147 Mendon. L.M.

_The Lord is Risen Indeed._ (319)

The morning kindles all the sky; The heavens resound with anthems high; The shining angels, as they speed, Proclaim, "The Lord is risen indeed."

2 Vainly with rocks his tomb was barred While Roman guards kept watch and ward; Majestic from the spoiled tomb, In pomp of triumph he has come!

3 When the amazed disciples heard, Their hearts with speechless joy were stirred; Their Lord"s beloved face to see, Eager they haste to Galilee.

4 His pierced hands to them he shows; His face with love"s own radiance glows; They with the angel"s message speed, And shout, "The Lord is risen indeed!"

Latin Tr. by Mrs. E. Charles.

148 Harmony Grove. L.M.

_Christ the Unsetting Sun._ (320)

Hail! morning known among the blest, Morning of hope, and joy, and love, Of heavenly peace, and holy rest, Pledge of the endless rest above.

2 Blest be the Father of our Lord, Who from the dead hath brought his Son; Hope to the lost was then restored, And everlasting glory won.

3 Mercy looked down with smiling eye When our Immanuel left the dead; Faith marked his bright ascent on high, And hope with gladness raised her head.

E. Wardlaw, 1814.

149 Baltzell. L.M.

_My Redeemer Lives._

I know that my Redeemer lives!

What comfort this sweet sentence gives; He lives, he lives, who once was dead; He lives, my ever-living Head.

2 He lives, to bless me with his love; He lives, to plead for me above; He lives, my hungry soul to feed; He lives, to bless in time of need;

3 He lives, to grant me rich supply; He lives, to guide me with his eye; He lives, to comfort me when faint; He lives, to hear my soul"s complaint;

4 He lives, my kind, wise, heav"nly Friend; He lives, and loves me to the end; He lives, and while he lives I"ll sing; He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.

5 He lives, all glory to his name!

He lives, my Savior still the same-- Oh, the sweet joy this sentence gives: I know that my Redeemer lives.

Samuel Medley, 1789.

150 Dort. 6s & 4s.

_Glorious Conqueror._ (329)

Rise, glorious Conqueror, rise, Into thy native skies, a.s.sume thy right; And where, in many a fold, The clouds are backward rolled; Pa.s.s thro" these gates of gold, And reign in light.

2 Victor o"er death and h.e.l.l, Cherubic legions swell The radiant strain; Praises all heav"n inspire; Each angel sweeps his lyre, And claps his wings of fire; Thou Lamb, once slain.

3 Enter, incarnate G.o.d!

No feet but thine have trod The serpent down; Blow the full trumpets, blow!

Wider your portals throw!

Savior, triumphant, go And take thy crown.

4 Lion of Judah, hail!

And let thy name prevail From age to age; Lord of the rolling years, Claim for thine own the spheres, For thou hast bought with tears Thine heritage.

Matthew Bridges, 1848.

151 Harwell. 8s & 7s. D.

_Jesus Reigns._ (354)

Hark! ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above; Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices; Jesus reigns, the G.o.d of love; See, he sits on yonder throne; Jesus rules the world alone.

2 King of glory! reign forever-- Thine an everlasting crown; Nothing, from thy love, shall sever Those whom thou hast made thine own; Happy objects of thy grace, Destined to behold thy face.

3 Savior! hasten thine appearing; Bring, oh, bring the glorious day When, the awful summons hearing, Heaven and earth shall pa.s.s away;-- Then, with golden harps, we"ll sing,-- "Glory to our King!"

Thomas Kelly, 1806.

152 Harwell. 8s & 7s. D.

_The Return to Heaven._ (353)

Jesus comes, his conflict over,-- Comes to claim his great reward; Angels round the Victor hover, Crowding to behold their Lord; Haste, ye saints! your tribute bring, Crown him, everlasting King.

2 Yonder throne for him erected, Now becomes the Victor"s seat; Lo, the man on earth rejected!

Angels worship at his feet: Haste, ye saints! your tribute bring, Crown him, everlasting King.

3 Day and night they cry before him,-- "Holy, holy, holy, Lord!"

All the powers of heaven adore him, All obey his sovereign word; Haste, ye saints! your tribute bring, Crown him, everlasting King.

Thomas Kelly, 1804.

153 Harwell. 8s & 7s. D.

_We Live in Him._ (333)

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