The fact that the Scottyard Kingdom has stopped financing the Briton Kingdom has not been made public.

However, that was the hot topic at the academy.


Likely, it has been spreading around the country.

It can be guessed that it’s the Scottyard Kingdom spreading the information.


“That b.a.s.t.a.r.d Vincent. To stoop to such cowardly means, I’d sock him if he were in front of me.”


Jamie *don* strikes the desk. The desk has been strengthened, but there’s a crack in it.

It was easy to see that Jamie was mad.


“But Vincent hasn’t come to school.”


Tiraiza looks over at his desk, which has become vacant.


If it was usual, he’d pointlessly be waited upon by his followers, but right now there’s none of that.

As expected, he can’t casually come to school after his country showed such actions.


Although he normally has a guard with him, that doesn’t mean he’d be perfectly protected from livid Briton citizens.

At this time, he’s probably back in his home country.


“What should we do?”


Iris looks at me with a troubled expression.


“Even if you ask me that…….this is a matter between countries.”

“I’m not really interested in what’s going on between countries either, but this time Yufi’s involved?”


Tiraiza steadily stares at me.

When we were talking about such things, Yufilia came.


“I see it’s already become a rumor.”


Yufilia makes a sullen face.

Everyone is waiting for Yufilia’s next words.


However, this is the country’s problem.

Even if it’s to her friends, it seems she can’t talk.


“Basically, in the end we need money. Moreover, a ridiculous amount of it.”

“Money…….it’d be pointless even if we gave you all the money we have.”

“That’d also be hard for Yufi to accept, and it’d just be water on heated rocks.”


Tiraiza calmly points that out to Jamie.

There’s no way we’d have money on the size of the national budget.


“Money huh……what if we started a business?”


Iris speaks in a serious manner.


“If we were able to start a business now and gain profits on the level of the national budget, we’d have already pa.s.sed genius level.”

“The necessary money is huge, so we should get rich quick, like adventurers.”


At Jamie’s remark, Tiraiza speaks as if she remembered something.


“By the way, there was one thing.”

“What is it?”

“A dungeon that seems like it’d have a lot of treasure. The Dark Temple.”



I raise a surprised voice.


“Ah, now that I remember it, Ashtal doesn’t know about it.”


Tiraiza explains about the Dark Temple.

That there is an ultra-difficult dungeon that far the Maou’s Castle.

Of the Evil G.o.d that far the Maou. Of the Evil G.o.d army, that could easily destroy the Maou army and about their legendary dungeon.


However, for some reason it was empty.

There was one weird guy there though.

They found a treasure chest, but there was a guardian protecting it, and they had to withdraw from it without getting any treasure.


Yeah, I know.

Who are you calling a weird guy?


“If it’s there, we can expect treasure.”



The amount of treasure in the Dark Temple is enormous.


However, it is distributed, and stored.

And since most of the treasure is in an area where intruders can’t reach, they won’t be able to find it.


The treasure from the chest they found before won’t be enough.


“Great, let’s go!”


Yufilia gets up vigorously.


“Eh? Now!?”

“They do say to strike while the iron is hot after all.”


Iris is also enthusiastic.


“Calm down a little, you lost without being able to do anything last time right?”

“To be accurate, it just felt that way, so we hurried and retreated. Fighting is something where you won’t know until you try. Things such as fighting spirit and resolve will greatly affect your combat ability after all.”


Humanity has an archenemy.

The existence called demons.


Exploring dungeons is only a bonus.

You should avoid risking your life in them.

However, the situation has changed.


“In other words, challenge it while betting our lives?”

“Yeah, if possible I’d like you to help.”


Yufilia nods.

Of course, if we judge it to be impossible, we’ll consider retreating.


However, the degree of danger is completely different from before.

Therefore, this is different from lightly inviting me like usual.


But still.


That’s my house.

I don’t know how I feel about cooperating to capture my own dungeon.

Since I was thinking without answering, they thought I was worried.




Yufilia grabbed my hand, and asked me while looking into my eyes.


“gふぉ、べpsろ(Translation: Sure, leave it to me.)”


I was disturbed, and answered like that quickly.

No, I didn’t mean to answer though.


“This guy is surprisingly easy.”


My Evil Ears didn’t miss Tiraiza’s small mutter.






Even though I said I’d cooperate, I’m not going to things like defeating Golems.


I’m planning on helping them with equipment. 

That was what I originally thought.


Recently humanity seems to have gotten weaker as if in proportion to them having increased in numbers.

Putting aside considering why that’s been happening, they need power to compensate for it.


I had to prepare it for them, so they decided to wait for a bit.

After the lecture finishes, I go over to talk to Jamie.


“A new weapon for me?”


Jamie looks over at her weapon, the ax.

It’s a normal ax, without any marks on it.

Although it has the brand name of Battle Ax.


“Ah, I thought that it was a little lacking for the warrior of the hero party.”

“Well, at the very least it’s far apart from the Divine Sword Ridiru.”


Tiraiza is in charge of strengthening that a with magic.

I thought she’d be angry with me talking bad about it, but it seems that wasn’t the case.


Because their are no legendary weapons that are axes.

The ancient G.o.ds didn’t like axes.


“Anyways, I’m thinking of making an ax.”

“Make one, you’re not just going to strengthen one with magic?”

“I could do that too, but I’m going to make one from the former ax.”

“Do you have knowledge as a blacksmith?”


Tiraiza seems to be suspicious.


“Anyways, I’ll prepare it, so wait.”


Saying that, I transferred away.


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