_Her Enemies Confounded._ (925)

Zion stands with hills surrounded, Zion kept by power divine!

All her foes shall be confounded, Tho" the world in arms combine.

Happy Zion, What a favored lot is thine!

2 Ev"ry human tie may perish, Friend to friend unfaithful prove, Mothers cease their own to cherish, Heaven and earth at last remove; But no changes Can attend Jehovah"s love.

3 In the furnace G.o.d may prove thee, Thence to bring thee forth more bright, But can never cease to love thee-- Thou art precious in his sight: G.o.d is with thee-- G.o.d, thine everlasting light.

Thomas Kelly, 1804

441 Zion. 8s, 7s, & 4s.

_The Gospel Herald._ (926)

On the mountain"s top appearing, Lo! the sacred herald stands, Welcome news to Zion bearing-- Zion long in hostile lands: Mourning captive!

G.o.d himself shall loose thy bands.

2 Has thy night been long and mournful?

Have thy friends unfaithful proved?

Have thy foes been proud and scornful?

By thy sighs and tears unmoved?

Cease thy mourning; Zion still is well beloved.

3 G.o.d, thy G.o.d, will now restore thee; He himself appears thy Friend; All thy foes shall flee before thee; Here their boasts and triumph end; Great deliverance Zion"s King will surely send.

Thomas Kelly, 1804

442 Zion. 8s, 7s, & 4s.

_Prayer for a Revival._ (923)

Savior, visit thy plantation; Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain; All will come to desolation, Unless thou return again.

Lord, revive us!

All our help must come from thee.

2 Keep no longer at a distance; Shine upon us from on high, Lest, for want of thine a.s.sistance, Every plant should droop and die.

Lord, revive us!

All our help must come from thee.

3 Let our mutual love be fervent!

Make us prevalent in prayers; Let each one, esteemed thy servant, Shun the world"s bewitching snares.

Lord, revive us!

All our help must come from thee.

4 Break the tempter"s fatal power, Turn the stony heart to flesh, And begin, from this good hour, To revive thy work afresh.

Lord, revive us!

All our help must come from thee.

John Newton, 1779

443 Austria. 8s, 7s. D.

_The Glory of the Church._ (921)

Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our G.o.d!

He, whose word cannot be broken, Formed thee for his own abode; On the Rock of Ages founded, What can shake thy sure repose?

With salvation"s walls surrounded, Thou mayest smile at all thy foes.

2 See! the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters, And all fear of want remove; Who can faint, while such a river, Ever flows their thirst t" a.s.suage?-- Grace, which, like the Lord, the Giver, Never fails from age to age.

3 Round each habitation hovering, See the cloud and tire appear, For a glory and a covering, Showing that the Lord is near!

Thus deriving from their banner, Light by night, and shade by day, Safe they feed upon the manna Which he gives them when they pray.

John Newton, 1779.

444 Austria. 8s, 7s. D.

_Isa. 54:10._

Zion, dreary and in anguish, "Mid the desert hast thou strayed!

Oh, thou weary, cease to languish; Jesus shall lift up thy head.

Still lamenting and bemoaning, "Mid thy follies and thy woes!

Soon repenting and returning, All thy solitude shall close.

2 Though benighted and forsaken, Though afflicted and distressed; His almighty arm shall waken; Zion"s King shall give thee rest: Cease thy sadness, unbelieving; Soon his glory shalt thou see!

Joy and gladness, and thanksgiving, And the voice of melody!

Thos. Hastings

445 Austria. 8s, 75. D.

_The Heralds of the Gospel._ (1048)

Onward, onward, men of heaven Bear the gospel"s banner high; Rest not, till its light is given, Star of every pagan sky: Send it where the pilgrim stranger Paints beneath the torrid ray; Bid the red-browed forest-ranger Hail it, ere he fades away.

2 Rude in speech, or grim in feature, Dark in spirit, though they be, Show that light to every creature-- Prince or va.s.sal, bond or free: Lo! they haste to every nation: Host on host the ranks supply: Onward! Christ is your salvation, And your death is victory.

Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney.

446 Baca. L.M.

_Save the Perishing._ (1021)

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