I take Tiraiza with me, and leave the laboratory.

Serena, the hero of the sixth demonic calamity is now the director of Cantabridge Academy.

In order to meet her, we are looking for a certain person, when nearby clerk calls out to us.


“What’s wrong? Are you looking for someone?”


It’s someone with short red hair and the face of a gentle person.

It’s the Evil G.o.d Army 13th corps head Jeko.

It’s not you I’m looking for, so don’t talk to me. 


I want to hurry up and chase him away, but we’re pretending to not know each other.

I’m not able to treat him cruelly.


“About that, we’re trying to meet the director……”

“Oh! If it’s about that, then please leave it to me!”

“Eh? Ah, okay.”


I nodded and followed him without thinking about it, but is leaving it to this guy really alright?


Before the director’s room, there’s a secretarial office, and we knock on the door and enter it.

The secretary who was inside looked over here.

I don’t miss the frown on the secretary’s face.


“What do you need?”

“These people would like to meet with the director.”



She clicks her tongue at Jeko-san.

It was a small one, but my Evil Eyes don’t miss it.


“You can’t meet the director even if you suddenly come in here. Have you read the manual!?”

“I did in fact read it, but do you think I’d remember such a small detail.”

“I should have checked it as a top priority to remember so that even idiots could understand however?”

“Sorry, it’s because there are too many checks everywhere.”


I see, so she’s in charge of training the stupid new employees.

That must be a pain.


“Anyways, you need to make an appointment to meet the director! And even then it’s still almost impossible.”

“What!? Do you know who this personage is!? He’s-----guha!”


I kick the idiot before he gets carried away.


“I’m sorry this idiot has caused trouble for you.”


Saying that, I left that spot behind us.

To be exact, he’ll cause more trouble for her in the future though.






“That’s why I said it’d be really difficult to meet with the director. Even Yufi can’t easily meet with her. Apparently even the king gets refused.”


While listening to Tiraiza’s scoldings, I continue to look for someone.

Ah, there he is.


“J,Julius-sensei…...I was looking for you.”

“Oh, what do you need, Ashtal-kun?”

“Yeah, if possible I’d like to meet with the director.”


When I ask him, he goes “fumu”, and thinks.


“I understand. I’ll guide you to her.”


When Julius finishes thinking, we once again head to the director’s office.

It seems Tiraiza didn’t expect this.


“Isn’t this the same as before? What changes by asking one teacher instead of one janitor?”


Forget being half in doubt, it seemed 90% of her was suspecting me.

When we arrive at the secretary’s office, the secretary greets us with a gentle att.i.tude different from before.


“Julius-sensei, what do you need?”

“I’d like to meet with the director for a bit, is she in?”

“Yes, you may go in.”


We pa.s.sed through her easily.


“Eh!? Why?”


Tiraiza opens her eyes in surprise.

Well, it’s probably due to the different people, virtues, and brains.






Serena is nearly 70 years old. However, her body seemed to have stopped aging in her mid-twenties.

This is rumored to be due to a secret process that could only be used on her.


Serena was standing by the window and looking out.

When the old man enters the room, her eyes seem to sparkle for just a moment.

However, when she realized there were other visitors, she returned to a serious look.


“What’s wrong?”

“Tiraiza-jo wanted to speak to the director, so……”


In the middle of the old man’s words, Tiraiza steps forward.


“I came to learn about that magic.”

“Oya, oya, as I said last time, that’s for after you become an adult……”

“I did!”



Tiraiza speaks while staring at me.

Please don’t look at me.


“I’ve become an adult, so please teach me.”

“ほいfぼrづうヴいm (Translation: What does that mean?)” 

“Oya oya……”


Serena is going *kusukusu* and laughing.


“You were supposed to be attending this academy to get better with women though……you work quickly.”

“ぽくぃもぃdてmぐn (Translation: I didn’t do anything.)”


Serena makes a bitter smile at my words while tilting her neck.

Of course, she doesn’t understand anything I’m saying, so I guess she’s troubled because it’d be rude to say that.


“Well, okay. What do you want to ask me?”

“Please teach me that magic----Catastrophe.”


Serena looks at me. I guess that means it’s up to me.


“According to rumors, you had to rely on a magic item for support to use that magic.”

“Y,yeah, that’s right.”


Serena seems puzzled, and agrees.


“It’s impossible to use without that magic item. Isn’t it impossible for you to teach it?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“What happened to that magic item?”


Tiraiza asks.


“It breaks after one use. You should think that you’ll never be able to find one.”

“Is that so……”


Tiraiza was disappointed.


“In the first place, we can beat Fumeless without using Catastrophe. Of course, there will be many sacrifices.”

“But if we used it, the sacrifices would become nearly 0.”

“The next crisis will come after that. We live in that kind of world. It’s dangerous to rely on a power greater than humans.”


Serena swings her head to the side, and admonishes Tiraiza.


“This world has seen many crises. However, everytime, help came. This time, that magic isn’t needed. Please do what you can with your current strength.”


Tiraiza left the director’s office in tears.

I tried to follow her, but the old man stopped me.


“This is a good opportunity, so let’s talk.”

“Nice to meet you, my name is Serena. I’ve been taken care of by Julius-sama.”


Serena bows elegantly. I bow back, and see a suspicious duo.


“You should have only met the old man once though?”

“Twice, to be exact.”


This exchange, I’ve done it before.


“It has nothing to do with how many times we met, or for long. It has to do with men and women.”


Serena grabs the old man’s hand.


“I see, so you’re involved.”

“Is there a problem with that?”


The old man asks me composedly.


“No, there’s no problem.”


This old man is the only I trust not to cause any problems.

Love matters are free.


“Ah, just to be clear, she doesn’t know anything about us.”


In that regard, I don’t doubt him.

That idiot is different however.


“What I know is your name, and the events of that day. Even if I tried to investigate you guys, nothing would come up. If there’s anything I can do, please ask. That’ll be enough.”

“You’re quite understanding, aren’t you.”

“As someone who has felt even just a fragment of your power, I just know my place.”

“It’d be easier for me if everyone was that understanding.”

“Unfortunately, there are many people who try to figure out people’s secrets after learning they exist.”


It might be better now that I’ve met and spoken with her once.

It seemed that the old man thought so, and introduced us when he had the chance.


“By the way, was leaving the matter of Catastrophe like that okay?”

“It should be like this.”

“All I did was receive a crystal with that power in it from Julius-sama, and struck the Maou with it……”


Even if the number of demons decrease, they’ll soon repopulate, if the humans decrease, it takes a while to raise the population back up.

So depending on how things go, I might have to lend the human side a hand.

In the sixth demonic calamity, I gave them a crystal that contained some of my magic, and the humans used it to defeat the demons.


She hasn’t received an explanation about us.

Since she doesn’t know anything, she doesn’t know how to lie about us.

Thus, she came to avoid meeting people as much as possible.


“You should have thought about that too.”

“My apologies. It seems that I couldn’t stay calm at that time. It’s my mistake.”


The old man honestly apologized.


I refused her offer to have the secretary let me pa.s.s if I want to.

I did so because I find her suspicious.


“If you’re fine with it, please help humanity again.”

“I can’t promise that. We’re not the guardians of humanity, after all.”


Saying that, I left the director’s office.



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