112. School Festival ③
I am relaxing in the sofa.
Today was a good day.

“Aren’t you going to look around the school festival?”

Auretta couldn’t stand it any longer and spoke up.

“Hmm, it’s embarra.s.sing to go back after failing once.”

By being late in an actual party you get isolated and find it hard to fit in.
It could go well but if not you could be standing in a corner playing with your smartphone.
I’m thinking this despite being early.

There is also the theory of leaving early and cleaning up quickly.*

Jeko has left to do his work.
That guy has a lot to do.
I’m not good at interacting with women, but their personality is so different.
I do not understand at all.

"No, this is my room but…"

Fiona whispers a complaint.
It seems she is not happy I’m here.
Even if I say so I won’t leave.

“It’s surprisingly comfortable here.”
“Don’t be afraid to ask.”
“It seems to be standard that no one visits this room.”
“It’s not my impression of the room, isn’t it!?”

Fiona is being noisy one way or another.

“You should visit other places"”
“I’m not in the mood to do that.”

Fiona is the type that becomes cheerful in a festival.
The atmosphere in this room is not festive at all.

While having such talk, someone knocks at the door.

“Come in.”

Fiona answered while tilting her neck.
It seems an usual person is entering the room.

The door opens and two people go in.
It’s the Cantabridge Academy director Serena.
The second is the old man, Julius.

A soon as the director came in, Fiona stood up.

“Serena-sama, If you have business you did not have to come here.”

The relationship should originally be one between director and lecturer.
It should be more than that.
In this case Fiona defeated the demon lord recently an Serena defeated demon lord even among demon lords.

“No, I heard Ashtal-sama is here.”

Serena smiles.


Fiona’s face twitched for a moment.
Is there some thing wrong with me or do I feel a sense of rejection.
Well, I’m also uncomfortable being called by her like that.

“You don’t have to call me that because I’m also a student.”
“A student should not be on that level”

Fiona mumbles with a scornful look.

“Then Ashtal, I will have tea and sweets here.”

The old man puts the sweets on the table.
I will prepare the tea.

“Here in my room……”

Fiona mutters in a small voice.
The old man and me can heard it with our evil ears.

“Thank you very much for the other day.”

Auretta bows her head to Serena.
It was for when she was taken to Hamilton fortress and got some treatment.

“Oh no, I was just Ashtal’s helper.”

In the peaceful atmosphere there was one person not satisfied.
It is Fiona.

“Well, why do hate me so much?”
“I don’t mean it like that, I just don’t get.”

She is a bothersome woman.

“Fiona thinks about it to much.”
“For humanity’s sake we should consider this seriously.”

Fiona says in a serious expression.

“It’s pointless to think about it. It’s beyond human hands.”
“Is it really?’
“If their people are helping on a whim, we don’t know what will happen next.”
“Yes, therefore….”
“I will be the kind of woman that can help because you are here. It seems better to think that way.”

Fiona turns her reddening face.

“Good grief, It seems she’s still immature.”

Serena merrily laughs.
Although she looks likes she’s in her 20’s her real age is very different.

The door is suddenly opened with a loud bang.

“Who is it this time?”

Fiona asks offhandedly.
Since the person did not knock it could not have been a decent person.

A small girl 140 cm. tall entered.
She has long silver hair with twin tails.
Her clothes are also childish.

Somehow I remember seeing this person somewhere before.
Who was it again?

“Ah, Are you lost?”

Fiona crouched and spoke to the girl.
She thinks it’s a child that came to the school festival.

“Wa, no.”

The girl denied with full power.

“Uh, well… I will search for your mother for the time being.”
“Like I said that’s wrong.”
“Fiona, that person is…”

Serena got up immediately to greet her.

“I’m sorry Sophia-sama.”
“Serena, it seems she lacks education.”

Sophia answers with a haughty att.i.tude.

“It is because you rarely show your face and now most people don’t know what you look like.”

The old man gave a bitter smile.
I remember hearing that name before.
It’s quite a nostalgic person.
Since I was only watching using my evil eye one-sidedly, I did not know about the place.

“Well, then I should spread my portrait around the world. It’s outrageous to forget Dragon Princess Sofia.”

A member of the seven heroes of the 4th demon calamity one of the seven stars.
Then again it should have been five stars.
The only survivor, the princess of the dragon tribe.

*さっさと帰ればいいという説もあるが、今回は片付けもあるわけで。I’m not sure about this line If you have a better translation I will appreciate the help.

Tl: The other project progressing slowly, for now I will focus on Evil G.o.d. Expect 2 or 3 chapters per week. If you see any mistakes please let me know in the comments. Thanks

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