into the cla.s.sroom---


Nn, no this is someone else. The footsteps are different. I sense this is a different person.

I recognize these footsteps, and this presence.


I sit in my seat while making a surprised face.


The door of the cla.s.sroom opens. As if my surprise was pa.s.sed on, the cla.s.sroom became noisy.


“Who’s that?”


I hear a voice say that. One young man appeared in the cla.s.sroom.

With a body in the mid 20s, there is a tall, slim body. The cla.s.s girls praise his sweet mask.

Wearing a brisk suit, the man stands upright and bows.


“Nice to meet you, my name is Julius. I was supposed to be your a.s.sistant teacher, but your teacher had urgent business and had to leave for a bit. For the meantime, I’ll be your homeroom teacher. Thank you in advance.”


Julius greeted them with a refreshing smile.


I fell off my desk.

What are you guys looking at?

He’s my servant. The real number 2 of the evil G.o.d army.

So why did he start teaching at this school?


Well, if you ask me why the evil G.o.d became a student then I won’t be able to argue.


Aggressive students go on the attack and ask him various questions.


“Are you a graduate?” “Are you moving to a new job?” “What’s your favorite food?”

The latter questions came mainly from girls.


He gently answered all of their questions.

Because the old man doesn’t have the weak point of women.


Even after homeroom finished, aggressive girls gathered around Julius and questioned him.


Tiraiza was staring at that expressionlessly.

Since I’m not interested in men, I couldn’t care less who it was.


Meanwhile, Jamie rests her head in her hands and is muttering stealthily.


“Do you not like him?”


Tiraiza asks Jamie.


“He seems sort of suspicious. If it was just getting moved to a different job it would be different, but what’s with suddenly getting a new teacher.”


I also think that’s weird. Exactly how did he get into the academy?

Jamie seems to suspicious of the old man.


“Jamie’s suspicions run deep. This is the best school in the world. It’s impossible for people with unknown ident.i.ties or enemies of the human to enter so easily.


Yufilia persuades Jamie.

But sorry. We can easily get in.






After the lecture finishes, I wander through the school while wondering what I should do today.


“Janitor, please help me for a bit.”


They seem to be working on something.

I give it a slight glance and try to pa.s.s by.




“Thank you Jeko-san.”


Hearing those words, I was surprised and look at the janitor named Jeko.

Well, it’s not there’s only one person named Jeko in the world.

Right. There’s no way that the evil G.o.d army’s 13th army corps head would be doing janitorial work.


The janitor says, “No problem”, and answers with a smile.

And then that smile froze.

He smiles at his lord, the evil G.o.d, and sees me.


I took Jeko to and moved to a vacant cla.s.sroom.

I make a soundproof barrier.


“What the h.e.l.l are you doingggg!?”


Naturally, I beat and kick him as punishment.


“Please wait! My jaki isn’t released, if Evil G.o.d-sama kicks me at full power right now I’ll die!”


Jeko begs me. Jeko was wearing a ring just like me.

Jaki---an unknown power to humanity.

If it’s existence spreads, humanity will make an uproar about it.

Thus, we keep it hidden by wearing these rings.


Not just limited to jaki, ryuuki, and ninki(jinki) also have large effects on your defensive power and attack power.

Thus, the current Jeko is currently very tender.


“Don’t worry, I’m also not releasing any jaki!”



Don’t worry, I, the one who"s attacking isn’t releasing any jaki, so you won’t die easily. However, it should be pretty painful due to the level difference and difference in physical abilities.


“I guess I’ll release you with just this.”


The old man comes into the room at a good time.


“Julius-sama! He doesn’t know the plan. Shouldn’t you have explained it to him in advance?”

“I was planning on it, but there were a lot more people who called out to me that I thought, so I couldn’t make any time to explain to Ashtal-sama.”


Julius smoothly turns aside Jeko’s complaints.


“First, why are you guys in this school?”

“Yes, I was looking for you in order to tell you.”


The old man gracefully bows and begins to speak.


“Ashtal-sama, you are only one person, so I thought that if something happened it’d be really inconvenient for you. Thus, I decided to enter the academy as well.”


This old man should be able to pa.s.s as a teacher simply enough, so the problem is this one.

When I look at Jeko, the old man guesses what I’m thinking and continues to explain.


“When I told all the corps heads at the Dark Temple, they said they wanted to come as well. I thought it would be bad if I took all of them, so I allowed one to come along with me.”

“Then, I won, so I came along.”

“Well, you just won in drawn lots.”

“A win is a win. The 13th army corps is the most powerful. 13 is the best number for us.”


Jeko is triumphant. Adrigori must have been frustrated.


“How did how did we enter this academy in the first place? Was this school’s examination loose?” 


A casually asked what I was most concerned about.


“If we entered normally, it would be impossible. Their ident.i.ty checks are solid, and you have to pa.s.s the exam to get permission to enter the school. In case of an unknown ident.i.ty, you’d need a guardian to enter.”


This world is different from my past one. Not all of the citizens have a family register.

There are almost none who have them in rural areas.


“Are you my guardian?”

“No way, I’m also someone with an unknown ident.i.ty.”


This old man jokes around. However, he soon returned to his normal expression and continued to explain.


“The guardian is the director of this school, the great magician Serena-dono. Serena-dono is the hero of the 6th generation demonic calamity. If she just permits it, you can do almost anything.”


Speaking of heroes who have defeated the Maou, there are many others. Yufilia is one example.

There has been quite a number of them throughout history.


However, Maous who have started demonic calamities are different.

The power of a Maou together with their army is in an entirely different league.

In the first place, if they were weak, humanity wouldn’t fall into a crisis.


The Maous strength has a large random component. If you get unlucky and the Maou is strong, it’ll become a demonic calamity.



By that point, the size of the achievement of defeating a demonic calamity becomes unable to express in words. To defeat the Maou in a situation where you can only say “I mean, humanity is about to be destroyed, seriously, someone do something!” makes the grat.i.tude increase substantially.


If Yufilia’s achievements had a value of 10, Serena’s achievements would differ from hers by about 100 or 1000.

It’s that exceptional.

The demands of such a person would typically pa.s.s unless they were something really troubling.” 


“I see.”

“Yeah, I just asked her and she easily gave me her consent.”


In the conversation between the old man and I, Jeko intervenes.


“Why did Serena accept your request so easily?”

“The old man met Serena before. It was 50 years ago though, and only once.”

“Two be exact, twice. We had got along well, so I got her ready consent.”


Jeko is tilting his head and nodding.

I didn’t understand I pretended I did.

I’m an idiot, so I couldn’t understand all of it.


“Ah, I just got some contact from her. She says she wants you to show your face at the Adventurer’s Guild again.”


I got told so by the old man, and this time I’m tilting my neck.


“What business does the guild have with me?”

“Apparently due to the mess yesterday, you haven’t finished your registration. They’ll tell you the full story at the guild. It’s not like you have to go today though.”



I thought I had already finished registering though……

After that I went home because of the commotion, so there might be something left.

Or maybe they’re just using it as an excuse to call me, and have something else to tell me.

I don’t think they’ve realized that I started the commotion, but I’ll head to the guild in order to hurry up and finish my business.

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