I leave the capital city of Rhodan, and to the demon stronghold, where Fumeless is.
The enemies who the city were wiped out.
However, there are still many enemies outside the walls.

I ignore them.
The magical creatures and undead monsters are about to defeat themselves.

Suddenly receiving a great blow to his army, Fumeless’ stronghold was in an uproar.

“Hou, it"s you.”

When I get close to him, Fumeless notices me.
Fumeless himself doesn"t seem too upset.

“What did you come for? Do you want to fight me?”
“Yeah, I really only intended to watch over you though.”
“Then we need only decide the winner!”

Fumeless releases his maki.

“Don"t rush, we"re not about to fight here. I"ll invite you to my garden.”

In front of me, a jet black darkness appears.

“What"s this?”
“You should have some memory of it. It"s something like a transfer gate.”
“Are you an idiot? There"s no way I"m entering such an obvious trap.”

Fumeless laughs through his nose.

“Since you thought of it, I"ll be using the features that comes with it.”

As if responding to my words, the darkness expands and becomes huge, and swallows the demons.
When the darkness disappears, and the outside becomes visible, the scenery had changed completely.

“Whoa, what is this place?”
“It"s my garden----the Dark Temple.”

At the place where I pointed at was a huge castle.
It"s size is like a mountain, and it overwhelms everything in sight.
The sky is covered with thick black clouds, and thunder is roaring.
The temple, which was the home to evil G.o.ds for was covered in an ominous aura, as if it were releasing jaki.

The Dark Temple has a variety of functions, with the gate from earlier being one of them.
By connecting the dimensions, we can connect the human world to this subs.p.a.ce.

The demons were *kyorokyoro* looking around their surroundings.

“If you"re looking for the exit, it"s near the Dark Temple.”

In order to tell them the location of what they"re looking for, I point towards it.

“In that case, we just need to leave after I kill you. You guys, don"t b.u.t.t in.”

Fumeless tells his servants.

“I don"t mind even if you leave though.”

I release the jaki that I had been suppressing.

“What is this aura!?”

Jaki. An unknown power to humans.
It"s the same for demons.
Fumeless’ servants make a racket.

“This feeling……it can"t be.”

However for Fumeless, it was different.

“Hou, you know?”
“I don"t know this aura. However, I"ve had similar experiences.”

Aura are things that have no shape.
If you show people who’ve never seen an apple before what an apple is, then the next time they"ll be able to tell by seeing it.
However, sensations such as aura can"t be grasped so easily.
From an aura, to be able to tell if it"s jaki or not, you"d have to experience it many times.

Until then they don"t understand very well, meaning that aura can"t easily be distinguished.

And there aren"t any who have lived after experiencing jaki many times.

The unknown is feared.
However, for Fumeless it wasn"t so.
Confidence that there can"t be anything stronger than oneself.


Fumeless releases a number of magic.
As they"re weak magic, there"s no need to avoid.

“Do have a magic barrier spread out!? Take this!”

Fumeless approaches me, and attacks my abdomen with his claws.
Along with a crackling sound, they were repelled by my barrier.

“What!? It blocks physical attacks too? In that case, this!”

Flames dwell around Fumeless’ mouth.


Fumeless releases a blaze of flames.
But of course, this is also blocked.

“That barrier blocks magic, physical, and breath attacks!?”

My omnipotent barrier(Sanctuary) blocks physical, magic, breath, and all other types of attacks.


The demon who had lived for many years had tactics he built up with experience.
Fumeless again approaches me.

This time he slowly extends hand to my side.
His hand is----not repelled by the omnipotent barrier(Sanctuary).

If there is no hostility, and he comes to me as if trying to slowly touch me, then it will not be repelled.


Moving his hand close to me, he releases a powerful explosion magic.
I was blown away.

“How’s that!”

Fumeless has a face as if he did me in.
However, when I rotate through the air and land, his expression completely changes.

“Automatic activation type barriers should be conquered like this!”

Fumeless was shocked, as if he"d been hit by lightning.
He’s right.

Let"s say the barrier was paper.
Combine the palms of your hands. Act like you"re praying.
If you were holding the paper from the start, when you put your hands together, there"s paper in between them.
That"s normal.

However, you can"t put the paper in your hands after putting them together.
That"s why, if you pa.s.s through the barrier, then attack, the barrier has no effect.

Just, doing that would get yourself involved.
In fact, Fumeless has taken considerable damage.

Unfortunately, even doing that won"t be able to overcome my omnipotent barrier(Sanctuary).
Using the example from before, it"d be a liquid rather than paper, and it flexibly forces it"s way through the hands.

“Wh,who are you……?”

I don"t have the abilities of a high ranking demon, nor experience of many years.
Fumeless’ face was blurred with impatience.


Fumeless’ maki increases.


A big explosion occurs around me.
When the dust disappeared, a crater about 100 meters in diameter had formed.
In the middle, I was standing, unwounded.

“Ev,even with this magic, you"re still unharmed!?”

Fumeless finally realized.
The strength of his opponent.
Just like before, I stand in front of Fumeless.

“That"s right, I had this!”

Fumeless takes the Divine Sword Ridiru that was around his waist.


While screaming, he cuts me. He repeatedly keeps attacking and attacking at my omnipotent barrier(Sanctuary).
However, my barrier didn"t break.

“That"s ridiculous……this sword took down our king! To take it on and stay uninjured……”
“It"s a mistake to compare the Maou and I.”
“Who the h.e.l.l are you!?”

That"s originally a question I can"t answer.

“I should"ve told you before. I"ll tell you if you go through the correct procedures.”

Since I forcefully brought them this time, it"s not a correct procedure.

----However, there"s no restriction on telling it to dead bodies.

“I"m the Evil G.o.d. I’m an existence far beyond you demons, and the Maou.”
“The Evil G.o.d? I"ve never heard of such of a person. It"s possible for there to be an existence far beyond us.”
“There"s no way? Then what the h.e.l.l is this!?”

At my signal, existences that aren"t possible transfer one by one.
The Evil G.o.d army. An army with 15 corps and 15000 members.

The great army flew around they demons with their big, black wings.

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