A survivor of fourth demonic calamity.

The words of Fumeless shocked everyone.


“Lies! There’s no way you’d still be alive!”


Tiraiza screams.

It’s not like all the demons were killed.

However, the executives rarely do.

Also, he shouldn’t have been able to hide.


In the first place, demons tend to be belligerent, and very rarely run.

That’s why, by the time the Maou is killed, the top executives have typically died in battle.


On the off chance they do run, they’re put on the top of the wanted list.

If a top executives is still alive, humans wouldn’t be able to live with peace of mind.


“I’m not lying…should I show you? My power, that is?”


The pressure of his maki rises even more, and everyone slowly moves to retreat.


“We should escape here.”


I suggest calmy.

He’ll try to pursue us, but if we run through the transfer gate we can warp to escape.


We decided it’d be the best decision to escape, and under the leadership of Yufilia, we left the castle.

Fumeless didn’t try to pursue us.


The moment we left the castle, something came into my sight.

It was something that surpa.s.sed my expectations.




There were demons outside. They were probably those follow Fumeless----over 1000 demons.


“There’s too many of them……this isn’t a number that can be stored in a dungeon, you know.”


While I was complaining, Fumeless came up from behind me.


“To leave even though I hadn’t finished my story, the hero party is really impatient.”

“Your story?”


Yufilia glared at Fumeless.


“If you spend 400 years in obscurity, you’d come to want to talk to humans too.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If I’m forced to say it, it’d be bragging I guess, there are 1000 members in my army.”

“Do you think that you can beat humanity with that number?”


Yufilia’s words aren’t a bluff.

At the time of birth of the Maou, there are ten to several ten times the demons we have here.


With just this many, humanity won’t be threatened.

Only if you look at numbers, that is.


“There aren’t many surviving demons. I had quite the trouble scouting them. Especially the ones who were sneaking around.”


The demons surround us.

We form a circle.




I can see impatience on Yufilia’s face.

She, who is a hero and a leader, must be desperately seeking a way out of this dilemma.


“It’s not reckless to think we can conquer humanity with just 1000 demons. Numbers are power. That’s why I increased them. These guys that is!”


As if responding to the words of Fumeless, soldiers came out of the castle one after the other.


Golems, skeleton warriors, and other magical creatures.

Ghouls, dragon zombies, and other undead monsters.


“These are……exactly how many are there!?”


Yufilia’s face pales in despair.


“I stopped counting their numbers a long time ago!”


Their numbers are in the tens of thousands. No, more than that.

For 400 years, it seems he kept making magical creatures through endowment magicEnchantment, and undeads through undead magicNecromancy.



Even though we were already in a desperate situation, since we were surrounded by tens of thousands more enemies, there’s nothing we can do.

Everyone must be thinking that.


Iris and Jamie had pale faces and were shivering while readying their weapons.


Tiraiza was muttering something in a quiet voice.

However, with my Evil Ears, I was able to hear it.


“If I release all my magic power and self-destruct……how many can I take with me…?”


She’s trying to find us a way out by sacrificing herself.

I gently grasp the hand of such a Tiraiza.




---It’ll be fine. Just leave it to me.




I said it so quietly that it’s doubtful if she heard me or not.

I wonder if she heard me? She seemed to be out of it, but she nodded.


Yufilia is looking at Fumeless.


She readies Divine Sword Ridiru, and lights her spirit.


“Yufi! Stop it!”


Without listening to my words, Yufilia turned to Fumeless.


Just like that, with her sword stuck out, Yufilia charged toward Fumeless.




Fumeless forms a barrier to defend.

When Ridiru and the barrier collide, a violent sound echoes, and the barrier is cut down.




When Fumeless realizes his barrier broke, he avoided it by jumping sideways.


“I can make it! If it’s Ridiru then!”


Yufilia charges toward Fumeless again.

However, Ridiru which is stuck out it front is pushed up by a strong force from beneath it and flutters throught the air.

The sword was blown away by Fumeless’ claw.


Yufilia looks at the sword which was blown out of her hand.


“You were immature.”


Fumeless aims at Yufilia, and releases a kick.


I take Yufilia, who has been blown away.




Iris casts Heal on Yufilia who is bleeding from the mouth.


“Looking at a sword and away from your enemy is proof you’re obsessed with that sword.”


Fumeless picks up Fumeless, which is sticking in the ground.


“However, it’s not like I can’t understand that. Divine Sword Ridiru. One of the legendary weapons that the hero used to kill our Maou-sama. Even a little girl like you was able to break my barrier with it.”

“Re, Return that!”

“I can’t do that. Leaving you aside, this is dangerous.”


At the end of Yufilia’s treatment, I speak in a tiny voice.


“We’re drawing back now.”

“How!? We’re completely surrounded.”

“We’ll break through in a line!”


Answering Yufilia, I cast magic.




Towards the direction of the exit, a huge tornado appears, and the demons are blown away one after the other.


“Hurry up let’s go!”

“Even if you say that, if we run through a tornado we’ll also get blown away.”

“That’ll disappear soon, just run!”


When I say that in a strong tone of voice, the 4 people begin to run.

Just as I said, the tornado disappears.

When the tornado appears, the demons try to chase them. However-----




A tornado much bigger than before appears. I made it so that the girls and the exit are in the center.

In the middle, there is no gust.

Now they’ll be able to escape.




At almost the same time I release the next magic.

A spell that manipulates gravity. This makes my body light.

The second tornado gust is within range of me.


Nothing will really happen if I’m blown away, but this is a matter of looking cool.




Fumeless was watching me with interest.

The high-ranked demons cause their maki to overflow, and endure being blown away.


There are about 5 other than Fumeless.

I presume their survivors of the fourth great demonic calamity.


Yufilia and the girls have noticed I didn’t follow them, and are hesitating.

Yufilia’s mouth is moving.

In this gust of wind, you normally wouldn’t be able to hear it.


“There’s no way we can leave Ashtal alone here!”


However, I was able to hear them with my Evil Ear.

I silently point at the exit, telling them to hurry up and leave.


They finally make their decision, and enter the transfer gate.


The remaining hundred thousand troops surround me.


“Who the h.e.l.l are you? Out of the 5 of you, not only did you have the least aura, I couldn’t feel anything at all. However, since you were able to use that level of magic, you’re obviously not a normal human.”


I composedly stick my hands in my pockets and look at Fumeless.

The demon seems to be dissatisfied with my att.i.tude.


“And that att.i.tude, unlike the ones from before, you don’t seem to be afraid.” 


Up until now, I was worried about those 4.

But now, I don’t have anything to be afraid of.

Even while surrounded by 100,000 enemies, there’s not much difference to when I’m drinking coffee with the old man.


“You weren’t going to kill us anyways.”

“Hou, you noticed?”


Fumeless makes a surprised face.


“Even if it’s a little girl like that, a hero is a hero. If I tried to seal her mouth by killing her, this dungeon would be suspected. In the end, the time has come. I’m getting sick of living in this dungeon.”

“That sounds like fun.”

“Ah, demons are born with hostility to humans. Along with a fighting spirit and an impulse to destroy.”


That is the law of this world. Was that a rule created by a G.o.ds, or was it already like this when they came to this world.

No matter which it is, demons have no choice but to follow it.


“You should live and tell people of our horror. It’d be more interesting that way.”

“Don’t you understand!”


Fumeless gave me two hands in getting my will.

Well, I’ve been watching the demons for a while.

Rather than humans, I understand the thought process of demons better.


There are enemies. So they kill them. They ma.s.sacre them.

There are enemies. Thus, they’re allowed to live suffer.


There are those two patterns.

The fourth generation Maou thought the latter.


“That’s why, can I just go home now?’




I thought that if I tried to leave now it’d be overlooked.


“In the first place, there’s no need for everyone to go home. It’s fine with just one person.”


Indeed, it might even be worse if only one survives.


“You’re not afraid of us, and we don’t know your ident.i.ty. As expected, we can’t let you leave and let this opportunity pa.s.s by.”

“Is that so? But sorry, I’m not allowed to fight. That’s a rule.”


The demons are the natural enemy of humanity. It wouldn’t be good if an Evil G.o.d suddenly interfered with that.


“A rule? Who the h.e.l.l are you!?”

“If you want to know, you should come back to me through the right procedures.”


As if my existence itself were disappearing, my body gradually becomes thinner.


“A transition technique!? That’s ridiculous, this s.p.a.ce should have had that sealed!”


That recognition is a mistake. Normal transition techniques just can’t be used in subs.p.a.ces, that aren’t the real world.

For Evil G.o.ds that were originally born in subs.p.a.ces, we have a technique that allows us to transfer even in here.

My figure went on to disappear from the subs.p.a.ce.






A Demon General from the fourth demonic calamity was alive.

That information should’ve spread to the Briton Kingdom from the 4 heroes.


And mankind will be forced to realize.

That the fourth demonic calamity isn’t over.


Humanity will remember.

Their past where of dying without achieving anything.

The humiliation of being forced to submit.

The torment of being tyrannized.

The fear demons.


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