We entered the room we were given.

"Are you okay?"

I offer him a handkerchief.

The place where the Duke of Coldwell"s son hit had turned red and swollen.

"Owowow. I"m okay."

Ben wiped away his blood.

"I"m sorry."

"You don"t have anything to apologize for."

"Since he flared up at me, there was no reason for you go out there and do anything."

"Wawawawa……I lost my cool."

That was the case before too.

I guess he just has that kind of personality.

At that time, the room was knocked.

When I say "Come in", one girl came into the room.

"What? Yufilia?"

She"s not wearing her school uniform, or her battle clothes.

Yufilia was wearing a white dress.

"What is it?"

"When I got back to the castle, I heard you came over, so I came. Wait, that guy"s injured."

Yufilia rushes over to Ben.

Casting "Heal", she cured his wound.

"Thank you very much. I apologize for causing you such trouble, Your Highness."

Ben is feeling grateful.

"What happened?"

Since Yufilia asked, I explained the whole story to her.

"He did that……that"s a common personality among young n.o.bles."

Yufilia spoke shamefully.

Briton is a country that formed by rebuilding land that was burned to the ground during the 6th demonic calamity.

It was founded a little more than 40 years ago.

The ones who became the n.o.bles of this country were those with distinguished service, and were able to survive.

After that, with effort that made them bleed, they restored the land.

That generation, and the generation after that were poor, even though they were n.o.blemen.

However, by the 3rd generation, they"ve become b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who don"t know of hardship.

Their sons were raised strictly, but their grandsons were spoiled, and it became a typical pattern and got even worse.

Thus, a son with that personality is formed. No, even better, a grandson.

"In 10 or 20 years, Briton"s politics are certain to become fun."

"Stop predicting bad futures. Who do you think will have to deal with them then?"

Yufilia holds her head.

She"s the second princess who defeated the Maou and became a hero.

From a common sense point of view, she"ll probably get involved in politics in the future.

Thus, she"ll spend her days being hara.s.sed by n.o.bles of the same generation.

"So, why are you here?"

"Since I heard you"d be having an audience, I prepared myself, but I didn"t make it."

Yufilia goes *kururi*, and rotates once.

Her dress has a beautiful flower pattern on it.

"Fufu, what do you think?"

When Yufilia asked me, I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing my reply, Yufilia gets disappointed.

"She"s asking about her outfit. This is where you would compliment her."

Ben whispers into my ear.

"A, Ah, I think your dress is beautiful."

"It"s really becoming of you."

Ben hurriedly covers for me.

"Haa……I was an idiot for asking."

Yufilia got into a bad mood, and mutters.

"Oh well. Anyways, about this case……"

It"s about what I did the other day.

I did say that I"d explain it at another date.

"I"ll have to explain that to His Majesty too, so come along then."

It"s better to just explain it all at once.

Yufilia nods to my words.

"It"ll take some time for the other audiences to end, so would you like me to show you around the castle?"

Yufilia proposed that, but it didn"t happen.

When were chatting, people who seemed to be Imperial Guards showed up.

Faster than I thought it would take, we were taken to another room.

"Oh, thank you for visiting. Come come, please come in."

The room"s guards were considerably kind when they let us through.

It must be a room used to talk to small numbers of people.

In it are a wonderful chair and table.

Paintings were hung on the walls.

"Mu, Yufilia. Why are you with these people?"

Her father, Richard Ⅱ wonders, and voices his doubts.

"I think I told you this before, but I got a new party member. The one who was added recently is Ashtal."

Richard Ⅱ is greatly surprised by Yufilia"s words.


Richard hurriedly called for some people.

The one who came over was the knight order leader, G.o.dref.

"Was that enough to make you call G.o.dref-san? Well I mean, it"s true that the soldiers over there won"t be able oppose him."

Hearing Yufilia"s words, I understand.

In other words, he"s wary of me.

It"d be impossible for him to fully trust someone he just met for the first time.

Even though he thought of this hand, there"d be no end.

However, learning that I had some skills, there was a need to raise his level of security.

Well, it"d still be useless though.

In the first place, I don"t feel like doing anything, and even if I thought to, this security is pointless.

In the room is the King Richard Ⅱ, and the Treasury Secretary, Eldred. There are also a few security guards.

There"s a lot of them.

"I think you already know what this story"s about, but……"

Richard Ⅱ begins to talk.

"There was that matter, but before that, I have to ask you for a favor."

I interrupt him, and make a proposal.

"What is it?"

"I need to tell you some things of the utmost secrecy, so can you please clear some of the people out of the room."

"These people are the core of the country. Of course, they"ll keep it a secret."

Whether those words are true or not, I don"t know.

Thus, I"d like to avoid taking unneeded risks.

"This is just to make sure, but if possible, I"d like to speak to only His Majesty."

"Do you intend to exclude us?"

The Treasury Secretary Eldred gets into a bad mood.

"We are the most familiar with the finances and budget of this country. We"ll partic.i.p.ate in the negotiations."

The government officials all nod to Eldred"s words.

"What I"m going to talk about isn"t related to that at all. If it is, His Majesty will tell you about it."

They thought I was going to negotiate a huge loan with them.

In order to get it, they"d explain the country"s financial situation. It"d be about the prospects of them being able to pay us back and other stuff like that.

However, that"s not it.

"I guess there"s no choice. You guys leave your seats."

Richard Ⅱ ordered that.

Now that it"s come to this, they will obey.

In the end, the ones who remained in the room were the 5 of us: Me, Ben, Yufilia, Richard Ⅱ, and G.o.dref.

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