Today’s destination was about 300 kilometers away from Rhoden. To a dungeon named Kenjian.


Of course, we moved by warping there.

We’ll being using our weekend to capture the dungeon.

It’s something like going to a training camp.


“So, has this dungeon been captured before?”


I asked the quartet.

This time, everyone’s partic.i.p.ating. Yufilia, Iris, Tiraiza, and Jamie.

I spoke a little slowly, but I’m beginning to get used to it.


It’s my rare first challenge.

It’d be boring to end up just sightseeing while the others are capturing the dungeon,


“In these times, I don’t think it’ll be easy to find an uncaptured dungeon.”


Jamie tells me that it’s not that easy.


“But you know, I think this dungeon has that possibility.”


Says Tiraiza.


This dungeon has an underground structure, but the adventurer who first found it told the Adventurer’s Guild, who decided there was nothing here.

Since then, they’ve come again when interested, but eventually concluded there was nothing here.


“But it’s sort of strange, isn’t it?”


First, this dungeon was just found recently.

As to why it wasn’t found before, it was pretty cleverly camouflaged.


It’s not like there haven’t been cases like this.

In cases like this, there’s a high possibility that highly intelligent creatures dwell here.


Vampires, dragons, and the like are too, but the most annoying ones are demons.

Because we’ve had many wars with the demons and the Maou.

Even when humanity is victorious, it’s not like they kill all the demons.


The demons who survive avoid humans, hide away, and live.

The dungeons that people rarely come to are perfect homes for them.

However, when the dungeon was checked, it seems no intelligent life was found.


That’s another one of this dungeon’s suspicious points.

There’s a pretty big possibility the dungeon was abandoned, and it’s dwellers have come back.

Apparently the creatures found have been creatures with low intelligence, to say, goblins, orcs, and other wild demonic beasts.


“Nothing like that happens here.”

“That is, someone other than an adventurer has been cleaning.”

“Yeah, as expected there are intelligent beings here. There are probably areas we’ve never been to before too.”


When Tiraiza finishes talking, she drinks from a water bottle to moisten her throat.


“In that case, wouldn’t it better to have brought someone with high exploration ability?”


Putting together their conversation, it seems today’s main goal is to look for hidden doors, rooms, and pa.s.sages.


We’re a party of five. A hero, a warrior, a priest, a sage, and an evil G.o.d.

But what we need right now is a thief.


“A lot thieves become spies for different countries. Even if they choose to be adventurers, they’re always in demand and have lots of of requests. There’s no way they’d want to come to the dungeon.”


Iris falls onto her knees.


“What do you think about thieves?”


Jamie asks me.


“Yeah, there’s no way they’d come.”


My setting is that I’m a magical warrior.

I brought a sword I bought for 100 pounds with me today.

Well, evil G.o.ds don’t have any concept of, but we can use magic and weapons, so I was safe.






Naturally, the inside of the dungeon was pitch black.




We each cast our magic. There are type of magic that can be easily used and remembered.

This is one of them.

However, since we had a warrior who couldn’t use magic, she stood near Tiraiza.


The inside was lined with dirt, but instead of having bare earth walls, it was a properly constructed establishment.


Dungeons can be generally cla.s.sified as one of two types.

There are either simple caves that something dug, or complicated ones made by many people. 


The former is dug out by a large monster, like an earth dragon.

There are also caves that humans dug out for mining.


The latter are relics from a prehistoric era, also called the age of myths.

It’s been about 1000 years since the dawn of history.

Of course, there were people living before that, but they led primitive lives, so their are no records.


Several thousand years ago. The age of myths. The time where it is said G.o.ds lived. The world prospered under the protection of the G.o.d.


Many great things were made in this era.

However, a war between the G.o.ds occurred, and everything was destroyed by the time it finished.


Thus, there are no relics of civilization left on the ground

The only things that survived were the underground facilities.





The age of myths had developed more than the world of my past life

It’s a facility that makes me think that.

However, the science and technology of my old world might be better.


This world had instead developed magic-based technology---magical science.

That technology was used in their architecture, and several thousand years later, there were no signs of deterioration.


With a *konkon*, I hit the dungeon wall.

It’s made out of an alloy-like material, just like in my past life.

It’s also strengthened with magic.


To the people of this world, it’d be an unknown metal.


“How do I put it, I don’t really understand relics from the prehistoric era. What’s this wall made of?”


Iris says that with a carefree voice.


“As a sage, I want to research it, but it’s impossible isn’t it?”


In the first place, it’s f.u.c.king hard, and it’d be really hard for a human to break it.

Just then, the magically strengthened wall from the age of myths crumbles into pieces, as if releasing all of the damage it’s acc.u.mulated.

It deteriorates to the point you don’t understand what material it was, so treating and investigating it would be hard.


“Well then, let’s split up and look for hidden rooms or stairs.”


Saying that, Yufilia begins to knock on the walls.


“Don’t s.p.a.ce out and you help to.”


She scolds me.


“N-n-n-u, wut a-a-a-auu d-d-d-d-din? (Translation: No, What are you doing?)”


I was a trembling a little, and fumbled my words. However, it seems the meaning was transmitted.


“The sound changes depending on whether it’s hollow or not.”


Iris demonstrates for me.


“Do you understand? This is the sound it makes when there’s something in the back. It’s probably supported by pillars. And this is the sound it makes when it’s hollow. It makes a slightly higher sound.”


Iris told me with a confident look on her face.

Places that sound hollow might have a hidden opening behind them.


“It’s rare for Iris to be the one explaining things.”

“It’s something that even Iris can easily understand after all.”


It must be satisfying for the Sage-sama to be in charge of commenting.


“Are we by chance going to check all of the dungeon?”


The underground second floor is very wide.

I can’t even imagine when it’ll end.

Also, with this method, the chances of finding a hidden room aren’t that high.


“Yeah. We’ll somehow manage if we divide the labor. There aren’t any monsters here anyways.”

“I’ll check just in case, but do we have a map for this dungeon?”

“I don’t like to make maps for dungeons.”

“Alright, but I’ll be doing it my way.”


Saying that, I went to the back of the dungeon.

I heard Jamie call me selfish, but I ignored it.






It took me about an hour to look around the dungeon. Everything, even inside the rooms.

And taking out a magic pen, I write down the information.


When I returned to the first floor, everyone seemed to be discussing something.


“What did everyone do?”


When I ask that, Yufilia makes a difficult face.


“We were just saying that this is pretty difficult.”


They were looking for places that sounded hollow.

It’s a waste of time to examine all the places that sound hollow and see if there are any hidden doors.


You can’t get across the wall, so you wouldn’t find anything.

To a mysterious s.p.a.ce you can’t go anywhere.

If this was a normal building, it’d be called dead s.p.a.ce. 


“Checking the other side of the wall is hard isn’t it……you go around in circles and take detours, and you easily get lost.”

“Well, that’s right.”


Tiraiza says unhappily when I say my natural impressions.


“But there’s no other way. Do you think it’s easy to find hidden rooms or aisles?”

“Ah, I already found one.”



Everyone is surprised at once by my words.


“What are you saying, didn’t you just walk around randomly?”


In response to Jamie’s words, I take out two pieces of paper.


“Look here.”

“Eh, is this a map of the dungeon?”


Yufilia opens her eyes.


“Yeah, you can see the suspicious s.p.a.ces easily if you look at a map.”


Of course, there are over 10 places. However, there were 3 obviously suspicious places.


“You can make such a precise map in just an hour?”


Tiraiza glances at me and stares.


“Yeah, if it’s me. Because I got the map in my head just by walking around.”


It should be called the ability to grasp s.p.a.ce.

People who memorize the path after just walking around once have high ability.

On the other hand, those who often get lost have low spatial grasping ability.

Sort of like looking at a map of a path you usually walk on, and getting shocked.


However, my ability is in a different league than humans.

Like in computer graphics, there’s a 3D cross-section view of the dungeon in my head.

I just had to draw it on paper.


“Amazing……like this, we practically already know where the hidden rooms are.”


Yufilia raises a voice of praise.


“I’m guess I’m the opposite……I still get lost on the way to the kingdom.”


It’s not like I don’t understand Iris’ feelings. In my past life I was someone who often got lost.

But once I got into this body, I started to naturally understand the information while walking.

To an evil G.o.d, this is an ability that isn’t displayed in the status.


“If you have such a convenient special ability, you’ve pretty much moved up from a temporary member to a regular.”


Through the suggestion of Tiraiza, I quickly got a subst.i.tute t.i.tle as a temporary member.

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