"The meeting went exactly as expected."

After the meeting in another room, George Ⅲ and Vincent were talking.

“Father, are we really going to leave the Briton Kingdom alone like this?”

Hearing Vincent say those words, George’s eyes narrow.

“We’ve gained the advantage. Let’s wait and watch them for a bit. If they agree to the engagement, we’ll immediately hold another conference and form an allied force and provide financial support.”

When they didn’t know about the demons, they could refuse our wishes, but as the situation became clearer, the Briton Kingdom had no choice but to be wary.

They would have to increase the deployment of soldiers to the dungeon, build a fort, and prepare for the demons.

The knights and soldiers that were deployed to various places have to be prepared to be rushed in case something happens.

It will become a semi-war regime.

This is a burden for the Briton Kingdom.

Not only that, it’s unknown how long it’ll last.

The best choice of action for the Briton Kingdom is to attack Fumeless through the allied forces.

The more George Ⅲ heard them accept his demands, the less satisfied he was.

“What would you do if they refuse?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t send any reinforcements. As long as it isn’t written in the Magna Carta, we have no obligation to send them any help.”

“Wouldn’t that hurt our relationship with them?”

“The relationship between our countries wasn’t very good in the beginning, so there’s no need to worry. Do you remember what our purpose is?”

“Dominating the economy, and slowly urging them to unite with us through marriage.”

George Ⅲ nodded satisfactorily.

There has never been a single, unified country on the continent of Britoria.

Although there are stories of one that existed when the records were still hazy.

Several countries have attempted to accomplish it through military force in the past.

However, a country that was able to accomplish it never appeared.

If asked why, the Maou is the cause.

Humanity regularly engages in war with the Maou.

Often, they’d get impoverished after the war.

By the time they have recovered enough, it’s not weird for another Maou to have appeared.

Even if a country that can easily conquer the world, and thinks to, the Maou comes out.

The chance to unify the continent only appears when a country gets lucky, and Maou appear easily.

On the other hand, the inferior countries perform the mysterious phenomenon of praying for the Maou to appear.

It’d become a way of buying time.

When the Maou appears, everything returns to nothing.

The country that aims to unify the continent and also has the largest military power will naturally play a central role in the war.

And by the time the war with the Maou is over, the country is impoverished again.

What happens to the countries who rely on military force lose their power?

It becomes clear when you look at the history.

“Unification done through military force is reckless. It’s necessary to keep military force saved for use against the Maou. If you don’t know when it’ll appear, there’s no way to make a strategy.”

“Yes. Thus, I will marry Yufilia and make our son the king of Briton.”

“Your little sister will be married off to Islando. With that, all three kings of the major powers will be my grandchildren.”

The rise and fall of countries in this world is rough.

This is due to the disturbances caused by the Maou.

The Briton Kingdom and the Island Kingdom are still young countries.

“They’re still defiant towards us, but in a generation or two, all of them will do exactly as Scottyard wishes.”

“The problem is Demon General Fumeless himself.”

Going back to story Vincent told.

“I’ve already thought of a hand.”

“Wha? What kind?”

Vincent raises a hysteric voice.

“The number 2 of the fourth demonic calamity. It’s estimated to be at the same level of strength as a weak Maou.”

“Yes, it has a strength that hasn’t been seen in recent years. As it is, the hero will be defeated.”

“In that case, you should hit another hero.”

George Ⅲ says by chance.

“I don’t believe that the hero in our country is any stronger than any other hero.”

“That’s wrong you moron.”

George reprimands his son, who has a slightly bad brain.

“If they heard of the fourth demonic calamity, there’ll be a hero who’ll go out to subjugate it.”

“Ah, if it’s that person, they might actually kill it.”

“They"re not a person however. It’ll be troubling if it goes out of control, so I"ll carefully let you know the timing.”

Hearing that, Vincent"s anxiety disappears.

There"s no chance that the Scottyard Kingdom will receive damage in this case.

“Father, I"d like to ask you one more thing regarding the reinforcements…”

“Would you lend me command over the 3rd knight order?”


George Ⅲ ponders.

Vincent"s thoughts were transparent.

To George Ⅲ, it seemed that he was getting too absorbed in Yufilia.

Vincent"s desire was to change his planned fiancee from the Briton Kingdom"s first princess to its second.

“Alright, in that case, let"s immediately deploy you at Hamilton Fortress, by the border. However……”

“I understand, I won"t lend any reinforcements unconditionally.”

“Even if she is a hero, it"s normal for you to make a woman like her your own. Let her have a look at your wiles.”

It"s not like the situation would change even if a single knight order shows up.

To that extent, the dispatchment of the knight order is a big burden on the national treasury.

However, for the Scottyard Kingdom, there was just that much leeway.

With the intent of having them being insurance, King George Ⅲ dispatched them.



Vincent calls out to Yufilia.

“What is it?”

Yufilia isn"t very energetic.

She"s depressed that the ones who invited this situation being themselves.

Especially getting the Divine Sword stolen was weighing on her mind.

Her only saving grace was that Ashtal managed to survive.

The fact that they don"t need to worry about Ashtal----the girls don"t know that he is the Evil G.o.d.

“This is regarding the matter of reinforcements however……”

Hearing that, Yufilia is blown away.

More talks of engagement.

Yufilia thought that.

“If it"s just the 3rd knight order, we"re able to dispatch them.”

“Eh, really?”

Yufilia"s expression slightly improves.

“That"s why, I want you to be my friend.”

Hearing those words Yufilia frowns.

“It’s not like we have to do anything, it’ll be a pure relationship.”

Unlike an engagement, it"s not formal, and there"s nothing that"ll bind her afterwards.

She can just nod now, and feign ignorance later.

However, Yufilia didn’t immediately accept.

It"s not like he’s really serious about being just friends.

“Let me think for a bit……”

She could only answer as such.

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