Today’s topic is why people won’t come to the Dark Temple.


The Dark Temple quietly appears after the last boss, the Maou has been defeated.

To be exact, caves that lead it to appear, though.


While the Maou is alive, it doesn’t appear.

Thus, no one can enter it.

Well, the evil G.o.ds have a special transfer technique, so they can freely warp away though.


It’s not like we’re sealed away. We’re free.

However, it’s not like we can just say ‘Thank you for freeing me, humanity is finished’,  as it isn’t a real boss’ style.

Wouldn’t that setting have been better? I want to tell G.o.d that.


Information about the evil G.o.ds, only exist in a small village in a certain mountain.

If someone worthy comes, they are told the stories.

They have the role of managing that flag.


By someone worthy, I mean someone who has defeated a Maou.

Typically, such a person wouldn’t visit a village in the mountains to collect information.


It’s not even written in a walkthrough book, and it’s not like they could just read a walkthrough site.

Thus, no one came.


“Do you understand up until this point? We need to think about ways to break down the current situation.”


When the old man confirms, everyone nods.


“We can’t change the village’s methods, and we’re not allowed to advertise ourselves. These are the rules G.o.d set down.”

“What happens if we break the rule anyways?”


The 1st corps captain Adrigori raises his doubt.


“You’ll suffer greatly. The source is Evil G.o.d-sama.”


The 8th corps captain Morgan answers.


“I just broke it slightly and got bedridden for a whole month. That was painful.”


I remember that time.

It felt like I was under a harsh curse.

It was seriously painful.


In fact, I didn’t even break the rule we just stated.

I broke a rule that I set myself for a moment.


I told G.o.d that I wouldn’t leave the Dark Temple until the hero visited.


Under that condition, I was allowed to release magic from the Dark Temple to the human world.

I tried an experiment.


The Dark Temple has a function that connects this subs.p.a.ce and the human world----a dimensional linking ability.

I connected us, and *Don* shot magic.


I thought this would be safe, be it wasn’t.

After that, I suffered a lot.


“Was it trivial?”


Morgan tilted his head.


It’s like that to me.






“What’s the Dark Temple?”


I was suddenly asked that question.


“A house? No, is it a castle? I think it’s a castle called a temple.”


Adrigori seriously answers


“That’s not what I wanted to ask. This is a dungeon, and the current humanity has little interest in dungeons.”


If you ask why they’re not interested, then it’s simple.

There’s no profit.


In normal games, you can only capture dungeons alone.

That way, all the dungeon’s treasures belong to you alone.


In online games, there’s a system that restores monsters and treasures after a while.

Thus, you compete for it.


There’s also a system in which a lot of dungeons are made, the instance dungeon type.

These systems can’t be replicated in reality.


If we talk about what happens in reality, then almost n.o.body finds treasure after it’s captured once.

Well, there’s the possibility that they just pa.s.sed by hidden treasures, but that possibility is low.

Thus, there’s no one who goes out of their way to search various dungeons.


“In other words, by giving humans interest in dungeons, we can raise the possibility that someone will come to the Dark Temple.”

“I see. They’d come since this is the top dungeon, and has the highest degree of difficulty in the world.”


The 13th corps captain Jeko consents.


“But how should we go about it?”


What people want is profit.

Let’s leave treasure boxes.

It’ll be even better if we place bosses before them.


“As long as there’s profit, people will visit the dungeon, someday, somebody will visit the Dark Temple.”

“I can understand your point, but who’s going to do this, and how?”


Adrigori asks.


“You guys will.”


When I say that, the corps captains all glance at each other.


“You’re making us evil G.o.ds put treasure in the dungeons!?”


Jeko gets stunned and surprised.



“Well then, we’ll also be the bosses I guess. That sounds unexpectedly fun. Let’s decide our dialogue for when enemies come.”

“No, if the corps heads fight then the humans won’t have any chance of winning, even if we release our weakest monsters.”


In the first place, it’s out of the question to deploy the evil G.o.ds with their jaki released. 


Thus, we’ll have dungeon rules.


The treasure boxes will be randomly placed at fixed intervals. A week to a month seems fine.

So that we’re not exposed, extinguish our jaki as much as possible.


Also, we’ll place weak monsters in the dungeon.

We’ll get them by kidnapping them from other places.


The boss will be placed in the back.

The midboss could be anything an evil G.o.d summons.

Even that’ll still present a threat to humans.


I’d like to make traps and stuff, but let’s push that off for now.


Let’s narrow down to working on 5 target dungeons.

Managing a lot of dungeons at the same time would be tough, since we’re just starting out.

We’ll consider expanding in the future.


“By the way, what will the treasure be?”


The 5th corps captain Gareth asks as if he just remembered.


“There’s enough to rot in the temple, isn’t there?”

“That’s true.”


Get rid of some of this temple’s treasure.

It’s not like the treasure chests need an enormous amount of treasure.

We have enough to last a few years.


If our funds become strict, we’ll just have to have another discussion.


“Don’t put in weapons or magic items that are too strong.”

“Understood. We won’t put in the Divine Sword or something.”

“That weapon isn’t even here anymore.”

“That’s right, wasn’t it?”


Gareth thoughtlessly hit himself on the head.

After that, we ended up discussing the actual operations, and finished that day’s meeting.


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