The cla.s.sroom is somewhat rowdy.

I have memories of my previous life. Even if I say that, they’re from over 1000 years ago.

Although it is getting sort of loud, I’ve heard that if a transfer student comes, it will be typically be like this.


It’s probably because I’m a man that there isn’t a huge fuss.

If I were a girl, the stupid boys would probably make a huge fuss. Or if I was really handsome.


"Well, I guess he’s normal?", "Above average”. I hear some people give me frank evaluations.

It’s so frank because it is a secret talk between two friends.

Unfortunately I can hear it with my Evil Ear.


"Have we met him before?"


Jaime is talking to 3 of her colleagues, and they slightly tilt their necks.


"I don’t know him"


Tiraiza curiously tidied up.

The trio’s thoughts were rejected and, Jamie said "Must be my imagination" and for the time being withdrew her suspicion.


My appearance hasn’t really changed. A medium-sized, ordinary looking boy. Of course, my black wings have been hidden.

I can hide them in my back, but I don’t know where they fit.

Rather than a physical substance, it’s more like a spirit body.


I have changed into a uniform, but other that that I’m the same as when we last met.

As for why I’m not recognized as the same person despite barely changing, the source of my aura---my jaki is not being released at all.


It’s similar to when a girl with and hides her eyes with her hair suddenly changes to contacts and suddenly seems like a different person.

It is such a huge difference that even friends you’ve had for years wouldn’t notice that you’re the same person.

Well, it’s something like that.


I must’ve looked terrifying when I was releasing my jaki.

But now, I have no special traits.

Those girls can’t recognize my as the same person.

What Jamie felt must have been something close to a gut feeling. A warrior"s intuition is something to be feared.


All living beings release this thing called ki.

What people release is called ninki(jinki). If there is a demon it will release maki, and if there is a dragon, it will release tatsuki.


It is a difficult technique to keep my jaki at 0. It’s still hard for me to always suppress it.

Thus, I am currently relying on tools for support.

A ruby ring on my left index finger.

This prevents my jaki from coming out.


"Ashtal, your seat is in the back."


The seat my teacher a.s.signed to me was behind Yufilia.

When homeroom finished, the teacher quickly left the cla.s.sroom.

There is a time until the next cla.s.s begins. Jamie came up to me and asked.


"Hey, haven’t we met somewhere?"


She still seems to be curious about me.

However, it is impossible for humans to realize that the Evil G.o.d and I are the same person.

If I deny her suspicions, that will be the end of this.


"I d-d-dunnnt-ttthu-u-u-unk ssss-o” (translation: I don’t think so)"


I replied in an unintelligible language.

d.a.m.n, I took special lessons, but guess it was impossible to learn how to talk in a few days.


"It really is you! You didn’t come for revenge did you!?"

"Um sory but I d-d-dunt know wut yur t-t-t-alking abowt" (translation: sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about)

"I don’t understand what you’re saying!"


Jamie strangles my neck. Gruel.

I am a G.o.d, so even if I’m strangled I won’t die though.


"Jamie, stop it!"


Being stopped by Yufilia, Jamie releases her hand from my neck.

After calming down, I tell them about my circ.u.mstances.

I grew up in a mountain village.

Someone visited my village by chance, said I had talent, and through their connections I was allowed to go to Cambridge Academy.


I am weak at talking to women and it turns into this when I try to.

I am going to school and trying to get better.


Half is the truth, the other half a lie. It would be suspicious if everything is a lie, but easy to believe once you mix in the truth.

That is my setting.

Although I have made it so that I did the procedures of transferring, I haven’t heard what I have done.

This shouldn’t be a school you can easily enter however… …


This is obvious, but I denied that I am the Evil G.o.d. I didn’t understand any of their conversation, and I feel tired.


"When I ... .... calm down ....... I can"


This is the result of my special training.

Well, putting aside women, I can talk normally to men and objects.

Even for talking to women, if I calm down and speak slowly I can manage.


When I was slowly speaking, Jamie was listening while looking annoyed.


"I can’t believe that there are two people in the world who can speak such a mysterious language though."


Jemmy does not seem to be convinced.


"Even if he is the Evil G.o.d, is there a problem?"


Tiraiza suddenly pierces the core of the conversation and Jamie grinds her teeth.


"Oh well I do not know, is there a problem!"

"No, there isn’t one. Even if there was an Evil G.o.d without power, there won’t be any problems. If he is the Evil G.o.d, I would like to hear some of his stories. For example, about the demons, or what the Evil G.o.d is. "


I would also like to talk, but unfortunately for Evil G.o.ds talking about themselves is not allowed. It is not that we should not talk to anyone, but we can’t talk if it"s not necessary.


"What should we do if he turned out to be strong?"


Iris asked Tiraiza. Rather than just wanting to listen to the possibility, Iris desires for it to be so.

Iris probably wants to clear the disgrace of the village’s traditions being wrong.

I really want to cooperate, but sorry ....

Please wait until I overcome this weak point.


"Overwhelming power as told in the traditions - If he has enough power to make the Maou escape barefoot then using tricks like disguising himself as human wouldn"t be necessary. Also, according to tradition the Evil G.o.d doesn"t go outside does he? "

"I see……"


Hearing this, Iris has no choice but to accept it.


The Evil G.o.d can"t go out only until they meet the hero.

I got some freedom now.

I appreciate that.


"The person himself has already, so it"s fine to let this story go right?”


Yufilia looks at Jamie. Jamie nods at her.







Cantabridge is a school that raises adventurers.

Of course, it also has training of human resources and other fields, just like a university.

A lot of children from n.o.ble families are enrolled.


It’s reputed to be the number one academy, and not only are there people from the Briton Kingdom, students from other countries aren"t rare either.

The Briton Kingdom is in the middle of the continent, and its capital Rhodan has become an international cosmopolitan city.

In one corner of the capital is Cantabridge Academy.


This cla.s.s is an adventurer training course. Among them, is the top A cla.s.s.

Then there are B cla.s.s and C cla.s.s.

There are about 30 students in a cla.s.s. As it is an adventure course, there are only one or two time in a cla.s.sroom a day.


First is the national language cla.s.s.


A woman with a nice body who was about 30 years old was in charge.


"It looks like we have a transfer student. Hey Ashtal. Read. From the beginning of page 137."

"Ai em aaaa cyat" (translation: I am a cat) "


c.r.a.p. I failed having mental unity.

This is quite difficult.

The cla.s.s was broke out into laughter.


"Ah, I"m not good at talking to ladies."


The national language teacher looks at her materials.


"But I"m happy, I’m still considered a lady.”


The cla.s.s again laughed at the teacher’s deprecating comment.



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