With the signal to start, my opponents surround me.

“I should have warned you the other day. To know your place.”

“This is your punishment for breaking it.”

The men *geragera* laugh.

They have no doubt that they’re superior.

“Hou, what’ll happen if I don’t know my place?”

“This is what’s going to happen!”

Responding to my words, one man slashes me with his sword from my front.

There’s also one trying to stab me from the back with a spear.

However, I avoid the spear right before it stabs me, and it strikes the abdomen of the person in front.


Since he was struck by a comrade, he was s.p.a.cing out, and I hit him.

Then I grab the man with the spear, and throw him into the distance.

I throw him over to the rescue team.

They hurriedly treated him.

“Does he have eyes on the back of the his head or something? He avoided them perfectly.”

Such a voice can be heard from the gallery.

Evil Vision. It’s like a moving camera that can see anywhere.

I was using it to look behind me.

“Don’t get so c.o.c.ky just because you beat people from C cla.s.s! Go!”

Everyone of them hurries over here.

Well, it’s from here on.


I release my jaki.

However, it seems the others perceive it as ninkijinki.

“What!? What’s with this aura!?”


Mu? Did I release too much?

It’s not like the ring isn’t working, and they felt my jaki right?

If it was that, this would be a huge failure.




After all, I have a time restriction.

Even while I’m worrying about these things, I have to clean them up.

I blow away a small fry with a flick to the head.

By punching and kicking them, I make it so the others can’t fight anymore.


They take distance, and fire magic.



“Wind cutter!”

Various magics fly over here, and I don’t avoid them.

I don’t activate my barrier either.

When their magic touches my jaki, it quickly disappears.

“Hard, it’s too hard!”

“I can’t break through his ki’s defense.”

Since they were dumbfounded, and didn’t even try to attack me, I KO-ed them one by one.

When only 3 people remained, I restrain my jaki.

It’s the time limit of the ring.


Yufilia raises a voice of wonder.

“I knew he was hiding his ability, but to think it was to this extent……”

Tiraiza can’t hide her surprised expression.

“Why was there a need for him to hide it?”

“He must have personal circ.u.mstances……some people just don’t want others to know their abilities too.”

Iris resolves Jamie’s doubts.

The remaining 3 have already lost their spirit.

When I thought I wouldn’t need to do any more, but I heard a distant voice.

“Don’t show a disgraceful figure! Continue!”

Vincent screams while grinding his teeth.

For them, the Vincent must have been scarier than being beaten by me.

The 3 resolve themselves, and come towards me.


You think he’s scarier than me?

I couldn’t forgive the 3 who thought so.

Thus, I hit one. Considerably powerfully.

Making a *mekimekimeki* sound, his body bent in a strange way.

He flew all the way to the distant fence, and stopped moving.

Since he’s someone from A cla.s.s, I don’t think he’ll die.

He’s pretty tough.

The remaining two’s faces pale.

They were trying to say something while panicking.

However, before they got to say anything, I moved.

I kick the remaining two.

They soared a few tens of meters.

And at the top of their arc right where they stopped moving, I prepare magic----

“Stop! Ashtal, stop!”

Before I could, the teacher stopped me.

I use levitation magic, and stopped the two of them from falling.

The 3 of them are seriously hurt.

The people from the rescue team hurriedly put them on stretchers.

“Amazing……what a guy.”

The arena was filled with cheering.

“I guess that’s expected from a guy who got into the hero party.”

“I see how, this is why you got Serena-sama’s personal recommendation.”

I heard such voices of praise.

I was supposed to have entered this school with that recommendation?

“Don’t screw with me……I can’t accept this result!”

Vincent is *purupuru* trembling.

His plan to use 20 of his followers to beat me down in public was completely reversed on him.

It’s not like he even fought personally.

Since, Vincent himself isn’t strong, he’s the type to make other people fight for him.

Vincent’s pride won’t allow him to have his followers utterly defeated like this.

“Well then, will you fight now?”

When I ask him that, with a face distorted by humiliation, Vincent leaves.

The usual 4 people came up to me.

“Why is everyone so excited?”

“That’s probably due to Vincent’s personality.”

Tiraiza speaks indifferently.

The school is littered with his many followers.

Even the teachers have to stay silent and ignore his selfishness.

Since he barked such bulls.h.i.t, everyone seems to be thinking ‘serves you right.’

“This academy has people from many countries, so there aren’t very many of them who like the Scottyard Kingdom.”

I nod.

An important person from one of the major powers would mainly be disliked.

Naturally however, there doesn’t seem to be anyone who’s able to tell him that to his face.

Thus, they stay hidden in the shadows. 

“By the way, it’s about my fight but……”

There was more fuss than I expected.

If some of them felt my jaki, I’d have a lot of problems.

“A,ah, your ninkijinki was amazing.”

Jamie honestly praises me.


She called it ninkijinki.

It seems that ring worked properly.

Feeling relieved, I calm my heart.

“Aren’t you in the cla.s.s as my older sister?”


By older sister, she means the hero who defeated Maou Lamelept 4 years ago, Fiona Spencer.

“Is your senior as a hero that strong?”

“Nn, we might be able win with the 4 of us. Ah, of course this is without our Divine Swords, those are too strong to be used in practice battles.”

Yufilia answers with a little thought.

Not to mention humans, the Divine Swords are weapons that should originally be used by people far stronger than the Maou.

Even if humans defend themselves at full power, they’ll be easily cut through.

“But how do I say this, your aura was a little hard to grasp. It seemed a little different from other peoples’……”

Yufilia tilts her head.

Well, I guess the ring couldn’t perfectly disguise it.

“Anyways, between you and my older sister, we won’t know who’s stronger until you try fighting.”

“That sounds interesting.”

The one who suddenly interrupted the conversation was a woman with brilliant pink hair.

It was Fiona Spencer, who just came up in the conversation.

Although she said it sounded interesting, her face had no sign of a smile, and her eyes showed she was wary of me.


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