The Briton Kingdom’s bank run was safely resolved.

Unlike after the demon invasion that happened before, as soon as the uproar finished, the city immediately returned to normal.

I’m drinking tea in an open cafe.

Accompanying me is Adrigori.

“That will be 10 Briton copper coins, or 7 Scottyard copper coins.”

This is the line the clerk said to me while I was ordering my tea.

Even in the capital of the Briton Kingdom, Scottyard currency is being used.

At first glance, the city looks peaceful, but the after-effects are still there.

This is a serious problem.

However, to the end, this is matter is something that the country must solve itself.

I have my own problem.

In my hand was a newspaper.

On one side of the newspaper, the case with the Bank of Briton was written in detail.

Along with it, was my photo.

I thought it’d be fine even if I stood out a little back then.

However, as the information spread, I became a celebrity overnight.

“Fufufu. The humans seem to have finally understood the greatness of Ashtal-sama.”

Adrigori makes a satisfied face by reading the newspaper.

Well, that’s not as the Evil G.o.d, but an evaluation as a human though.

“It’s a problem that there’s no fear, but that’s a topic for the future.”

A large amount of newspapers were piled up in front of Adrigori.

“So, what’s with that mountain?”

“It’s so we can distribute them to our companions waiting at the Dark Temple. The evil G.o.ds in Rhodan all decided to buy them today’s newspaper.”

Adrigori speaks happily.

Well, I also wasn’t sure of how I felt about sending those masked people home, without giving them a chance to shine.

Thus, I gave them permission to go sightseeing, but what have they been doing?

“Hey hey, isn’t that guy in the open cafe Ashtal, the guy from the news?”

I heard two far away womens’ conversation.

I had opportunities like this many times today.

They must think that they’re having a secret conversation though.

However, we evil G.o.ds have good ears, so it gets heard.

It’s ‘cause we have our Evil Ears.

“Eh, where?”

“Look, right there.”

“You’re right. He’s the legendary banker who contained Rhodan’s riots.”

That was what was written in the newspaper’s article.

Various newspapers used as much flowery language as possible, and spoke well of me.

A patriotic hero who saved them from a hopeless situation.

The finance magician.

The man who calls miracles.

Transcendently handsome banker.

Transcendently handsome?

Well, I guess it doesn’t matter.

“Why legendary?”

“Read the article. He appeared gallantly, worked as the bank president for a day, then vanished. That’s why they call him legendary.”

“He’s right there though.”

Apparently only one person is in high spirits.

“Also, he’s cool.”

“Eh!? Isn’t he sort of lacking?”

Hey, who’re you calling lacking?

“It’s written in the newspaper isn’t it!? That he’s transcendently handsome.”

With idols, there are cases where you closely look at them, and they’re not that handsome.

However, if they’re pushed as an idol, people will see them as a handsome guy.

Such a phenomenon must be going on.

Of course, there are plenty of women who won’t fall for that kind of thing though.

Those two left while having such a conversation.

Adrigori, who heard also that conversation, whispers into my ear.

“That reminds me, the other day, we went picking up chicks in this area, didn’t we?”

“Ah, that’s a memory I don’t really want to remember that much.”

“I feel like we’ll be able to do it today. A favorable wind is blowing.”

“No. It’s too tiring mentally.”

Things like this will pa.s.s.

After a while it’ll calm down.

Until then it’ll be noisy, but I just have to endure it.


I suddenly hear a voice.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Pl,please give me your autograph!”

With a red face, a young girl hands me a colored paper to sign.


I’ve never even thought about this.

For the time being, just like I carved into Jamie’s weapon, I made my characters subtly distorted

“Th,thank you.”

The little girl hurriedly ran away.

Apparently she had friends around the corner.

I heard some voices say ‘Kyaa’ and ‘That’s nice…’”

“That autograph was nice. I want one too.”

“I’m not giving you one. More importantly, let’s go to a different place.”

And it’s such good weather too.

I wanted to relax in the open cafe, but I won’t be able to calm down like this.

When we got up, a woman in a suit trotted over to us.

“Ah, there you were. I was looking for, president.”

It’s the Bank of Briton’s new hire, Martha.

She was out of breath.

“I’m not the president anymore.”

“Then, honorary president.”

“Does that position even exist?”

I reply amazed, and Martha somewhat excitedly, mixing her movements and gestures, emphasizes.

“Anyways something serious occurred.”

“What is it this time?”

“We were called by the royal castle. They said that His Majesty wanted to personally express his grat.i.tude.”

Martha seems to be impressed.

Well, I guess that’s the normal reaction of a citizen, if someone is called by the king.

However, I’m not interested in the king.

“You could just let the president go.”

“There’s one more problem. They said that if you have that much money, they’d like you to lend it to the government. How should we explain this?”

Martha makes a troubled face.

Well you’d, just say ‘We don’t have that much money,’ and that’d be it.

Will the king be disappointed by that explanation, or will he be furious?

I can’t just force the responsibility of explaining that onto somebody else.

Also, this information needs to be handled carefully.

Especially in regards to the Briton government.

“I understand. I’ll be there.”

I responded like that, and headed for the Bank of Briton.

Since Adrigori went to deliver the newspapers, so he separated from us.

“Meeting His Majesty does make one nervous.”

The president of the Bank of Briton Ben, was already waiting for me in formal attire.

He wipes the sweat from his nervousness with his handkerchief.

I’m also changing into formal clothes.

“You’re the one who’s safe. All you have to do is go *don* and act formal. In the first place, haven’t you had connections with the royal family ever since your grandfather’s generation?”

“Hahaha……recently, that connection has been fading away.”

Ben makes bitter smile.

Well, his bank was on the decline, so it can’t be helped.

I took Ben with me, and transferred to the Briton Kingdom’s royal castle, Wolic.

© 2024